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词汇 put
释义 put 英pʊt美pʊtAHDp‹t

vt. 放; 置

move, set, place, lay or fix in, on or to a stated place

vt. 使处于某种状态

cause sb/sth to be in the specified state or condition

vt. 表达,叙述,说明

express sth in words

the option to sell a given stock or stock index or commodity future at a given price before a given date
put into a certain place or abstract location;

Put your things here

Set the tray down

Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children

Place emphasis on a certain point

cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation;

That song put me in awful good humor

put your ideas in writing

formulate in a particular style or language;

I wouldn't put it that way

She cast her request in very polite language

attribute or give;

She put too much emphasis on her the last statement

He put all his efforts into this job

The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story

make an investment;

Put money into bonds


We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M.

cause someone to undergo something;

He put her to the torture


put these words to music

arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events;

arrange my schedule

set up one's life

I put these memories with those of bygone times


❌ The girl puts on a beautiful dress today.

✔️ The girl wears a beautiful dress today.

put on和wear都表示“穿,戴”,前者强调“穿”的动作,后者强调“穿”的状态。


❌ He decided to put off to go to Shanghai.

✔️ He decided to put off going to Shanghai.

put off表示“推迟,延期”,后面不能接动词不定式作宾语,可接名词或动名词。


❌ He was unable to put up the working conditions there.

✔️ He was unable to put up with the working conditions there.

表示“忍受”可说put up with, with不可省略。


❌ I have put the book on the shelf for an hour.

✔️ I have kept the book on the shelf for an hour.

✔️ It is an hour since I put the book on the shelf.

✔️ I put the book on the shelf an hour ago.



❌ Since she did not answer,I put down her as fearful and nervous.

✔️ Since she did not answer,I put her down as fearful and nervous.

通常只说put sb down as,而不说put down sb as。


❌ He putted a hand on my shoulder.

✔️ He put a hand on my shoulder.


put out, blow out

这两个短语的意思不同, blow out的意思是“吹灭”; put out的意思是“熄灭”。例如:

You may put out a candle by blowing it out.你可以通过用嘴吹的方式把蜡烛熄灭。put out, go out


go out用如不及物动词,意思是主体自行熄灭,其后不加宾语; 而put out是主体使客体如灯、火等熄灭,其后必须有宾语。试比较下面两个句子意思的不同:

The lamp went out. 灯灭了。

He put out the lamp. 他把灯关了。

put up, set up

这两个短语在表示“竖起,挂起”和“建立”时可互换,只是put up更常用些,但在表示“成立”“建立”某一机构、团体时,只能用set up。

put up with, bear, endure, stand, suffer, tolerate


put on, dress, have on, wear


1.在表示“穿着”时, wear和have on可以互换。

2.dress仅限于表示“穿衣服”; put on可表示“穿上衣服”或“戴上眼镜、帽子等”; wear和put on则可表示一般的“穿”或“戴”; 留胡子则用wear来表示。

3.put on只表示动作; wear和have on均表示状态; dress则既可表示动作也可表示状态。

4.put on是瞬间动词; wear和have on都是持续性动词; dress则既可作持续性动词,也可作瞬间动词。

5.have on不能用于进行时态,其他3个词则可以。

put, lay, place, set



You placed me in a difficult position.你使我陷入了窘境。
I put the suitcase on the table.我把手提箱搁在桌上。
They were setting the table for dinner.他们正在摆餐具准备开饭。下面各组中两个句子的意思相同:

I'd put him down as an uneducated man.

I'd put him down for an uneducated man.我认为他是个没有受过教育的人。

Lady Wang and Xi Feng were hard put to it to soothe her.

Lady Wang and Xi Feng were hard put to soothe her.王夫人和熙凤都感到十分为难,无法 安慰她。lay,place,put,set






