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词汇 pushtuns
释义 pushtunsCOCA²⁰⁸⁸²¹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
🌏普什图人;普什图族;孟加拉国原型pushtun的复数 Mr Fahim is also a leading light of the country’s Tajiks, the largest ethnic group after Mr Karzai’s Pushtuns.
法西姆本人也是这个国家塔吉克族的一个领袖,这是继卡尔扎伊普什图族之后最大的族群。 ecocn

The constituency is made up mostly of people who are not Pushtuns, the country's biggest ethnic group, who live mainly along the border with Pakistan and from whom most insurgents are drawn.
支持者大部分由非普什图人组成,这是阿富汗最大的种族群体,居住在叛乱分子频出的与巴基斯坦接壤的地带。 topsage

The country risks starker polarisation between Tajiks in the north and Pushtuns in the south.
阿富汗面临着北部塔吉克族人同南部普什图族人的极端分化风险。 ecocn

This has done less damage to civilian life and property than two previous, failed offensives in Malakand. The local Pushtuns, over2m of whom were displaced by the fighting, are now returning home.
相比前两次对马拉砍的失败进攻,这次给平民生命和财产带来的毁坏较少,当地曾有200多万普什图人被迫背井离乡,如今才刚刚返回故土。 ecocn

Above all, it considers such an arrangement unacceptable to Afghanistan's Pushtuns, the country's historic rulers and biggest group, who are close cousins of its Pushtuns in the tribal lands and NWFP.
最关键的是,巴军方认为阿富汗的长期统治力量,占人口多数的普什图人难以接受这一点。这些普什图人与部落地区及巴基斯坦西北边省的普什图人关系紧密。 ecocn

According to a diplomatic cable written by the American ambassador last November, the low recruitment in the south of Pushtuns is crippling.
根据美国大使去年十一月份的国内电文,普什图南部的低征兵率正在改善。 ecocn

Afghan forces are increasingly active in Wardak. But most Pushtuns want nothing to do with them, especially the police.
阿富汗武装力量也日渐活跃,但是阿富汗人对他们,特别是警察,根本不抱任何希望。 ecocn

American commanders do not know whether the Pushtuns are really, as they claim, too afraid of the Taliban to co-operate, or whether they in fact sympathise with the insurgents.
美军指挥官不能确认阿富汗人是否真的如他们宣称的一样对塔利班组织害怕而不敢合作,还是他们实际上同情支持反抗者。 ecocn

Another, as Sir Olaf might have foretold, is the response of the most remote and traditional Pushtuns to a foreign invasion.
另一个原因,奥拉夫爵士可能已经预言到了,就是最偏僻、最守传统的普什图人对外国入侵的回应。 ecocn

As a first step, the force in Jalrez is not a hugely cheering model. It includes only30 Pushtuns, although they are the main ethnic group in the area.
作为第一步,在 Jalrez为该部队举行了不算盛大的欢迎仪式,还包括了30个 Pushtuns族人民,尽管他们都主要来自该地区。 ecocn

Conversely, if Mr Abdullah does emerge as the victor, Pushtuns may feel even more alienated from a government many still regard as dominated by Tajiks.
相反地,如果阿卜杜拉成了胜利者,普什图人会觉得与政府更加疏远,因为大多人认为政府是由塔吉克人控制着的。 yeeyan

He may be half- Pushtun and half- Tajik, but as a prominent member of the anti- Taliban Northern Alliance, he is seen by Pushtuns as a Tajik, and by Pakistan as a stooge of India.
他可能一半是普什图人,一半是塔吉克人,但作为反塔利班北方联盟的主要成员,他被普什图人视为塔吉克人,而被巴基斯坦人视为印度的傀儡。 ecocn

Many Tajiks, like Pushtuns, would die before they suffered a slight. But, unlike Pushtuns, they do not fear their peeved neighbours to the extent of living in castles.
象普什图人一样,许多塔吉克人也会在死前遭受一些轻微痛苦,但同普什图人不同的是,他们对其恼怒的邻居不会害怕到需要住在城堡里的程度。 ecocn

