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词汇 pve
释义 pve 英p've美p've BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
=post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis 种痘后脑脊髓炎,接种疫苗后脑脊髓炎,=premature ventricular extrasystole 室性期前收缩,室性早搏
In PVE, ability is enough that because continue a journey, the wizard's state is fairly good.
因为续航能力足够,所以术士的状况还算不错。 ngacn

According to the theory of PVE formation, PET images of the hot lesions with different sizes under various system resolutions were simulated with computer program.
依据形成部分容积效应的理论,由计算机模拟 PET各种分辨率情况下各种大小热灶的图像。 cnki

Certainly, it is not very suitable for PVE, consider the original intention of destroying the talent should lay particular emphasis on PVP to destroy wizards, so does not say.
当然,毁灭术士不是很适合 PVE,考虑到毁灭天赋的初衷应该是侧重 PVP,所以就不说了。 ngacn

Despite the improvements in medical and surgical therapy, prosthetic valve endocarditis PVEis still associated with a difficult diagnosis, a severe prognosis, and remains a clinical challenge.
尽管人工瓣膜心内膜炎的治疗手段不断进步,但往往因为诊断较晚、预后较差,成为临床上的一大难题。 dictall

Deterioration degree of PVE Lubricants was investigated by analyzing used oils after various compressor and system tests with HFC refrigerants.
通过分析在使有用 HFC制冷剂的各种压缩机和系统试验中的已用润滑油,调查 PVE润滑油的劣化度。 cnki

Furthermore, autoclave tests with water and air were performed to determine the reliability limit of PVE in comparison with mineral oil and polyol ester.
随后又进行了水和空气的蒸压试验,以确定 PVE对于矿物油和聚烯酯的可靠性界限值。 cnki

If you want to become a millionaire, you must hold an executive position in a private enterprise PVE or state-owned enterprise SOE.
如果你想成为百万富翁,你必须在私企或国企爬上高管的位置。 forbeschina

Invisible screens, automatic screens, curtains, fly screens, PVC, PVE, transparent curtain, curtain and so cold.
隐形纱窗、自动纱窗、门帘、防蝇帘、 PVC、 PVE、透明门帘、防寒门帘等。 qite8

It started with few people that who wanna show the power of their own nationality, and who wanna to be honored as one of the best PVE guild on the server.
这个公会由几名渴望展示自身民族力量的人发起,由几名希望被人以全服强筋 PVE公会闻名的人发起。

Objective To evaluate the clinical feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of transcatheter portal vein embolization PVE inducing compensatory hypertrophy of the remnant liver.
目的探讨经导管门静脉栓塞 PVE诱导肝叶代偿性增生临床应用的可行性、安全性、有效性。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the clinical feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of percutaneous right portal vein embolization PVE inducing compensatory hypertrophy of the left liver.
目的评估门静脉右支栓塞诱导左肝叶代偿性增生临床应用的可行性、安全性、有效性。 govyi

Partial volume effect PVE and their influence factors for positron emission tomography PET were investigated with computer simulation and experiments.
用模拟实验研究了正电子发射断层扫描 PET部分容积效应与相关影响因素间的关系。 dictall

Results The combination amputation of the three nerves plus tumor resection, HAE, PVE or HBDE was more significant than the amputations of hepatic sympathetic and vagus nerve respectively.
结果支配靶肝叶的肝自主神经联合切断术及同时切除肝肿瘤并分别与 HAE、 PVE及 HBDE的作用效果显著高于单一的肝交感或迷走神经切断术的效果。 cnki

The risk factors were polymicrobial infection, poor heart function, peripheral arterial embolism, early PVE and aortic valve lesion.
多种细菌感染、心功能、周围动脉栓塞、早发性人工瓣膜心内膜炎、主动脉瓣病变为危险因素。 cnki

This is the best PVE build in the game.
这个是游戏里最好的 PVE加法。 ngacn

We are also likely to split Desecration into two abilities: a PvP- oriented snare and a PvE-oriented self damage buff.
我们也会将亵渎分为两个天赋:针对 PVP的诱捕效果以及针对 PVE的自身伤害增益。 ngacn

With the expansion being PVE focused we really wanted to make sure that the new PVP addition got priority.
由于资料片集中在 PVE,我们要确保新的 PVP更新得到优先。868cn

PVE and two-stage hepatectomy can raise the operation safety and excision rates.
术前PVE和两步肝切除术可提高手术安全性和切除率。 chemyq

PVE found in first week after birth may result in PVL.
生后一周发现 PVE,极有可能发生早产儿PVL。 fabiao




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