

单词 pylons
释义 pylons 英'paɪlɒnz美'paɪlɒnz COCA⁴⁸⁴³⁵BNC²⁵⁶⁰¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
名词 pylon:
a tower for guiding pilots or marking the turning point in a racea large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power linesas in.column
同义词 monumentbrace,buttress,caryatid,colonnade,cylinder,mast,minaret,monolith,obelisk,pedestal,peristyle,pier,pilaster,post,prop,shaft,standard,stay,stele,support,totem,tower,uprightunderpinningas in.gateway
同义词 arch,entrance,entry,portaltoranas in.obelisk
同义词 column,dagger,mark,monolith,monument,needle,pillar,shaft,tower
columnnoun pillar
columnsnoun pillar
gatewaynoun entry to place
obelisknoun stone pillar
column,dagger,mark,monolith,monument,needle,pillar,pylon,shaft,tower Across the north-east roads buckled, pylons toppled and buildings collapsed.
东北部的道路已经损坏,灯塔也倒塌了,建筑物更是一片废墟。 yeeyan

Liam Fox, the Conservative defence secretary, says he is opposing the building of electric pylons in his own rural constituency.
利亚姆•福克斯,保守派的国防部长,称他反对在他的乡村选区建电缆塔。 ecocn

The difficulty with pylons is that they go everywhere.
架线塔所面临的问题是他们无处不在。 topsage

THE skeletal, lattice design of Britain’s electricity pylons has changed little since the first one was raised in 1928.
自1928年首座格子骨架状的英国输电塔建成以来,英国输电塔的外型几乎未曾改变。 ecocn

But if pylons have to be built—which they do— then something elegant and efficient is the least bad way of doing it.
但是要建设线塔的话---确实已做到了---那些美观而高效的东西至少不是很坏的做法吧。 yeeyan

Dozens of electricity pylons were dismantled and cables run underground.
许多电缆塔被拆除,电缆埋入地下。 ecocn

For example, as a power line ascends a hill, the pylons could look as if they're climbing. The figures could also stretch up to gain increased height over longer spans.
比如,可以将一座建于山坡上的电线塔设计成一个正在攀爬的勇士形状,这样的设计更可以通过延伸增加较大跨度范围内电线杆的高度。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

For example, the marker line on the grass in the satellite and ground pictures, the different colour of the smoke, the hole which the plane impacted, and the standing pylons.
比如,在卫星照片和普通照片上显示不同的在草地上出现的标记线,烟雾的不同颜色,经过飞机撞击建筑物上出现的洞和依然耸立着的架线塔。 cri

He talked about these areas of interest incessantly; sometimes it would be pylons, sometimes states, but it was always something that demanded his undivided attention.
他谈论这些东西时,兴致勃勃,有时候谈论架线塔,有时候谈论美国的洲,但是总是需要他全神贯注的东西。 yeeyan

In ancient Egypt, pairs of tapering stone towers called pylons marked the entrances of temples.
在古埃及,双双对对凿尖的石头塔是进入庙宇门口的标志。 yeeyan

In this article we go through a tutorial on the new0.5 API, examine some of the third-party libraries, and finally look at how it can be used in Pylons.
在本文中,我们将学习一篇关于新0.5 API的教程,探究一些第三方库,以及如何在 Pylons中使用它们。 ibm

It can maneuver past towers, known as pylons, using cables built into newer towers or retrofitted onto old ones.
它能够翻越称之为“架线塔”的铁塔,为新塔架设线缆或者为旧塔更新线缆。 yeeyan

It is also necessary to integrate infrastructure needs of the cities, like pylons, sewage plants, etc. into peripheral landscapes.
同时将架线塔、污水处理厂等城市基础建设的需求整合到城郊景观中也是必要的。 landscapecn

On top of that you've got the masts, that's another280ft, so it's1, 120ft from the bottom of the valley to the top of the pylons.
其上的桅杆又有280英尺,故从河谷底部到桥的最高部共1120英尺。 yeeyan

So finding a new shape for pylons may be only one aspect of the coming power rows.
因此,找到一种新的架线塔模型也许只是未来输电走廊的一个方面而已。 ecocn

TenneT’s pylons should help allay that fear.
滕特公司设计的线塔应该有助于减轻这些恐惧感。 yeeyan

The second reason TenneT’s pylons may be important is that despite these problems a lot of new long-distance- transmission lines are going to have to be constructed, soon.
滕特公司的线塔或许很重要的第二个原因是尽管存有那些问题,但是大量的长途传输线路需要架设。 yeeyan

The latest generation of electricity pylons are, in the eyes of some, at least, things of beauty in their own right.
在一些人眼里,这最新一代的电力高压线塔至少可体现出一种美来。 yeeyan

The pylons in question have been designed by engineers at TenneT, the firm that runs the Netherlands’ national electricity grid, in collaboration with KEMA, a Dutch research company.
尚未亮相的高压线塔已由荷兰一家主管国家电网营运的滕特公司设计。它还与另一家荷兰研究公司 KEMA联手。 yeeyan




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