

单词 put the brakes on
释义 put the brakes on短语⁶⁷²⁴⁷
Ben approached a financial system on the verge of collapse with calm and wisdom, with bold action and out- of- the- box thinking that has helped put the brakes on our economic freefall.
本用冷静和智慧保住了处于崩溃边缘的金融体系,用大胆的举措和创新思维阻止了美国经济自由落体式的下滑。 hjenglish

Just recently, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed how to put the brakes on mid-life weight gain: Exercise.
就在最近,一项发布于美国医学会杂志的研究揭示了如何阻止中年发福:运动。 yeeyan

Tanzania has usually been the one to put the brakes on the EAC, fearing it will be overrun with land speculators and better- educated Kenyans and Ugandans.
通常坦桑尼亚是 EAC进展的减速器,因为担心共同体会让它被土地投机者和教育更好的肯尼亚人和乌干达人所控制。 ecocn




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