

单词 put into action
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At the same time, he hinted that a grand plan was stuffed in a Treasury drawer, waiting to be put into action.
与此同时,他暗示财政部的抽屉里藏着项大计划,正等着付诸实施呢。 yeeyan

As China has been a member of WTO, the reform of foreign-invested enterprises preferential tax laws should be put into action gradually under such a historic condition.
现在,中国已经成功地加入了 WTO,而外资税收优惠法律制度的改革也应在这一伟大历史变革的推动下逐步实施。 cnki

But there are questions about how much can be done, and how an agreement would be put into action.
但是在多大程度上可以做和怎样实施协议等仍然有许多问题。 haogongju

In the United States, these ideas were put into action by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others who issued a Declaration for Women's Independence in 1848.
在美国,这些理念是由伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿等人付诸实施的,他们于1848年发表女性《独立宣言》。 kekenet

It might seem astonishing that this group is also preparing to put into action the roadmap for countries to control tobacco.
这一组国家也准备将国家控制烟草的路线图付诸实施,似乎令人惊讶。 who

The plan sounds simple enough but it won't be so simple to put into action.
这个计划听来真够简单,但若要将它付诸实现恐怕没有那么简单。 tingroom




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