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词汇 pvn
释义 pvn 'pi:v'i:'en COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺
=paraventricular nucleus 室旁核,=peripheral vein nutrition 周围静脉营养
The evoked response of the same“ pain” unit could be blocked by two antagonists: the evoked response of2 out of27 PVN“pain” units could be blocked by atropine and cyproheptadine;
两种受体阻断剂可阻断同一 PVN痛单位的诱发反应;阿托品和赛庚啶阻断27个中的2个; cnki

The other bundle from PVN, the medial, descends through diencephalic periventricular gray, periaqueductal gray, floor of ventricle IV, SVC and medullary- spinal central gray.
内侧径路经间脑室周、中脑中央灰质、第四脑室底、孤束核—迷走背核复合体、延髓与脊髓中央管周下行。 cnki

The results suggest that PVN can promote growth and endurance for emergency in mice, its nutritive value is not only suitable for plant but also for animal.
表明 PVN可明显提高小鼠的体重增长和对应激的耐受能力,提示其营养作用不仅适用于植物,而且适用于动物。 cnki

The efferent fibers which projected from PVN to ependyma of the spinal cord perhaps released neurohormones into cerebrospinal fluid, thus having effects of regulation on the spinal cord.
脊髓室管膜的 PVN传出纤维可能向脑脊液中释放神经激素,从而对脊髓发挥调节作用。 cnki

The ultrastructure of the vasopressin- like neurons in the paraventricular nucleus PVN of aged rats deprived of water was observed by immunocytochemical PAP method.
用免疫细胞化学PAP法对禁水老年大鼠室旁核加压素样神经元的超微结构进行了观察研究。 dictall

To explore the neuroimmunomodulatory role of Substance P SP and its antagonist S0145 in hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei PVN on asthma onset and its possible mechanism in the rats.
探讨下丘脑室旁核 PVN内微量注射 P物质 SP及其拮抗剂 S0145对哮喘大鼠的神经免疫调节作用及可能机制。 cnki

Under electron microscope it was observed that in the PVN the NPY-immunoreactive products distributed diffusely as high electron dense granular or flocculent deposits in the cytoplasm.
结果在电镜下观察到:在室旁核内侧部, NPY样免疫反应产物呈电子密度高的颗粒状或絮状,弥漫分布于胞浆; cnki

Glass micropipette placed in PVN was used to record unit discharges of neurons in it, before and after LPS was injected into PVN in normal rats and vagotomy rats.
用数字体温检测仪测定大鼠体温。用玻璃微电极记录正常大鼠和膈下迷走神经切断大鼠给予LPS前后下丘脑室旁核的单位放电。 cnki

Immunostaining was performed to detect the CRH-positive neurons in the paraventricular nucleus PVN of the hypothalamus and in amygdala.
用免疫组化技术观察与应激密切相关的下丘脑室旁核和杏仁核中神经元 CRH的表达。 neurosci

Most SRIF positive neurons were small or medium sized, but a few large cells were observed in PVN.
生长抑素样神经元以中、小型细胞为主,室旁核内见有少量大细胞。 cnki

Objective To investigate the mechanism of hyperphagia and obesity induced by bilateral lesions of the hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei PVN.
探讨大鼠下丘脑双侧室旁核 PVN损伤引起的过食和肥胖的产生机制。

Objective To determine whether the vagus nerve mediate the transmission of gastric noxious signals to the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus PVN.
目的研究迷走神经是否参与胃伤害性信息向下丘脑室旁核的传递。 dictall

Objective To discuss the types of neurons in hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus PVN excited by peripheral hyperosmotic stimulation.
目的探讨外周高渗刺激激活下丘脑室旁核 PVN神经元的细胞类别。 cnki

Objective To observe the ultrastructural changes of the magnocellars of PVN in Wistar rat after global ischemia-reperfusion.
目的观察脑缺血再灌流后室旁核的大细胞的超微结构变化。 chemyq

Objective The study was to expose the roles of the NOS-positive cells in the PVN in the development and progress of hemorrhagic shock through observing their changes in rats.
目的通过观察失血性休克大鼠下丘脑室旁核 PVN的一氧化氮合酶 NOS阳性细胞的表达变化来探讨其在大鼠失血性休克发生发展中可能的作用。 dictall

Objective: To investigate the glutamatergic neurons activity in paraventricular nucleus of thalamus PV and hypothalamus PVN after vagus nerve stimulation VNS.
目的:研究迷走神经刺激 VNS后激活的丘脑室旁核 PV、下丘脑室旁核 PVN的神经元是否含谷氨酸能神经元。 cnki

Objective: To study the effects of corticotropin releasing factor CRF neurons in the paraventricular nucleus PVN on the stress after scalding in rats.
目的:探讨丘脑下部室旁核 PVN促肾上腺皮质释放因子 CRF在烫伤应激中的作用。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the effect of electrical stimulation of hypothalamus paraventricular nucleus PVN on gastric ischemiareperfusion injury GIRI in rats.
目的:观察电刺激下丘脑室旁核 PVN对大鼠胃缺血再灌注损伤GI RI的影响及形态学变化。 cnki

Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus PVN is an important center in the regulation of the cardiovascular activity.
下丘脑室旁核 PVN是重要的心血管活动调节中枢。 cnki

Rats were immunized with sheep red blood cell SRBC and the electrical activity of unitary neurons in paraventricular nucleus PVN was recorded at different periods after immunization.
用绵羊红细胞 SRBC免疫大鼠,在免疫后不同时间记录室旁核 PVN单位放电。 cnki

The results indicated that the secretion of vasopressin neurons in both PVN and SON increased in experimental hypertensive rats during the rising of the blood pressure.
结果表明,实验性高血压大鼠在血压升高时, PVN和 SON内加压素神经元的分泌增强。 cnki

The results showed that the AVP positive cells in both PVN and SON were crowded with brown reactive granules in the experimental group, while in normal group they were light brown.
研究结果表明,实验性高血压大鼠 PVN和 SON内 AVP阳性细胞中分泌颗粒密集呈棕黄色,正常大鼠组染色浅谈。 cnki

The results showed that the positive cell bodies and fibers in periventricular nucleus PV, suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN and paraventricular nucleus PVN were more numerous in male than in female.
结果表明,在室周核 PV、室旁核 PVN和视交叉上核 SCN内,雄性大鼠的阳性细胞和纤维较雌性多。 cnki

The results suggest that in PVN there are neurons sensitive to the TRH.
从实验结果提示, PVN存在对 TRH敏感的神经元; iciba

The results suggest that PVN is one of the major intrabraih nuclei participating in analgesia, it plays its role via PAG of its direct projection to the dorsal horn.
实验结果表明: PVN是脑内镇痛的主要核团之一,其作用通过 PAG实现,也可通过 PVN—脊髓背角直接投射的途径。 cnki

This indicated that VMH had an inhibition effect on the PVN and SON during restraint water- immersion stress.
表明在束缚应激浸水条件下, VMH对 PVN和 SON的活动具有抑制作用。 fabiao

To explore the effect of substance P SP in Paraventricular nucleus PVN in rats on the asthma onset and its possible mechanism in neuroendocrine.
探讨哮喘大鼠下丘脑室旁核 PVN内 P物质 SP在哮喘发病中的神经内分泌调制作用。 dictall

The neuroendocrine mechanism of the aggravating effect of paraventricular nucleus PVN stimulation on the development of stress gastric ulcer was investigated in rats.
用切除腺体的方法,观察了甲状腺、肾上腺、性腺在电刺激室旁核 PVN加重大鼠冷束缚应激性胃溃疡中的作用。 cnki




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