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词汇 Pushtun
释义 PushtunEconomist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

a member of the mountain people living in the eastern regions of Afghanistan;

Pathans are the predominant ethnic group in Afghanistan

近义词 Pashtun普什图人Pashtoon普什图族Pathan住在印度西北国境的阿富汗…
But not all Westerners fell for thePushtun.但并非所有的西方人都对普什图人心有倾心。
Ethnic Composition:Pushtun38%, Tajik 25%, Hazara 19%, Uzbek 6%, other 12%.民族:普什图族占38%,塔吉克族占25%,哈扎拉族占19%,乌兹别克族占6%,其他民族12%。
According to a Pushtu saying: “APushtunwaited 100 years, then took his revenge.It was quick work.正如普什图谚云:“普什图君子报仇,百年不晚。”
In other words, he might have said, paraphrasing Mr Khan: it is his sin that he isPushtun.换言之,他可能说了,套用那位汗先生的话:身为普什图人,就是他的罪过。
Another reason for Pushtunwali's rude health lies in the nature ofPushtunsociety.“普什图瓦里”规范如此兴旺的另一个原因在于普什图人社会的本性。
Even Mr Abdullah probably knows that his election could worsen the insurgency in thePushtunsouth.甚至连阿卜杜拉自己可能都清楚他的当选会恶化普什图南部动乱的局势。 And they are alarmed by the president’s efforts to open peace talks with the overwhelmingly Pushtun Taliban.
他们还对总统试图与塔利班主要是普什图人进行和平谈判感到担忧。 ecocn

The idea was then to expand it to other critical population centres along the Pushtun belt, all the way to Kandahar.
然后希望政府的势力扩张到沿着普什图一带的其他重要的居民点,一直延伸坎大哈。 ecocn

The president, Hamid Karzai, is a Pushtun.
阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊是普什图人。 ecocn

The alleged architect of a two-year terrorism spree, in which thousands of innocent Punjabis, Sindhis and Pushtun have been killed, Mr Mehsud is another popular target.
据称马哈苏德领导了两年的恐怖主义热潮,期间有数千名无辜的旁遮普,信德和普什图人被杀害。 所以他是另一个重点打击对象。 ecocn

The poll found that two-thirds considered the election“ very important”. But grizzled Afghanistan hands claim to detect a good deal of apathy, especially in Pushtun areas.
民调显示2/3的人认为大选“非常重要”,但是在这个沉默阴郁的国家能让人觉察出很多民众对此十分漠然,尤其在普什图族聚居地区。 ecocn

Three hundred people were killed during July, as Pakistan's largest city exploded along the ethnic lines of its Sindhi, Muhajir and Pushtun populations, egged on by the main political parties.
作为巴基斯坦最大的城市卡拉奇,有着包括信德人、旁遮普人、普什图人、等来自不同民族的人口,其中300人在7月发生的由主要政党挑唆的爆炸中丧生。 ecocn

Around the same time, after entering the tribal areas to hunt down al- Qaeda, the Pakistanis found themselves fighting a billowing Pushtun insurgency of their own.
几乎同时,在进入部落地区搜索“基地”成员后,巴基斯坦军队发现他们正在同不断涌出的普什图族叛乱战斗。 ecocn

As a mark of a time- honoured accommodation, Pushtun elders and mullahs often insist there is no contradiction between the two prerogatives.
这种由来已久的迁就与融合的标志就是,普什图长老们和毛拉们经常强调这两大特权阶层之间没有矛盾。 ecocn

As in the former refugee camps, jihadist assassins have killed several hundred Pushtun elders, ensuring that sharia, not Pushtunwali, is the law.
在前述的那些难民营中,圣战暗杀者已经杀害了几百名普什图长老,以确保实施的法律是伊斯兰教法而不是“普什图瓦里”。 ecocn

But his regime is widely seen, in the Pushtun- dominated south, as a corrupt interloper representing Persian- speaking Kabulis propped up by white foreigners.
但是他的政权在普什图主导的南部被普遍认为受到白种外国人扶植,代表说波斯语的喀布尔人,是腐败的闯入者。 ecocn

But not all Westerners fell for the Pushtun.
但并非所有的西方人都对普什图人心有倾心。 ecocn

Gushing with Islamist zeal, Pushtun youths rushed to join them as they swept the feuding militias away.
洋溢着伊斯兰教的激情,普什图年轻人纷纷加入,他们将那些长期不和的民兵队伍一扫而尽。 ecocn

