

单词 put-off
释义 put-off 英ˈputɔf美ˈpʊtˌɔf, -ˌɑf COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺

名词 putoff:
a pretext for delay or inaction
动词 put off:
hold back to a later timecause to feel intense dislike or distastetake away the enthusiasm ofcause to feel embarrassmentavoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing duties, questions, or issuesput someone off his stroke干扰某人,打乱某人的…put someone off his guard使某人失去警惕…put someone off his stride干扰某人,打乱某人的…put off one's mask摘下假面具,露出真面…put off the mask摘下假面具,露出真面…put someone off his mettle使某人泄气put off不安put off the scent转移追踪方向…
put-off⇒n.延迟³⁴;推脱³³;借口³³He put them off with one excuse and another.他一再借故推脱。
But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust.但是也有很多公司被谷歌自己至尊的可信的宣言推脱掉了,好像他们应该得到这种毫无疑问的信任。
I'm not going to be put off with that excuse.我不会被那个借口敷衍过去的。
On various pretexts they all moved off.他们以各种各样的借口纷纷离开了。




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