用作动词 v.
~+名词put book放书put box安放箱子put bridge架桥put clock拨钟put distance估计距离put fertilizer施肥put flowers放花put hands把手放于…put hat放帽子put horse赶马put kettle放置水壶put ladder放置梯子put law实施法律put name写下名字put napkin放餐巾put person叫人put plant安放花木put question提出问题put roof安装房顶put shot推铅球put signature签字put some coal放煤put sugar放糖put textbook放作业本~+副词put about改变方向put sb about使某人烦恼put across解释,被理解put aside撇开put away把…收起来,储存…备用,处理掉put some money away存点钱put back放回原处put by储存put question by把此问题搁置起来put down放下put forth提出,放出,使出,长出,出版put forward提出put in使投入put in enough manpower投入足够的人力put inside送进监狱put off延期,推迟put on穿上,戴上put out熄灭,放出,长出,激怒,生产,出版put out fire把火扑灭put over推迟,延期put through完成,用电话接通put together把…放在一起,汇合,编纂,合计put up举起,挂起,打开,进行,提供,建造,上演,揭示,储藏~+副词+介词put down to归咎于,说成是由…造成的put out for要求put out of去掉,发芽,使失去,赶出put out of head忘记,忘掉put up at投宿put up for提名,推荐,拿出…作…用put sb up for the night给某人安张床过一夜put up to通知,警告put up with忍受,容忍,不斤斤计较~+介词put at估计为,规定为put sb's mind at rest使某人安心put sb at sb's ease使人舒适put the number at估计数目为…put the price at估算价格为…put the rent at估计租金为put the time at five o'clock估计时间是5点put the total height at six metres估计全高为6米put before把…放在…之前,颠倒put sth in sb's hands把事情交托给某人put into把…放进,使投入…put the bayonet into sb's body把刺刀刺进某人身体put the car into the garage将汽车停放在汽车库里put a wrong interpretation on a statement对声明作出不正确的解释put sb on his guard使某人警惕put pressure on sb向某人施加压力put the blame on sb指责某人put a high price on sth给某事物定高价put a tax on sth征收某物的税put a lock on the door在门上装锁put a patch on the dress在衣服上缝补丁put a machine out of action使机器损坏put the enemy out of action歼灭敌军put arm through the sleeve将一只手穿进衣袖put the pen through the word用钢笔把这个词划掉put to给…谱曲,把…放在…put sb's mind to a problem专心考虑问题put the baby to bed让婴儿睡觉put sb to death处死某人put sb to expense让某人破费put sb to filing letters叫某人把信归档put sb to mixing the salad叫某人拌色拉put to paper提笔开写put sb to school送某人去上学put sb to shame羞辱某人put sb to the blush使某人脸红put oneself to the doing of law开始从事法律工作put sb to trial使某人受审判put sb to work分派某人做事put under把…放在…下面put sb under arrest逮捕某人
put about v.+adv.

改变航向 change the direction

put sb/oneself aboutDon't put yourself about!别烦恼!
He was much put about by the report of his friend's death.他朋友去世的消息使他很苦恼。
He was very much put about by the false accusations brought against him.他为对他的诬告极为苦恼。发愁发愁He told her that it was useless for her to put herself about.他告诉她发愁没有用。
I was much put about.我很发愁。put aboutThe ship put about.该船改变了航行方向。put about


put across¹ v.+adv.

〈非正〉解释,被理解 communicate sth successfully

put sb/sth ⇔ acrossHe knew how to put his ideas across.他知道怎样使别人理解他的想法。
I am not putting my meaning across very well.我没有把我的意思说得很清楚。
He could not put across his point of view to the audience.他没能使听众理解他的观点。
put across² v.+prep.

用欺骗的方法使某人接受或相信 cause acceptance of or belief in sth by sb, by deceit

put sth across sthWe must put a new bridge across the river to take the increased traffic.为适应增加了的交通量,我们必须在河上再架一座新桥。
The boatman put me across the river.船夫把我渡过了河。
The bigger boats will be able to put more people across the river.大一点的船能把更多的人渡过河去。put sth across sbYou can't put that across me.你休想骗我相信那事。
You'd better not try to put anything across him.你最好别欺骗他任何事情。
Don't think you are going to put that story across us.你别想用那个故事来欺骗我们。
put aside v.+adv.

撇开,储备 leave aside; store or reserve

put sth ⇔ asideYou must put aside your work for a time and take a holiday.你必须把工作撇开一段时间来休个假。
She put her book aside, and we had a talk.她把书搁到一边,我们交谈起来。
One should always put a little money aside for a rainy day.一个人总应积攒点钱以备不时之需。
I have put aside five minutes to talk to you.我挤出5分钟来与你交谈。
put at v.+prep.

猜测,估计 guess sth to be an amount

put at sthThe worshippers put their gifts at the feet of the god.做礼拜的人把祭品放在神像脚下。put at sthI put her age at 55.我猜测她的年龄在55岁左右。put sth at sthWhat would you put the radius at?你估计这半径有多长?
I put the distance between the two cities at about five miles.我估计这两个城市之间的距离为5英里左右。
He put the time of the accident at about two o'clock.他估计出事的时间大约是2点。
I put the weight at about fourteen pounds.我估计它的重量大约为14磅。
His income can probably be put at 8000 pounds.我估计他每年收入8000英镑。
The total of the armed forces in the theatre of operations was put at about 50,000 men.那个战区的总兵力估计约为50,000人。
put away v.+adv.

