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词汇 put off
释义 put off 英pʊt ɒf美pʊt ɔːf ★★★★★高牛6八T短语⁷³⁶⁸

hold back to a later time;

let's postpone the exam

cause to feel intense dislike or distastetake away the enthusiasm ofcause to feel embarrassment;

The constant attention of the young man confused her

avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing duties, questions, or issues;

He dodged the issue

she skirted the problem

They tend to evade their responsibilities

he evaded the questions skillfully

delay,postpone,defer,suspend,prolong,put off







put off口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。

put someone off his stroke干扰某人,打乱某人的…put off the mask摘下假面具,露出真面…put someone off his guard使某人失去警惕…put someone off his stride干扰某人,打乱某人的…put off one's mask摘下假面具,露出真面…put someone off his mettle使某人泄气put off不安
近义词 wait等duck鸭肉defer推迟table桌子delay耽搁evade逃避fudge软糖skirt裙子remit汇出dodge避开hedge树篱elude逃避prolong延长suspend暂停postpone延期prorogue休会set back推迟turn off关掉put over驶过confuse使困惑hold over延期circumvent绕行flurry一阵疾风disconcert使困惑dishearten使沮丧shelve放在架子上sidestep向旁侧避让parry挡开武器或打击…
用作及物动词Neverput offtill tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。
Many people areput offby his surly behavior.他举止粗暴使许多人感到气愤。
The game wasput offbecause of rain.比赛因雨延期。
Don'tput offtill tomorrow what can be done today.今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。
She wasput offmaths by a bullying and incompetent teacher.她对数学失去了兴趣,因为老师仗势欺人又没教学能力。
Pleaseput offall smoking material.请熄掉所有冒烟的东西。
Heput offhis departure till Saturday.她推迟到星期六启程。verb.defer, delay
同义词 adjourn,hold off,postpone,reschedule,shelve,suspenddally,dawdle,dillydally,drag one's feet,hold over,lag,lay over,linger,loiter,poke,prorogue,put back,retard,stay,tarry,trail
反义词 carry out,continue,doaccomplish,achieve,succeed
adjournverb stop a proceeding
curb,defer,delay,discontinue,hold off,hold over,hold up,postpone,prorogue,recess,restrain,shelve,stay,suspend
dalliedverb dawdle, delay
carried on,cosseted,fool around,frivoled,frolicked,gambolled,had a fling,led on,played around,rollicked,romped,tampered,wantoned,was insincere with
dallyverb dawdle, delay
boondoggle,drag,fool around,fool with,fritter away,hang about,horse around,idle,jerk off,lag,linger,loiter,lollygag,play around,play games with,procrastinate,put off,putter,tarry,trail,trifle with,waste time,while away
dauntverb frighten, alarm
appall,baffle,browbeat,bully,consternate,cow,deter,discourage,dishearten,dismay,dispirit,foil,horrify,intimidate,overawe,put off,scare,shake,subdue,terrify,thwart
dawdleverb delay;waste time
amble,bum around,dally,diddle-daddle,dilly-dally,drag,fool around,fritter away,get no place fast,goof off,hang around,hang out,idle,lag,laze,lazy,loaf,loiter,loll,lounge,mosey,poke,procrastinate,put off,saunter,scrounge around,shlep along,sit around,sit on one's butt,stay,stroll,tarry,toddle,trifle,wait,warm a chair
dawdledverb delay;waste time
ambled,bummed around,dallied,diddle-daddled,dilly-dallied,dragged,fool around,frittered away,goof off,got no place fast,hung around,hung out,idled,lagged,lazed,lazied,loafed,loitered,lolled,lounged,moseyed,poked,procrastinated,put off,sat around,sat on one's butt,sauntered,scrounge around,shlep along,stayed,strolled,tarried,toddled,trifled,waited,warmed a chair A disquietingly high proportion of the spending cuts and tax rises in the package have been put off until after next year.
该一揽子方案已被推迟至明年之后才得以生效,其中涉及削减开支和增加税收的比重之高令人不安。 ecocn

