释义 |
Puyi 'pu:ji 基本例句 中布依族,布依族人 I met Mr.Puyiand nodded to him.对溥仪先生点头问好。 Performance results of aPuyicrying Dian farce.结果演出了一场溥仪大哭殿的闹剧。 Puyi, who is just like an outcast, read out the abdicant rescript.从此,伪满洲国崩溃垮台,二千年的皇帝专治彻底划上句号。 Puyidowntown Dianhou the third day, on Yimingwuhu the Cixi.溥仪闹殿后的第三天,慈禧就一命呜呼了。 Background Story: The Last EmperorPuyilife no children.背景故事:末代皇帝溥仪一生未有子女。 The ashes ofPuyi, the Last Emperor, lie in the Babaoshan Cemetery.末代皇帝溥仪的骨灰被葬在八宝山。 |