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词汇 pwh
释义 pwhCOCA¹²⁵⁹⁵⁵
abbr.精密焊头precision welding head
The data stored in the PWH consists of DB2 snapshot data, DB2 event monitor data, and DB2 configuration data.
存储在 PWH中的数据由 DB2快照数据、 DB2事件监控数据和 DB2配置数据组成。 ibm

A really nice feature of the PWH queries is the ability to insert a variable into the query, which you can later fill in at run time.
PWH查询的一个非常精妙的特性是将变量插入查询的能力,用户可以在运行时对变量进行替代。 ibm

Analysing the data in the PWH helps you to identify potential performance problems or trends, or to determine the effects of changing a DB2 configuration value.
在 PWH 中分析数据有助于识别潜在的性能问题或趋势,以及确定改变 DB2配置值的效果。 ibm

Analyzing the data in the PWH helps you to identify potential performance problems or trends or to determine the effects of changing a DB2 configuration value.
分析 PWH中的数据有助于识别潜在的性能问题或趋势,或确定更改某一 DB2配置值后的结果。 ibm

At an interval configured by you, the captured short-term history data will be migrated into the PWH tables using an ETL process.
捕获的短期历史数据以用户配置的时间间隔,通过 ETL过程迁移到 PWH表中。 ibm

Figure7 shows a sample ROT result matrix that is displayed after you have started ROT analysis on the PWH data.
图7所示为启动 PWH数据的 ROT分析后所显示的示例 ROT结果矩阵。 ibm

For each record in the PWH. BUFFERPOOL table, the result matrix indicates whether a warning or problem occurred for the calculated ratios.
对于 PWH. BUFFERPOOL表中的每一条记录,结果矩阵都指示计算的比例是否出现警告或问题。 ibm

Heavy hitter queries: These queries operate on the PWH tables which have stored the data collected by the DB2 statement event monitor.
高命中率查询:这些查询对已经存储了 DB2语句事件监视器所收集的数据的 PWH表进行操作。 ibm

However, for reports on SQL, the data must first be collected and loaded into PWH.
但是,对于 SQL报告,必须先收集数据并把数据装载到 PWH 中。 ibm

If you use multiple buffer pools, you might take the buffer pool hit ratio together with the buffer pool name from the PWH. BUFFERPOOL table.
若使用多个缓冲池,可能要从 PWH. BUFFERPOOL表取得缓冲池命中率和缓冲池名称。 ibm

If your configuration parameters rarely change, you will have only a few rows in the appropriate PWH tables.
若配置参数很少变更,那么在相应的 PWH表中将只有不多的几行。 ibm

If you use a strict test process where you can reset an environment back to a “ zero state” before each run, the PWH data can be very valuable in proving reproducible results for a test.
若在所使用的严格测试过程中可以在每一测试开始前将环境重置回“零状态”,则 PWH数据在验证某一测试的重复结果中可能非常有价值。 ibm

In addition, data captured by the DB2 statement event monitor can be saved into the PWH if needed.
此外,如果必要, DB2语句事件监视器所捕获的数据也可以保存到 PWH中。 ibm

In summary, the long-term data in the PWH together with its analysis functions are highly valuable for proactively improving future DB2 UDB system behavior and performance.
总之, PWH中的长期数据及其分析功能对于前瞻性地改进 DB2 UDB系统的未来行为和性能是非常重要的。 ibm

Note that the PWH stores DB and DBM CFG values, but only inserts a row if a value has changed.
请注意, PWH存储 DB和 DBM CFG值,但某值发生变化时只插入一行。 ibm

Once long- term data has been stored into the PWH tables, you can use the predefined ROT or define your own ROT to analyse the data in the PWH.
一旦长期数据存入 PWH表,就可以使用预定义的 ROT或定义自己的 ROT来分析 PWH 中的数据。 ibm

Processes are used to collect report data CRD, load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.
过程用于收集报告数据 CRD、将这些数据加载到 PWH表中和创建报告。 ibm

Queries are used to analyze various aspects of the data in the PWH.
查询用于分析 PWH中数据的不同方面。 ibm

Report queries: These queries return the data contained in the PWH tables under different aspects.
报告查询:这些查询返回包含在 PWH表中的不同方面的数据。 ibm

The data were aggregated in the background into the PWH tables from the short-term history database, bufferpool, OS data.
在后台,把来自短期历史数据库、缓冲区池、 OS数据的数据聚合到 PWH表中。 ibm

This is handy if you are not familiar with all the PWH tables, but you do not have to use the column assist.
若用户并不是对所有的 PWH表都非常熟悉,则该特性便会派上用场,但这并不是说必须使用该特性。 ibm

While the history data of DB2 PE is only retained for a short time hours or days, once data is in the PWH, the data is available for reporting and trend analysis over much longer periods.
尽管 DB2 PE的历史数据只保留较短的时间几小时或几天,但是一旦数据被保存在 PWH中,这些数据便可在很长的时间内用于报告和趋势分析。 ibm

The PWH includes a Workflow Engine consisting of processes that are used to collect and load data and to create reports from the loaded data.
PWH中包含了一个工作流引擎,它由用于收集和加载数据并用所加载的数据创建报告的过程组成。 ibm




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