打消,放弃,抛弃 give up

put back v.+adv.

拨回,向后推 move backwards

put by v.+adv.

储存,存放在一边 save for future use

put sth ⇔ byHe had put by a good sum during a working lifetime.他工作了一辈子,也积蓄了一大笔钱。
I am not going to allow them to put this question by, as they have done before.我不会让他们像以前一样把这个问题搁到一边去。
He put the idea by until he was at leisure to consider it carefully.他把这个念头放在一边,到空闲时再去认真考虑它。
Whatever he got besides his basic salary was put by for his old age.凡是在基本工资以外的收入他都存起来以备年老时用。
put down v.+adv.

批评 criticize

put sth ⇔ downPut down that book and help your mother with the dishes.放下那本书,帮你母亲洗餐具。
Put down the window, please.请把窗户放下。
Just as I put the telephone down, the doorbell rang.当我放下电话时,门铃响了。put sth ⇔ downWe must put down the enemy's attack.我们必须打退敌人的进攻。
They had to call the police in order to put down the riot.他们只得叫来警察以平定骚乱。
The troops were called out to put down the disturbance.出动了军队去镇压骚乱。
The uprising was put down with the utmost ferocity.起义被极端残酷地镇压下去了。put sb/sth ⇔ downCan I put you down for the trip to Guilin?去桂林旅游我给你登记好吗?
When Betty read English books she always put down interesting expressions.贝蒂看英文书时总是把有趣的表达方式记下来。
Let me put down your telephone number lest I forget it.让我记下你的电话号码,以免忘了。
Please put your name and address down on this pad.请在便笺簿上写下你的姓名和地址。
Everything he said was put down at once.他说的话马上被记了下来。put sb/sth down as/for sth/sbAt first they put down the complaints as radical talk.起初他们认为这些牢骚都是偏激言词而已。
We put the boy down as nine years old.我们估计这男孩有9岁。
We may safely put him down as a person with a small mind.我们可以有把握地认为他是个心胸狭窄的人。
They put him down for a fool.他们认为他是个傻瓜。put sth down to sth/v-ingI put his bad temper down to having had an unhappy childhood.我把他的坏脾气归之于他有过不幸的童年。
He put the poor harvest down to bad weather.他把收成不好归咎于坏天气。
They'll put it down to his craziness.他们会把这件事归因于他的精神不正常。
The disease was put down to bad drinking-water.这疾病被认为是由劣质饮用水引起的。put sb ⇔ downHe is severely put down for his careless work.他因工作上的粗心大意而受到了严厉的批评。
put forth v.+adv.

尽力 try one's best

put forthLeaves are putting forth.树叶正在长出。
Do you think these little trees will put forth before long?你认为这些小树不久就会长叶子吗?put forth sthTrees put forth buds and leaves in spring.树木在春天发芽长叶。
At this time of the year all the chestnut trees put forth blossoms.每年的这个时候栗子树都开花。put forth sthRepresentatives from various units have put forth several suggestions.许多单位的代表提出了一些建议。
The officials of government of many countries have put forth a better system for preventing world war.许多国家政府首脑提出了一个更好的防止世界大战的计划。put forth sthHe put forth all his strength so as to reach the camp in time.他使出全身的力气以便能及时到达营地。
put forward v.+adv.

推荐 recommend

put in¹ v.+adv.

进港停泊 enter a harbour to anchor

put sth ⇔ inHe put his head in at the window.他从窗口把头伸进来。引出直接引语“Don't forget us,” she put in.“别忘记我们,”她插进来说。put sth ⇔ inThe teacher always put in a good word for his former pupils.那个老师总是为他以前教过的学生说句好话。put in that-clauseHe put in that he must resign.他插嘴说,他必须辞职。
While they were discussing the car accident,Frank put in that the road was icy.当他们讨论汽车事故时,弗兰克插嘴说路上覆盖着冰。put sth ⇔ inShe always puts in an hour's reading before breakfast.早饭前她总是读一小时书。
Mary puts in an hour's piano practice every evening.玛丽每晚练一小时钢琴。put sb/sth ⇔ inHe put in a caretaker.他任命了一个管理员。
The candidate was put in by a majority of one thousand.这个候选人以一千票的多数当选。
Which party will be put in at the next general election?下一次大选中哪个党派会当选执政?put inThe ship put in at the harbour and remained there for a day.轮船进港在那儿停了一天。
After the fire, the ship put in for repairs.失火后那船进港维修。
put in² v.+prep.