Nor is it clear how many Pushtuns will dare to vote: the Taliban and other Pushtun militants have condemned the poll. For extra intimidation, this week saw some spectacular violence.
至于有多少普什图人敢投票也不明确:塔利班和普什图激进分子一直阻呵选举,本周又以几起重大暴力事件作为威胁。 ecocn

One problem is that their ethnic composition is skewed: there are few Pushtuns in the police, leaving locals distrustful.
症结之一就是高层领导的民族比例不合适,因为在警局中只有少数的阿富汗人,这样就很难取信于当地人民。 ecocn

Over100,000 people, a third of the population, have fled into NWFP. Most, given the hospitable way of Pushtuns, have found shelter with relations.
马赫苏德地区超过十万人,即其人口的三分之一,都逃到了西北边省,并且大多数人通过各种关系都找到了避难处,受到了普什图人的热情欢迎。 ecocn

Pakistani Pushtuns see the war in Afghanistan as being waged against ethnic, as well as religious, brothers.
巴基斯坦普什图族认为阿富汗战争是针对其民族、宗教和其兄弟的战争。 ecocn

Reforms could also legalise political parties, which may give conservative Pushtuns a political alternative to fighting.
改革也要把各党派合法化,这可能会为保守的普什图人提供一个政治选择去奋斗。 ecocn

So were those of its main rival, the Awami National Party ANP, which is dedicated to Pushtuns.
该党的主要竞争对手代表普什图人的人民民族党 ANP的追随者也是如此。 ecocn

Some15m Pushtuns live in Afghanistan, or 50% of its population; and28m in Pakistan, mostly in NWFP, representing about15% of the population there.
大约1500万普什图人生活在阿富汗,占了阿富汗人口的50%,另有280万人居住在巴基斯坦主要是在西北边境省,号称约占巴基斯坦人口的15%。 ecocn

Supporters of the Awami National Party, which represents Pushtuns, the people of north- western Pakistan, were also attacked.
代表巴基斯坦西北的普斯图人的阿瓦米民族党的支持者们,也遭到了MQM的攻击。 ecocn

The Taliban, an Islamist group dominated by southern Pushtuns, was launched in the early1990s to end a bitter civil war.
塔利班,一个以南部普什图人为主的伊斯兰组织,于20世纪90年代初投入战争,以结束痛苦的内战。 ecocn

The Taliban draw support from the Pushtuns’ fear that other groups enjoy too much sway in the new Afghanistan.
塔利班利用了普什图族人的心理,就是他们害怕其他民族在选举后的阿富汗中势力会过分膨胀。 ecocn

The province matters because it is the cultural centre of the Pushtuns, who are Afghanistan’s biggest ethnic group.
这个省很重要,因为它是阿富汗最大族群普什图人的文化中心。 ecocn

Thereby, and though human- rights groups understandably revile the practice, Pushtuns have peace and happy grandfathers.
因此,尽管可以理解人权团体会指斥这种行为,但普什图人却可以拥有慈祥而幸福的祖父了。 ecocn

They point to the extreme difficulty the army has in recruiting southern Pushtuns, whose families face certain death if insurgents discover their sons are serving.
他们指出在南部普什图招募军队极其艰难。一旦反叛分子发现哪个家庭的儿子参军,该家庭将面临灭顶之灾。 ecocn

Thieves, murderers, rapists; and how the Pushtuns' ancient tribal code is fighting for survival against radical Islam
小偷、凶手、强奸犯;普什图人古老的部落规范如何开展对抗激进伊斯兰主义的生存战 ecocn

Pushtuns, members of the country's largest ethnic group, to which most insurgents belong, are loth to sign up.
普什图人组成了全国最大的宗教团体,同时掌握着多数反抗者,但他们不愿签约受到雇佣。 ecocn

Pushtuns are a large minority in Pakistan and the biggest ethnic group in Afghanistan.




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