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词汇 Putin
释义 Putin 'putin Economist⁵⁰⁶

Russian statesman chosen as president of the Russian Federation in 2000; formerly director of the Federal Security Bureau (born in 1952put in插入
近义词 Vladimir Putin弗拉基米尔·普…

用作名词Putinwas named deputy mayor in his administration.普京被任命为索行政班子的副市长。
But MrPutinis less tough in dealing with Iran.但是普京在处理伊朗问题时并不那么强硬。 Is he truly interested in a different direction from Putin, but simply not in a political position to carry out his plans?
他真对改变普京的方向有兴趣,而不是简单的为了达到自己的目的而做出某种政治姿态? yeeyan

Mr. Putin tells Miller that he agrees with his proposal, but notes the cutoff should be carried out as publicly as possible in the presence of international observers.
普京告诉米勒,他同意他的建议。不过他表示,切断天然气的输送应该在国际观察人员在场的情况下尽可能公开地进行。 ebigear

Mr Putin has expressed sympathy for the victims of Katyn. But he has not publicly condemned their executioners.
普京对卡廷惨案的受害者表示同情,但是没有公开谴责杀害他们的刽子手。 ecocn

“ Depending on the effectiveness of our work, President Medvedev and I will take decisions about what to do in the future, he and I, ” Putin said in an interview with the Japanese media.
“鉴于我们的工作如此有效,梅德韦杰夫总统和我将决定我们将来要做什么。”普京在接受一家日本媒体采访时说。 yeeyan

“ Putin is no one,” she said— but things would be even worse without him.
“普京不是哪个人,”她说——但是没有他事情会更糟糕。 ecocn

Although foreign policy is supposed to be the president's preserve, Putin talked widely about US attempts to press the so-called reset button to establish better relations with Russia and Iran.
尽管外交政策理应是总统的管理领域,但是普京广泛地谈论从美国试图按下所谓的“重启按钮”到俄罗斯和伊朗应建立更好的关系。 yeeyan

And in what may have been a subtle dig at Putin, he suggested that Russia focus on accessing foreign capital, technology, and ideas, rather than “ puffing out its cheeks” to threaten others.
而且,也许是作为对普京的微妙讽刺,梅氏表示俄罗斯关注的是取得国外资金、技术和理念,而不是“气势汹汹”地对其他国家进行威胁。 yeeyan

But how was it that Putin got the call?
可是普京是如何听到了这样的召唤? yeeyan

But I think it is going to be hard for Putin to give up all the controls that he had.
但是我认为,对于普京而言,放弃他已有的所有控制权,这很难做到。 ebigear

But like Mr Putin, he wants to avoid a revolution and a collapse that would jeopardise his wealth.
但是他和普京先生一样都希望避免发生革命和崩溃,以免损害他的财富。 ecocn

But not Putin.
但不是普京。 yeeyan

But whoever did it, Mr Putin has been vilified in the West’s media.
但是无论是谁做的,普京在西方媒体中的形象都大打折扣。 ecocn

By the last day of1999 Putin was running the country.
在1999年的最后一天,普京开始治理这个国家。 yeeyan

He also reveals that George Bush said in July2001 that Vladimir Putin had “ looked a bit scared” when he accused the then Russian president of selling more than conventional weapons to rogue states.
他还揭露乔治·布什于2001年七月说过这样的话:当他老布什指责俄罗斯总统向“恶棍国家”出售多于常规的武器时,弗拉基米尔·普京“看起来有点害怕”呀。 yeeyan

In August, Putin seemed to predict this kind of escalation.
今年八月,普京似乎预测这类事件的升级。 yeeyan

In speeches, he sounds as if he wants to steer Russia away from the Putin model.
在演讲中,他发出的声音似乎令人感到他想要操纵俄国离开普京的道路。 yeeyan

It was done either by Mr Putin, or to discredit him; to promote one of his possible successors as president, or to force him to stay in office.
这件事要么是普京先生干的,要么就是为了打击他的名誉,为了将他的可能继任者之一擢升为总统,或是迫使他继续执政。 ecocn

Medvedev is of the opinion that independent directors should run state-owned corporations, but Putin leans towards appointing government officials.
梅德韦杰夫的观点是应当由独立的董事运营国有公司,但普京倾向于委任政府官员。 yeeyan

So far, his big selling point is that he is really a Putin-2.
到目前为止,他的一个大卖点即他是一个真正的普京2号。 ecocn

This is a big threat. It is very dangerous for Putin.
这是一个巨大的威胁,对于普京而言非常危险。 yeeyan

To achieve stability, Putin and his administration have dramatically curtailed freedoms.
为了达到稳定,普京和他的政府限制了自由。 yeeyan

Under the leadership of President Putin and Minister Zurabov the country is being transformed.
在普京总统和祖拉波夫部长的领导下,这个国家正在进行改革。 who

Were Vladimir Putin ever to read this book, he would surely desist.
如果弗拉基米尔•普京曾经读过这本书,他一定会断念。 ecocn




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