

单词 Pyongyang
释义 Pyong·yang 英ˈpjʌŋˈjɑːŋ, -ˈjæŋ, ˈpjɔːŋ-美ˈpjʌŋˈjɑŋ, -ˈjæŋ, ˈpjɔŋ-AHDpyŭngʹyängʹ, -yăngʹ, pyôngʹ- 高Economist¹⁵⁰⁵⁴

capital of North Korea and an industrial center;

Pyongyang is Korea's oldest city but little of its history has been preserved

用作名词This is the Juche Tower, in centralPyongyang.这是位于平壤市中央的主体思想塔。
Beijing rarely criticisesPyongyangin public.中国政府很少公开批评平壤。 The fresh developments increased the tension yet further yesterday in a game of diplomatic brinkmanship that seems destined to put Washington and Pyongyang on a collision course.
在昨天的一场外交边缘政策的游戏里,新的发展让紧张态势进一步升级,这好像注定要把华盛顿和平壤带向冲突。 yeeyan

The Shanghai experience influenced Kim in at least one way: He returned to Pyongyang and called for the education of new architects.
上海的经历至少在一方面对金产生了影响:他回到平壤后提出了建筑师教育的要求。 yeeyan

All of that led to the broad effort from the Obama administration to enlist China to rein in Pyongyang.
所有的一切要求奥巴马政府拉上中国在勒住平壤的事情上作出更广泛的努力。 yeeyan

American and UN officials all say they want to know what went wrong in Pyongyang, and how to correct it.
美国和联合国的官员都说他们想知道在平壤出了什么问题,像知道如何来校正这个问题。 ecocn

But Clinton would not have flown to Pyongyang without the backing of Obama.
但是,克林顿飞赴平壤并未得到奥巴马的支持。 yeeyan

But Pyongyang denies it is responsible for the attack.
但是平壤否认对那次袭击负有责任。 voanews

Despite those fears, Washington and Seoul have no real contingency plans in case of a regime collapse in Pyongyang.
尽管有以上担忧,但对于平壤政权之垮台,华盛顿和首尔并无真正的应变计划。 yeeyan

Discussions will focus on how to verify that Pyongyang is not hiding any nuclear materials or facilities.
会谈的重点将是如何验证平壤没有隐瞒任何核材料或者核设施。 ebigear

Foreign officials visiting the country observed checkpoints on the highway leading into Pyongyang from the countryside.
访问该国的外国官员在从乡村通往平壤的公路上看到了检查站。 yeeyan

Impoverished and isolated, the rulers in Pyongyang have one last lifeline: China, which keeps North Korea supplied with everything from food to electricity.
贫困和孤立,平壤的领导人还有最后一根救生索:中国——其一直向朝鲜提供一切,从食物到电力。 yeeyan

In Pyongyang they took away our passports and cell phones.
在平壤,他们拿走我们的护照和手机。 yeeyan

Its best hope is that China can exert influence over Pyongyang to return to the negotiating table.
在这一点上最富希望的是:中国可以施加影响于平壤,使其回到谈判桌上来。 yeeyan

Mr. Obama said he and Mr. Lee agreed that Pyongyang can reach that destination only through peaceful negotiations.
奥巴马说,他和李明博都同意只有通过和平谈判,平壤才可以达到这个目标。 ebigear

Nothing much happens in the novel. But then, nothing much happens in Pyongyang— at least if you are lucky.
小说中发生的故事并不多,不过,平壤发生的事情也不多——至少如果你运气不错的话。 ecocn

Only Pyongyang’s ruling clique knows what it hopes to achieve by all this, but at least two plausible scenarios could link these two provocations.
只有平壤的统治集团清楚,他们希望借此得到什么?不过,至少有两个看似合理的推测,能将上述这两种挑衅联系起来。 ecocn

The policy document does stress the importance of dialogue between Seoul and Pyongyang.
这份政策文件也强调了首尔与平壤对话的重要性。 www.voanews.com.cn

They are reportedly under interrogation in Pyongyang.
据报道,他们正在平壤接受审问。 yeeyan

Pyongyang says all of the contracts regarding wages, taxes, and usage fees are now void.
平壤说,有关工资、税务和使用费等所有合同现在都已无效。 ebigear

Pyongyang says it provides free healthcare for its people, but witnesses told Amnesty they had had to pay for all services for the past20 years.
平壤说,它为人民提供免费的医疗,但目击者告诉国际特赦组织,他们在过去20年中不得不支付所有的医疗费用。 yeeyan




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