

单词 Pyrrhus
释义 Pyr·rhus 英ˈpɪrəs美ˈpɪrəsAHDpĭrʹəs COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
n.古代希腊的 Epirus 之王¹⁰⁰

king of Epirus; defeated the Romans in two battles in spite of staggering losses 319-272 BC At his siege of Argos in 272 BC, King Pyrrhus of Epirus flew upon his enemies.
公元前二七二年, 伊庇鲁斯国王皮拉斯围攻阿尔戈斯城,亲自杀向敌人。 bomoo

In 273 BC, King Areus of Sparta was away with most of the army when his unpopular uncle Cleonymus invited King Pyrrhus of Epirus to invade Sparta.
公元前二七三年,斯巴达国王阿鲁斯率领大部分军队在外,他不得人心的伯父克里欧尼莫斯邀伊庇鲁斯国王皮拉斯入侵斯巴达。 bomoo

She saw her son Polites slain in front of her by Pyrrhus.

That term originates with the Greeks— Pyrrhus was a Hellenistic general whose victories against Rome came at a grievous cost to his own side.
皮罗斯式胜利典出希腊。皮罗斯是希腊将军,他虽然击败了罗马但自身也付出极为惨痛的代价。 ecocn

King Pyrrhus of Epirus was an ambitious ruler whose aim was to revive the empire of his second cousin, Alexander the Great.
伊庇鲁斯国王皮拉斯野心勃勃, 有意重振其远房堂兄亚历山大大帝的帝国。 bomoo

This change of armour probably saved Pyrrhus' life, but it nearly lost him the battle.
这一换也许救了他性命,却几乎令他打败仗。 bomoo




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