

单词 putting to
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The obstruction of evidence is the action which is executed by one party to obstruct the other ones normal putting to the proof and disturb the perfect order of the procedure in the civil litigation.
证明妨碍是民事诉讼当事人实施的妨碍他方正常举证、扰乱诉讼秩序之常态的行为。 dictall

Although anti- dilution provisions are in the interest of early investors, they're off- putting to later investors.
虽然反稀释条款有利于早期投资者,但是他们不利于后来的投资者。 yeeyan

Any application putting to the clients can then simply put to queue b.
那么客户端的任何应用程序就可以简单的发送到队列 b。 ibm

Be my saviour from the hand of Esau, my brother: for my fear is that he will make an attack on me, putting to death mother and child.
求你救我脱离我哥哥以扫的手。因为我怕他来杀我,连妻子带儿女一同杀了。 dict.v.wenguo.com

Financial shares followed Citigroup higher, putting to end a recent slide among bank stocks.
随着花旗股价上涨,金融板块走高,结束了银行个股近来的下滑势头。 yeeyan

However, not all the situations of defendant's responsibility of putting to the proof belongs to“the reversion”, and more often than not it belongs in fact to“the regularity”.
但并非所有被告人承担证明责任的情形都属“证明责任倒置” ,在一般情况下被告人承担证明责任实际上是“证明责任正置”。 cnki

IK took recently took a break from putting to talk to us about perfection on the golf course and in learning English.

In practice, confusion to the inverted responsibility in putting to the proof on medical tort lawsuit and the scope of its compensation has caused many troubles and social problems.
在实践中,由于医患双方对医疗侵权诉讼中的举证责任倒置和赔偿范围等问题认识不清,导致医患双方之间的纠纷激增,引发了诸多社会矛盾。 cnki

Sex is part of the scene, of course, putting to the test relationships back home.
性,当然也是回家测试关系的场景之一。 yeeyan

There according to concern parameters of asynchronous motors, putting to use the method of geometric drafting, paint the accurate circular pattern of asynchronous motors.
本文根据异步电动机的有关参量,运用几何作图的方法,给出了异步电动机的精确圆图。 cnki

They soon realised that demanding a ransom offered a more lucrative lifestyle than putting to sea for fish.
然而他们很快就意识到获得赎金比出海捕鱼更有利可图。 yeeyan

You might be a trader doing business part-time, supplementing your full-time income by putting to use your expertise in a certain field.
也许你在这行就做个兼职,利用你在某领域的特有专长赚外快为你的全职工资添点补助。 englishtown




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