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词汇 Qaradawi
释义 QaradawiCOCA²⁰⁰⁵⁶⁷
It says something about the mood of religious conservatism on the Egyptian street that Mr Qaradawi's ruling was seen as “playing to the gallery”.
埃及街头出现了宗教保守主义情绪,因而卡拉达维的裁决被认为是“哗众取宠”。 ecocn

The range of reactions that Mr Qaradawi evokes is vast.
然而,卡拉达维引起的反响是巨大的。 ecocn

Their following may be tiny compared with the adulation enjoyed by Mr Qaradawi.
可能与卡拉达维所受的吹捧相比,这一派的追随者势单力薄。 ecocn

In a hefty new book, titled “The Jurisprudence of Jihad”, Mr Qaradawi restates his belief in the right of Muslims to resist“ aggression”, and“ foreign occupation”.
在他一本名为《圣战的法理学》的厚重的新书中,卡拉达维重申了他的信念:穆斯林有权反抗“侵略”和“外国占领”。 ecocn

Mr Abbas’s PA responded by decking the West Bank in posters showing Mr Qaradawi hugging ultra- orthodox Jews at interfaith meetings, with the caption“ Qaradawi meets Israelis”.
作为回应,阿巴斯的巴民族权力机构将约旦河西岸放在海报中,意在说明卡拉达维在各教派的会议中拥护那些极端正统的犹太人,并且附加说明:卡拉达维会见以色列人。 ecocn

Mr Qaradawi,84, is sometimes said to be the most influential living Sunni Muslim scholar.
年届84的卡拉达维时而还被誉为当今最富影响力的逊尼派穆斯林学者。 ecocn

Mr Qaradawi, by contrast, has suggested that genital cutting is permissible so long as the clitoris is“ reduced in size”, not removed entirely.
相反,卡拉达维则认为,只要阴蒂只是“减小尺寸”,而不是完全被割除,那么割礼就是允许的。 ecocn

Repeating his call for a “ middle path”, away from either defeatism or destructive zeal, Mr Qaradawi suggests that the best arena for today’s jihad may be the “ realm of ideas, media and communication.”
格尔达威反复呼吁其“中和路线”,既不是失败主义,也不是毁灭性的狂热,他提出今天“圣战”的最佳竞技场或许是“观点、媒体和交流的领域”。 ecocn

Sheikh Qaradawi also underlined the need for artistic and media responses.

So hot that leading Sunni cleric Yusuf al- Qaradawi called for construction in Gulf states to be halted for Ramadan, the holy month during which Muslims fast in the daytime.
天气如此炎热,以至著名逊尼长老优素福.阿尔-卡塔维呼吁,在穆斯林们白天禁食的神圣月份——斋月里,海湾地区的建筑工地应当集体停工。 yeeyan

Yusuf al- Qaradawi, the Egyptian- born star preacher on the Al Jazeera satellite channel, has proved a powerful cheerleader for protest movements everywhere.
于埃及出生的半岛电台卫星频道的明星传教士尤素福•卡拉达维一直在带头为全球的抗议活动摇旗呐喊。 ecocn




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