

单词 Pushpa
释义 PushpaIMDB³⁰⁴⁰³
NEPAL’S Maoist prime minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, or“ Prachanda” fierce, recently said that running a country was harder than running a guerrilla war.
尼泊尔毛派总理,帕苏巴•卡麦尔•达哈尔,也就是“普拉昌达”,最近讲道,管理一个国家比搞一场游击战困难多了。 ecocn

This is the leader of Nepal's Maoists, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, better known as Prachanda, which means “ awesome”. Prachanda has long said he would become the first president of a Nepalese republic.
毛派领袖普什帕•卡马尔•达哈尔即众人熟知的普拉昌达,在尼泊尔语中意为“令人敬畏”一直宣称要任尼泊尔共和国首任总统。 ecocn

Former Prime Minister and Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has urged his cadres to stay ready for a revolution as the ' war' is not over yet.
前总理,尼联共毛主席普拉昌达激励同志们准备革命,因为“战争”仍未结束。 gjgy.org

Prachanda, whose real name is Pushpa Kamal Dahal, will lead a Maoist- led coalition government.
普拉昌达本名叫卡迈勒达哈尔,他将领导一个以毛派为主的联合政府。 ebigear

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal had vowed to take strong actions against Matrika Yadav for not abiding by the party's decision.
普拉昌达总理发誓要对亚达夫不遵守党的决定的行为采取严厉措施。 gjgy

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said the government is determined to implement the policies and programmes unveiled today.
普拉昌达总理称政府决心执行今天颁布的施政纲领。 gjgy

Voter Pushpa Banya cast her ballot, just across the road from one of the Royal Palace gates.
在尼泊尔王宫一个大门外马路对面的投票站里,选民普士帕.班雅投出了她的一票。 ebigear




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