使…处于某种状态 cause sth to be in a state of

put sth in sthPut sugar in the coffee, please.请把糖放在咖啡里。
He puts his hands in his pockets.他把手插入口袋里。
Put the eggs gently in the basket.轻轻地把鸡蛋放入篮子里。
Put the vegetables in the pan with very little water and heat quickly.把蔬菜放入煎锅里,少放些水迅速加热。
We ought to put the children in the back seat; it's safer.我们应该把孩子们放在后面座位上,这样更安全。put sth in v-ingEvery morning I put half an hour in reading.我每天早读半个小时。
I've put a lot of work in improving my English.我下了很大的工夫进修英文。put sth in sthHis study is a chaos; it takes long to put his papers in order.他的书房一片狼藉,整理好他的文件要花好长时间。
The secretary put the files in alphabetical order.秘书把案卷按字母顺序整理好。
Let's put everything in order and dust the office clean.咱们把东西整理好,把办公室打扫干净。
The surprise attack put me in a fix.这次突然袭击使我处于困境。
All goods should be put in order on the shelf before the supermarket opens.超级市场开门前,所有的货物都必须整齐地排列在货架上。
put in for v.+adv.+prep.

推荐 recommend sb for promotion, an award , etc.

put in for sthThe workers are putting in for an increase in wages.工人们正在要求增加工资。
She put in for a transfer to another office.她申请调到另一部门工作。
Did you put in for that post in the library that you were speaking about the other day?你有没有申请那天你说起的图书馆的那个职位?put sb in for sthThe commanding officer is putting Sergeant Green in for the Victoria Cross.指挥官提议颁发给格林中士维多利亚十字勋章。
put into v.+prep.

把…译成,用…表达 express a thought in words; translate sth into another language

put it on

索价过高 overcharge

put off¹ v.+adv.

丢弃,摆脱 rid oneself of

put sth ⇔ offWe put off the trip.我们把这次旅行推迟了。
They put off the picnic because of the rain.因为下雨,他们推迟了野餐。
They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.他们决定把会议推迟到圣诞节以后。
He had to put off his trip to Japan for two weeks.他只得把他的日本之行推迟两个星期。
Owing to the state of the ground, the match has been put off.由于场地状况不佳,比赛推迟了。
The appointment was put off because of his illness.由于他生病而推迟了约会。put off v-ingIf you think you are sick you should not put off going to the doctor.如果你觉得有病,不应该拖,快去看医生。
There is always a temptation to put off doing an unpleasant task as long as one can.对于不合意的差使,人们尽可能迟迟不做。
Don't put off making the arrangements until the last minute.不要拖到最后一分钟才进行安排。put sb ⇔ offI wanted to say something, but her face quite put me off.我本来要说几句,但看到她的脸色,又没有勇气开口了。
We are going there tomorrow — not even bad weather could put us off.我们明天要去那儿,即使天气不好也要去。
They had intended going into the country for the day, but were put off by reports of traffic jams.他们本来打算那天到乡下去,但听说交通堵塞就作罢了。put sb ⇔ offEmil's poor condition put him off.埃米尔的恶劣处境使他大不愉快。
Her failure in algebra has put her off.她的代数不及格使她甚感沮丧。
We are not going to allow a little difficulty like that to put us off.我们不能让这样一个小小的困难就使我们泄气。
She has been put off by his offensive remarks.由于他出言不逊,她感到不高兴。
Don't be put off by the price; it's worth much more really.不要被价格吓住,其实那东西的价值远远超过了其价格。
Don't be put off by a little difficulty like that.别因为这么一点点困难就泄气。put sb ⇔ offAsk the conductor to put you off at the Odeon .告诉售票员在奥汀提醒你下车。
Would you please put me off at the railway station?请让我在火车站下车。
Where do you want to be put off?你在哪儿下车?put sb ⇔ offI don't like music playing when I'm working. It puts me off.我不喜欢工作时放音乐,那会使我分心。
He was just going to hit the ball when somebody sneered and put him off.正当他要去击这个球时,有人在一旁发出嘲笑声,使他分了心。
If I am once put off I find it very difficult to recapture the same train of thought.我一旦受到打扰,发觉自己很难回到原来的思路上来。
The singer was put off by a sudden noise outside, and was unable to continue.那位歌手受到外面突然的喧闹声的干扰,他唱不下去了。put sth ⇔ offWe forgot to put off the radio before we went out.出门前我们忘了关收音机。
Please put off all the lights as you leave the building.离开这栋楼房时,请你把所有的灯都关上。
Under the official regulations the central heating was put off on March 15th each year.按正式规定,每年3月15日停止供应暖气。put sb ⇔ offWhen he asked her to name a day for their wedding, she put him off.当他要她订个结婚的日子时,她却支支吾吾不说。
He tried to put me off with a vague promise.他企图以含糊的许诺来敷衍我。
He put her off with the excuse that he had too much work to do.他借口有很多工作要做,把她打发走了。
He'll probably try and put you off by promising to pay next week; but don't believe him.他很可能会答应下星期付账而设法把你敷衍过去,你可不要听他的。
I'm not going to be put off with that excuse.我不会被那个借口敷衍过去的。
I won't be put off with such vague promises.这种含混的诺言是敷衍不了我的。put sth ⇔ offIt's warm outside.Put your coat off.外面较暖和,把大衣脱了吧。
Please put off your shoes before entering this holy building.在进入这所神圣的殿堂之前,请把鞋脱掉。put sth ⇔ offYou must put off your doubts.你必须消除你的疑虑。
He had put off all personal cares.他已摆脱了一切个人的牵挂。
It's time to put off those foolish ideas and become serious.该丢弃那些愚蠢的想法,慎重考虑了。
It's good to have put off the responsibility of the chairmanship.不当主席,无官一身轻,这太好了。
put off² v.+prep.

