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词汇 Qaeda
释义 QaedaCOCA⁵⁶⁴⁶

a terrorist network intensely opposed to the United States that dispenses money and logistical support and training to a wide variety of radical Islamic terrorist groups; has cells in more than 50 countries In August2004 officials claimed to have thwarted another terrorist attempt after a suspected al- Qaeda computer expert arrested in Pakistan was found to have photographs of the airport.
2004年八月官方声明破获了另一场恐怖袭击。一个疑是基地组织成员的电脑专家在巴基斯坦被捕,并且拥有该机场的照片。 ecocn

Very little is known about the first woman to become a suicide bomber for Al Qaeda in Iraq, except that she dressed as a man.
基地组织的第一个女子人体炸弹在伊拉克爆炸。 不过人们对此知之甚少,除了知道这个女子乔装成了男人。 yeeyan

But the real spark flashed after David Rohde of the Times and I found reams of Al Qaeda and Taliban records in Afghanistan in late 2001.
但是真正给我灵感的是大卫罗德。 同时,2001年,我在阿富汗发现大量关于基地组织和恐怖组织的文件。 yeeyan

But even as we put relentless pressure on al Qaeda, we’re ending the war in Iraq and beginning to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.
但是即便当我们给基地组织无情压力的同时,我们也正在结束在伊拉克的战争并开始把我们的军队从阿富汗撤回国。 yeeyan

But many opposition protesters say that Mr Saleh is exploiting and even exaggerating the threat of al- Qaeda to retain the backing of Western powers.
但许多反对派抗议人士认为,萨利赫只是利用甚至是夸大基地组织的威胁来保住西方大国的支持。 ecocn

For nearly a decade, the battle against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere has also united us.
近十年来,在阿富汗,在巴基斯坦,还有其他地方,和“基地”组织的对抗也让我们走到了一起。 yeeyan

He faced severe pressure even before Tunisia’s turmoil, with tribal unrest in the north, separatism in the south and al- Qaeda in the east and elsewhere.
他在突尼斯动乱之前就已面临沉重的压力:北部的部族叛乱,南部的分离运动,东部和其他地方的基地组织压力。 yeeyan

I also needed George in the fight against al Qaeda and terrorism.
而且,在打击基地组织和恐怖主义方面,我也离不开他。 yeeyan

I set a goal that was narrowly defined as disrupting, dismantling, and defeating al Qaeda and its extremist allies, and pledged to better coordinate our military and civilian effort.
我设立了一个目标,也就是要扰乱、解散、打败基地组织和它的极端同盟,承诺让我们的军队和人民的努力达到更好的协调。 yeeyan

It would rather look away from our struggle, and, increasingly, would rather blame us than Al Qaeda.
它宁愿从我们的战斗中转移视线,而且,渐渐地宁可指责我们而不是基地组织。 yeeyan

Leaving aside the debate in America about what ties global Al Qaeda has to Al Qaeda in Iraq, Iraqis overwhelmingly think that they have indeed been fighting an arm of Osama bin Laden’s organization.
撇开在美国发生的有关全球基地组织和伊拉克基地组织有何关联的争论,伊拉克人固执地认为他们的确与奥萨马•本•拉登组织的武装力量进行着不懈的斗争。 yeeyan

Most of the intelligence establishment in Washington, DC, thinks that the real front in the fight against al- Qaeda is Pakistan and Afghanistan, not Iraq.
华盛顿的大部分情报机构认为与基地组织作战的真正的前线应该是在巴基斯坦和阿富汗,而不是伊拉克。 ecocn

Obama administration officials point to the benefits of bringing the fight against Al Qaeda and other militants into the shadows.
奥巴马内阁的官员们指出,在暗中打击基地组织和其他的武装分子有很多的好处。 yeeyan

The goal that we seek is achievable, and can be expressed simply: No safe haven from which al Qaeda or its affiliates can launch attacks against our homeland or our allies.
我们寻求的目标是可以达到的,也是可以简单表达的:让基地组织及其附庸失去用来攻击我们的国土和我们的盟国的避风港。 ebigear

These are anathema to the other Palestinian factions, which do not want to be dragged into the West's war with al- Qaeda.
这些极端组织为那些不希望自己被基地组织和西方的战争拖下水的其他巴勒斯坦派别所唾弃。 ecocn

Training camps run by al- Qaeda and Taliban groups have multiplied in secure border regions over the past few years.
在过去几年,基地组织和塔利班领导的训练营地成在安全的边界地区成倍增长。 yeeyan




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