He may be half- Pushtun and half- Tajik, but as a prominent member of the anti- Taliban Northern Alliance, he is seen by Pushtuns as a Tajik, and by Pakistan as a stooge of India.
他可能一半是普什图人,一半是塔吉克人,但作为反塔利班北方联盟的主要成员,他被普什图人视为塔吉克人,而被巴基斯坦人视为印度的傀儡。 ecocn

In other words, he might have said, paraphrasing Mr Khan: it is his sin that he is Pushtun.
换言之,他可能说了,套用那位汗先生的话:身为普什图人,就是他的罪过。 ecocn

In Lakki Marwat, a district close to two thoroughly Talibanised tribal areas, North and South Waziristan, a hereditary Pushtun chief, Anwar Kamal, describes his efforts to hold back the militant tide.
在靠近两个完全被塔利班控制的部落地区——南北瓦济里斯坦的 Lakki Marwat,世袭的普什图部落领袖 Anwar Kamal,描述了他阻挡武装分子所做的努力。 ecocn

KP’s government, a coalition led by the Pushtun-nationalist Awami National Party ANP, is actually considered to have responded halfway well.
由人民民族党 ANP领导的 KP联合政府,事实上被认为一段时间应急不错。 ecocn

Less than3% of recruits are from the troublesome Pushtun south, from where the Taliban draw most support.
不到3%的新兵来自普什图南部的冲突地区,那里塔利班的支持者最多。 ecocn

Mr Karzai is a Pushtun, a member of Afghanistan's largest ethnic group, and Dr Abdullah is perceived as a Tajik though he is actually half Pushtun.
卡尔扎伊是普什图人,是阿富汗最大的族裔的一份子。阿卜杜拉则被认为是塔吉克人尽管他事实上有一半的普什图血统。 ecocn

Nor is it clear how many Pushtuns will dare to vote: the Taliban and other Pushtun militants have condemned the poll. For extra intimidation, this week saw some spectacular violence.
至于有多少普什图人敢投票也不明确:塔利班和普什图激进分子一直阻呵选举,本周又以几起重大暴力事件作为威胁。 ecocn

Nor is it remarkable that senior members of the government, including Mr Karzai, a Pushtun, should speak with the insurgents.
政府高级成员,包括总统卡尔扎伊,本身是普什图人,与叛乱分子谈判也没什么了不起的。 ecocn

Pakistan, with170m people and nuclear weapons, is vulnerable to the Taliban’s potent mixture of ethnic- Pushtun nationalism and extremist Islam see article.
面对塔利班手中的普什图族民族主义和伊斯兰极端主义的强效混合剂,拥有1.7亿人口与核武器的巴基斯坦变得很脆弱见文章。 ecocn

Rather than seeing the ethnic- Pushtun Taliban as its best hope of a friendly government in Kabul, its policymakers would now prefer the Taliban to be part of a broader-based Afghan government.
巴并不希望普什图族塔利班成为巴位于喀布尔的一个友好政府,现在,巴政策制定者们更趋向于视塔利班能够成为一个拥有更广泛的支持者的阿富汗政府的一部分。 ecocn

Some of its soldiers and spooks sympathise with and help the Taliban, out of both ethnic- Pushtun fellow- feeling and strategic intent.
出于同为普什图人的种族感情和战略目的,巴基斯坦的一些士兵和间谍同情并帮助塔利班。 ecocn

Stories of extreme generosity are common in Pushtun places.
在普什图人地区,极尽慷慨的故事随处可闻。 ecocn

Taliban insurgency is spreading in its north- west frontier region, fuelled partly by a similar Pushtun uprising against NATO and American troops in Afghanistansee article.
塔利班叛乱在它的西北边境蔓延,阿富汗普什图族针对北约和美国军队的类似暴动则火上浇油。 topsage

That could lead to Pushtun disenfranchisement and fraud.
这会导致普什图人选举权利被剥夺以及舞弊行为。 ecocn

To encourage that, many American and European officials now speak more respectfully of the Taliban, as peeved Pushtun nationalists.
为了促使其谈判,美国和欧洲官方现在对“塔利班”用辞更加恭敬,把他们称为愤怒的普什图人。 ecocn




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