使注意力从…上移开 distract sb's attention from

put on¹ v.+adv.

把钟、表的针向前拨 move the hands of a clock or watch forwards

put on² v.+prep.

分配任务 assign sb some work or task

put out v.+adv.

使脱关节,使脱臼 cause to be out of joint; dislocate

put sth ⇔ outIt's rude to put out your tongue at people.对人吐舌头是不礼貌的。
After a couple of minutes,I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man.几分钟以后,我漫不经心地伸出手,拿出最后一块饼干,并且瞥了那人一眼。
As the spring is coming, all the trees are beginning to put out green buds.春天来了,树木都开始吐出绿色的嫩芽。put sth ⇔ outThey quickly put out the fire.他们迅速将火扑灭。
Be sure to put out the light before you go to bed.你上床前务必熄灯。
The firemen worked hard but were not able to put out the fire.消防队员费了很大劲,但未能将火扑灭。
A downpour of rain put out the children's bonfire.一阵大雨把孩子们的营火都浇灭了。
Smoking is forbidden here. Please put your cigarette out.这里禁止吸烟,请将您的烟熄灭。
The fire was soon put out.火很快就扑灭了。put sth ⇔ outThe company puts out 25 new machines every month.这家公司每个月推出25台新机器。
The firm puts out 1000 bales of cotton sheeting every week.这家公司每周生产出1000包棉质被单布。
The firm has put out an increased number of bicycles this month.这家公司这个月提高了自行车的产量。
The engine puts out thirty horsepower.这台发动机可产生30匹马力。
This engine puts out more electric current than the other one.这台发电机比另一台发的电多。put sth ⇔ outThey have already put out a new periodical.他们已经出版了一种新的期刊。
The printers put out three numbers of the magazine in the first year.这些出版商第一年出版了三期杂志。
They put out fifty new books last season.上一季度,他们出了五十种新书。
The government will put out a new statement tomorrow.政府将于明天发布一项新声明。
This magazine is put out every Friday.这份杂志每星期五出版。put outWe put out at the crack of dawn.我们在破晓时起航。
Fishermen usually put out to sea in the early morning.渔民通常清早出海打鱼。
The ship put out to sea.船出海航行。
A coast guard boat put out through the waves.一艘海岸巡逻艇破浪驶离海岸。put sth ⇔ outWe put out the washing.我们把要洗的衣服送到洗衣店去洗。
All repairs are done on the premises and not put out.全部修缮都在家里进行,不送到外面去做。put sb/oneself ⇔ outWe are so sorry to put you out by arriving so late.很抱歉,我们这么晚才到,麻烦你了。
Would it put you out to spare you just a few minutes?耽误你几分钟时间会打乱你的计划吗?
Will it put you out if I bring another guest?我如果再带一个客人来,会不会给你增添麻烦?
Please don't put yourself out. I can do it myself.不麻烦你了,我可以自己做这件事。
He could help us if he would be willing to put himself out a little.如果他愿意出点力,他能够帮助我们的。
Mother was always willing to put herself out to help people.母亲总是不嫌麻烦地去帮助人。
He was very much put out by the late arrival of his guests.客人姗姗来迟使他大感不便。put sb ⇔ outHe never compromises on matters of principle and doesn't care who he puts out.在原则问题上他从不妥协,不怕得罪人。
You could tell that his rudeness had put her out by the way she slammed the door.从她砰地一声把门关上的样子你就可以断定,他的粗暴惹得她生气了。
She was put out by her husband's remark.她被她丈夫的话惹恼了。
She was very much put out by your rudeness.你的鲁莽使她受窘。
The traveller was much put out by the loss of his bag.这个旅客因为丢失了手提包而烦恼。
She never gets put out even by the most difficult matters.最困难的事也不会使她担忧。
He seemed greatly put out by the arrival of the new workers.这些新工人的到来似乎使他非常恼火。put sth ⇔ outHe slipped on the stairs and put his ankle out.他在楼梯上滑了一跤,踝关节脱臼了。
I can't play tennis today; I've put my shoulder out.我今天不能打网球,因为我的肩膀脱臼了。
put over v.+adv.

