

单词 putting off
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As you read this, for instance, you may be putting off doing something important.
例如,当您在读本文时,您也许正推迟着某些重要事情呢。 yeeyan

But the cost of weddings may be the least of the reasons why the Japanese are increasingly putting off marriage or avoiding it altogether.
然而,越来越多的日本人推迟结婚或根本不打算结婚的诸多原因中,婚礼花费是最无足轻重的一个。 ecocn

Choose one thing you were putting off for another time that could be done today, and decide to do it!
选择一件你一直在拖延着准备下次再做而今天可以完成的事情,决定完成它! edu.sina.com.cn

Delaying, putting off things, slacking, hiding from work, facing work only when it’s unavoidable, then repeating this loop all over again.
推迟、拖踏、松懈、隐藏工作、只到不可避免的时候才去面对工作,然后又是完全重复这一怪圈。 yeeyan

Do something you have been putting off for a while.
做一些你已经拖延一段时间的事。 ebigear

General Mike Jackson said today we can't go on putting off the decision.
迈克杰克逊将军今天说我们不能继续拖延这些决策了。 hjenglish

He also talked about colleagues’ influence on his putting off dealing with tasks.
他也谈到了自己受同事的影响而拖延完成工作。 voa365

His comfortable majority means that he has no more excuses for putting off reforms.
让他很惬意的多数席位意味着,他没有借口再推延经济重组了。 ecocn

How many home repairs have you been putting off?
家里有多少需要修理的地方被你推后? yeeyan

I don't think it's the actual putting off of things that provides the stress but rather it's the guilt associated with not finishing what we started.
我不认为,放下手中的事情会造出压力,而是因为我们没有完成手中已经开始的事情而感到羞愧。 yeeyan

Some people raise concerns that talk of transitions is an excuse for indefinitely putting off the end of the welfare state.
一些人提出了担忧,担心过渡时期话题是一个无限制推迟终结福利社会的借口。 yeeyan

Start something you've been putting off.
开始着手做你一直推脱的事。 yeeyan

They had been troubling her for some months and while she was not embarrassed to talk about bodily function she had, as many do, been putting off coming to the doctor.
它们已经困扰了她好几个月。虽然安吉拉并不羞于谈论自己的身体状况,她还是像其他人那样迟迟不愿去看医生。 yeeyan

What have you been putting off that you know you need to do?
你已经耽搁了那些你认为你需要去做的事? yeeyan




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