

单词 put-down
释义 put-down 英ˈpʊtˌdaʊn美ˈpʊtˌdaʊn ★★☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁴⁸⁸⁷BNC⁵⁷¹⁴³iWeb³⁶⁸²¹
n. 贬低或奚落的行为; 使对方不再做声的反驳¹⁰⁰; 飞机的降落复数put-downs
a crushing remarkput down镇压put someone's name down for申请成为…的候选人,…put down one's foot坚决反对put down to someone's charge把…记在某人的帐上…put one's foot down坚决put down roots定居扎根put down as估计put down for认为put one's name down for 申请成为 … …put down in black and white白纸写黑字,立据为凭…put down something to someone's account把…记入某人帐内…put down to归因于
蒋争熟词记忆put放down下⇒平定;贬低;飞机的降落put放down下⇒平定;贬低;飞机的降落近义词 sarcasm挖苦takedown可拆卸的squelch发出嘎吱声squelcher使对方哑口无言的辩论…

用作名词Uncle Wang put the plough down in a field.王伯伯把犁降落在田地里了。
At sunset, the sun looks as if it is going down.日落时,太阳看起来好像在降落。 Each time I catch myself using a put-down, I quietly shift the pebble into the other pocket and say to myself kindly, “Well, maybe I can say that differently next time.”
每次我抓到自己对别人奚落的行为时,我会把这颗鹅卵石放到另一个口袋里,温和的对自己说,“下次,我也许可以用不同的方式来说这件事。” blog.sina.com.cn

I didn't mean it as a put-down but I could tell from her response that she took my criticism personally.
我并没有奚落她的意思,可是从她的反应来看,她认为我的批评是针对她个人的。 tisc.cfau.edu.cn

Woman'S Beauty: Put-Down or Power Source?
女性美:压迫之咒还是力量之源? laimaishu

Write down these negative put-down thoughts and challenge them with reality.
写下来那些负面的想法,然后用现实去挑战这些想法。 tianya

Your mate will consider this a personal put-down and will immediately move into a defensive posture.
你的另一半会觉得这是很严重的攻击,他会马上做出防御的姿态。 kekenet




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