成功完成 carry out successfully

put through¹ v.+adv.

接通电话( connect by telephone)

put through² v.+prep.

使…通过 make sth pass through any process

put to v.+prep.

把…毁掉 ruin; finish completely

put together v.+adv.

组成整体 form a whole by combining parts

put sth ⇔ togetherIt's easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again.拆卸一部机器比重新装配起来容易。
I must put my thoughts together before I go on the platform.在走上讲台讲演之前,我要把我的思绪整理一下。
This toy can be taken apart and put together with ease.这个玩具可容易地拆开再装起来。put two and two together

得出结论 draw a conclusion from some small details

put up v.+adv.

包装 pack in parcels, boxes, etc.

put sth ⇔ upPlease put up your hand if you have any questions.谁要有问题,就请举手。
He put up his umbrella to keep off the rain.他撑起伞去遮雨。
Girls used to put their hair up on their seventeenth birthdays.过去的姑娘17岁生日时就把头发束起来。
Would you please help me to put the shelf up? I can't do it myself.你能帮我把书橱抬起来吗?我自己干不了。put sth ⇔ upThey put up a tent when they go there.他们一到那里就支起了帐篷。
I want to put up a fence between our property and our neighbour's.我要在我们和邻居的地产之间修道篱笆。
They put up many buildings last year.去年他们盖了许多高楼。
The Smiths are going to put up a new house.史密斯家准备建造新居。
These buildings were put up in 1972.这些楼建于1972年。
The new library will be put up soon.新的图书馆将很快建造起来。
A new supermarket will be put up in this neighborhood next year.明年要在这个居民区建一家超级市场。
Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast?广播器材安装完毕了吗?put sth ⇔ upWe'd better put up a notice here.我们最好在这儿贴一张通知。
The students put up a poster on the bulletin board.学生们在布告栏上贴了一张海报。
You are not allowed to put up advertisements on this wall without special permission.未经特别允许,不许在这面墙上张贴广告。
It was the old man who put up the “FOR RENT” sign.是一位老人贴出了“出租”的招牌。
It's time we put up the Christmas decorations in the living room.我们该在起居室里布置一些圣诞装饰物了。
The notice was put up by the editorial board of the school journal.布告是校刊编委会贴的。
The names of the candidates will be put up on the college notice board.候选人的名字将贴在学院的广告牌上。put upWe put up for the night at a farmhouse.我们在一间农舍投宿了一夜。
We put up at a small hotel on the outskirts of the town.我们在一家位于镇郊的小旅馆住宿。
You're welcome to put up in my home for the night.欢迎你在我家过夜。put sb ⇔ upWe can easily put you up for the night.我们可以毫不费事地安排你过夜。
When the travellers went to the inn, the innkeeper put them up comfortable for the night.旅客们到达旅店后,店主把他们舒舒服服地安顿下来过夜。put sth ⇔ upThe workers try to put up productivity.工人设法提高生产率。
We are planning to put up the rate of interest.我们正计划提高利率。
Every time a new tenant moves into that flat, he puts up the rent a bit more.每当新房客住进那套公寓,他总要把租金提高一点。
Universities have just put up their fees.各个大学刚刚提高了学费。
The grocer's put the price of coffee up again .杂货商又将咖啡的价格提高了。
It's necessary to put the wages up on the basis of increasing production.需要在增加生产的基础上增加工资。
The government has promised that taxes will not be put up again this year.政府已经许诺今年不再增加税收。put upDo you really intend to put up for that seat?你真的打算自荐为那个职位的候选人吗?
He has not made up his mind whether or not to put up for mayor again this year.他尚未决定今年是否再次竞选市长。put sb ⇔ upThe Liberals are putting Jim up again in the election.自由党在竞选中再次提名吉姆。
Though some suggested putting up Johnson as a candidate, the majority seemed to be for Jones.虽然有些人提名约翰逊为候选人,但大多数人却似乎赞成琼斯。
His name was put up for chairman of the committee.他被提名为该委员会主席。put sth ⇔ upHe'll supply the skill if you put up 80,000 yuan capital.如果你出80,000元资金,他将提供技术。
The millionaire put up a lot of money for the church.这位百万富翁为教会捐了许多钱。
The State decided to put up another two million yuan to expand the enterprise.国家决定再拨200万元来扩建这个企业。put sb/sth ⇔ upThe drivers have put up a fierce struggle against their employer.司机与雇主展开了激烈的斗争。
They put up stubborn resistance.他们进行了顽强的抵抗。
He put up a good fight against his sickness.他同疾病作顽强的斗争。
Very little resistance was put up by the enemy.敌人没怎么进行抵抗。put sth ⇔ upYou have put up a good case, but I still have to decide against you.你提出了一个很好的例证,但是我仍不得不提出异议。
What excuse can you put up for your actions?你能提出什么理由来为你的行为辩解呢?
Here,I'd like to put up an idea for your consideration.我想在这儿提个意见供你考虑。put sth ⇔ upThe farmers put up the apples in barrels.农夫们把苹果装入桶内。
She put up a parcel for her daughter, who was away at college.她为在外地上大学的女儿打包。
Mother will put up a packed meal for us to take on our walk.母亲将把饭包起来让我们带着在路上吃。
The medicine is put up in small bottles.药被装进小瓶里。
put up to v.+adv.+prep.