A further11% would cancel their gym membership, while10% would put off upgrading their mobile phone and 6% would go without a holiday rather than stop seeing their mistress.
另有11%的人表示可以放弃健身房的会员卡,10%的人愿意推迟更换新手机的时间,6%的人认为和情人幽会比度假更为重要。 i21st

All procrastinators put off things they have to do.
拖延者都把他们需做之事推迟。 yeeyan

Angry because I put off seeing good friends whom I was going to get in touch with- someday.

But in a further sign of the escalating tensions, he put off a planned visit to Russia, cancelling a meeting planned for today with President Dmitry Medvedev.
但随着紧张局势升级的迹象进一步显现,他推迟了对俄罗斯的访问计划,取消了原定于今天与俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫的会晤。 yeeyan

CIOs will put off network upgrades if they can.
如果可以的话, CIO们将推迟网络升级。 yeeyan

Fashion retailers are in trouble, since most people think they can put off buying clothes.
时装零售也陷入困境,因为大多数人认为他们可以推迟购买衣物。 ecocn

For too long, we have put off tough decisions on everything from our manufacturing base to our energy policy to education reform.

In itself that represents something of a victory. Not long ago China and Russia wanted to put off the whole process.
就其本身而言,通过决议案就是些许的胜利,因为不久前中国和俄罗斯还想推迟对伊制裁表决。 ecocn

In one study of British PhD graduates, about a third admitted that they were doing their doctorate partly to go on being a student, or put off job hunting.

It all sounds like something we can afford to put off worrying about until next month or next year.
这一切看起来好像都说明,我们可以推迟到下个月或明年再为此问题而担忧。 yeeyan

Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer in2003, though he put off treatment until mid-2004.
乔布斯在2003年被诊断出患了一种罕见的胰腺癌,虽然他一直将治疗推迟到2004年中。 yeeyan

Much of this spending will be in hardware upgrades that were put off, but the2010 surge will carry across all sectors.
支出大部分用于被推迟的硬件升级,不过到了2010年所有方面的开支都将激增。 yeeyan

My goals are broken down into monthly, weekly, right down to the daily task lists, and the list is a call to action that I must accomplish this by the specified date, else my goals will be put off.
我的目标就被分解成每月的、每周的、直到每日的任务清单,清单是我行动的一个个召唤:提醒我必须在特定的日期内完成任务,否则我的目标就会被推迟。 yeeyan

Not long ago China and Russia wanted to put off the whole process.
因为就在不久前,中国和俄罗斯还想推迟整个进程。 ecocn

Once the economy improves, the people who put off parenthood will get down to it.
一旦经济改善了,那些推迟成为父母的人们就会开始付诸行动。 ecocn

So he put off dealing with it, week after week.
于是他一周又一周地推迟处理这件事情。 yeeyan

Then I put off calling the court that had convicted Hanna to find out where she was serving her sentence.
这样我推迟了去拜访宣判汉娜有罪的法院,没有及时得到她正在服刑的地点的消息。 yeeyan

This is often the reason people put off decisions, but they don’t always realize it.
这就是人们经常推迟决断的原因,只不过自己经常意识不到。 yeeyan

Why do now what you can put off until tomorrow?
可以推迟到明天的事为什么要现在做? ibm

You may put off certain plans and aspects of your life until you happen to meet someone.
你可能会推迟一些计划、忽视生活的某些方面,只等遇到那个人才肯开始。 yeeyan

You might want to put off new development in only that area while you repay any technical debt in that section refactoring code, updating documentation, and so on.
您或许想要仅在那个范围内推迟新的开发,同时在该部分内偿还技术债务进行代码重构,更新文档等等。 ibm

In that case, we'll have to put off the sports meet till next Saturday.




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