向…通告 suggest; offer to

put up with v.+adv.+prep.

忍受,容忍 bear; tolerate

put up with sb/sthI can't put up with her another day; she never stops complaining.她整天抱怨,我一天也不能忍受了。
It isn't easy to put up with people who are impolite.没有礼貌的人是令人难以容忍的。
I don't see how Jack can put up with his wife.我不知道杰克如何能忍受得了他的老婆。
We had to put up with a lot of noise when the children were at home.孩子们在家时,他们吵吵嚷嚷我们也得忍受。
Why should we put up with such terrible working conditions?我们为什么要忍受这么恶劣的工作条件呢?
I can't put up with this toothache any longer.我再也忍受不了这样的牙疼了。
I can no longer put up with his rude behavior.我再也不能容忍他的粗鲁行为了。非常记忆put葡萄⇒把葡萄放置好近义词 laysaysetplacestatephraseexpress反义词 call option购买选择权
S+~+ n./pron.Where have they put my clothes?他们把我的衣服搁在哪里了?
Where did you put my hat?你把我的帽子放在何处了?
Who put the question?这问题是谁提的?
The councilors put the problem of downtown parking before the mayor.议员们向市长提出了市内停车问题。
“The election result was a disaster for the country.”“I wouldn't put it quite like that.”“这次选举的结果对国家来说是个灾难。”“我看未必如此。”
She put it very tactfully.她说得很有技巧。
How can I put what I felt and thought?我该怎么表达我的感受和想到的事才好呢?
Just put your signature here.把你的名字签在这里。
Put a cross opposite each mistake.在每个差错的前面打个叉。
I wouldn't put him among the greatest composers.他算不上一个最伟大的作曲家。
He is going to put the shot in the game.在比赛中,他将推铅球。
She put a knife between his ribs.她拿起一把刀子刺进了他的肋骨间。
His ideas were cleverly put.他巧妙地表达了自己的想法。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.He put me a few very sharp questions.他向我提了几个非常尖锐的问题。S+~+ n./pron. +for/to pron./n.In the second document the President put a question to her.在第二份文件里,总统向她提了一个问题。
I'd like to put a question to the speaker.我想向演讲者提个问题。
I will put your views to the committee.我会把你的意见提交委员会。
Let me put a question to you.我向你提个问题吧。
You may put your suggestion to the director at a suitable time, not now.你可以在适当的时候把你的建议向经理提出来,但现在不要提。
I put it to you that you haven't told us the full facts.我认为你并没有告诉我们全部事实。
I'll put a chair for you over there.我会在那边给你放一把椅子。
The budget was put to the board for discussion.预算已提交董事会讨论。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.We had taken a wrong turning, but a policeman put us right.我们拐错了弯,但一位警察给我们指示了正确的方向。
She can always put other people right, but will never admit making an error herself.她总是能够纠正别人的错误,但从不承认自己犯的错误。
A short note put the matter right.一封短函把事件解释清楚了。
The picture on the wall is crooked— I must put it straight.墙上那幅画挂歪了,我得把它扶正。
He can put the mistake right soon.他能很快纠正这个错误。
I'd have to put them equal.我得把一碗水端平。Pputoutn.出局Pinputting输入Pput-upa.密谋的Pputterern.懒汉Pput-outn.使出局Pmisinput错误输入Phalf-input半字输入Pput-through接通完成Pinput-power输入电力Pauto-output自动输出Poutputn.输出产品产量Pput-downn.贬低的言语Pput-onn.做作的假装的Pputlogn.脚手跳板搁材Ptransput交换互换传输Pput-offn.遁辞推迟延期Pputlockn.脚手跳板搁材Pshot-puttern.推铅球者Pinputter输入员输入用户Pthroughputn.生产量通过量inputP-output投入产出Pinput-limited受输入限制的Pinputn.输入输入电路vt.输入Poff-puttinga.令人不愉快的老是推托的Pput-upona.受虐待的受人利用的被占去便宜的受愚弄的Pputtern.推杆轻击棒轻击者噗噗声v.慢条斯理地工作漫步闲荡





用作动词Heputhis hands in his pockets.他把手放在口袋里。
Sheputthe grapes onto the platter.她把葡萄放到一个大盘子上。
I'veputmy entire life into a sound and perfect order.我把自己的一生都安排妥当了。
The government has promised toputmore police officers on the street.政府承诺要在大街上安置更多警力。
This gas willputyou to sleep during the operation.这种气体将使你在手术中处于睡眠状态。
I wish you hadn't told me! itputsme in a really difficult position.我真希望你没告诉我那件事!这使我现在的处境真的很为难。
The motion wasputto the assemblage.这项提议已提交大会了。
I'llputthis lunch on my expense account.我要把这顿午餐记在我的开支帐户上。
Make sure that youputdown every word she says.切实要记下她说的每一个字。
How shall Iputit?我该怎么说呢?
I want to know how toputthis in French.我想知道如何用法语来表达这件事。
Heputfor home after a hurried meal.他匆匆吃完饭就出发回家了。
The vessel was unable toputto sea on account of the storm.因为有暴风雨,所以这些船不能开航。verb.position
同义词 bring,establish,focus,insert,install,invest,lay,place,set,settle,stickconcenter,concentrate,deposit,embed,fasten,fix,fixate,nail,park,peg,plank,plant,plop,plunk,quarter,repose,rest,rivet,seat,situateplank down,plunk down
反义词 confuse,displace,forget,leave,neglect,refuse,remove,take,take out,unsettle,be active,detach,disorganize,energize,move,release,unfastenchange,transferverb.propose;express in words
同义词 give,offer,present,set,submit,suggest,turnadvance,air,couch,express,formulate,forward,phrase,pose,posit,prefer,proposition,propound,render,state,tender,translate,transpose,utter,vent,ventilate,wordbring forward,propone,set before
反义词 conceal,dissuade,fight,refrain,take,withhold,halt,hide,stop,suppresschange,displace,remove,transferverb.commit, assign
同义词 force,impose,make,require,setcondemn,consign,constrain,doom,employ,enjoin,induce,inflict,levy,oblige,subjectsubject to
反义词 discourage,dissuade,halt,free,let go,releasechange,displace,remove,take,transfer
airverb express opinion publicly
broadcast,circulate,communicate,declare,disclose,display,disseminate,divulge,exhibit,expose,make known,make public,proclaim,publicize,publish,reveal,speak,state,tell,utter,ventilate,voice
attachverb attribute, ascribe
allocate,allot,appoint,assign,associate,connect,consign,designate,detail,earmark,impute,invest with,lay,name,place,put,second,send
attachesverb attribute, ascribe
adds,adheres,affixes,annexes,appends,binds,connects,couples,fixes,hitches on,hitches up,hook on,hooks up,latches onto,links,makes fast,prefixes,rivets,secures,slaps on,sticks,tags on,ties,unites
betverb gamble
ante,buy in on,chance,dice,game,hazard,lay down,lay odds,play against,play for,play the ponies,pledge,pony up,put,put money on,risk,set,speculate,tempt fortune,toss up,trust,venture,wager
callverb estimate, consider
adumbrate,approximate,augur,forecast,foretell,guess,judge,make rough guess,place,portend,predict,presage,prognosticate,prophesy,put,reckon,regard,think,vaticinate
concentrateverb think about closely
apply,attend,be engrossed in,bring to bear,brood over,center,consider closely,contemplate,crack one's brains,direct attention,establish,examine,fix attention,fixate,focus,focus attention,get on the beam,give attention,hammer,hammer away at,head trip,intensify,knuckle down,meditate,muse,need,occupy thoughts,peruse,ponder,pour it on,put,put mind to,rack one's brains,rivet,ruminate,scrutinize,set,settle,study,sweat,think hard,weigh




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