

单词 pushing off
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Pushing off the diving board with my legs, I lifted my arms and shoulders back, and knew immediately I would be close to the board and might hit my hands.
我用脚蹬跳板,臂膀向后举起,但马上意识到身体下落时可能会靠近跳板,碰伤手。 jukuu

Djokovic is also pushing off the toes of his back foot and starting to open up his hips.
德约科维奇的后脚也开始发力,并且他的髋部向前顶。 yuetongsport

For something new try pushing off your back foot and bringing your weight forward in the Lunge Twist in Track8. It feels great!
在第八部分中做一些新的尝试,将你的后脚推开重心前移做弓步扭转。感觉好极了! blog.sina.com.cn

Pros do this by pushing off their outside foot, rotating their bodies back toward the net, and dropping the racket down and swinging forward. These three things happen at the same time.
职业选手通外侧脚蹬地、转体面对球网、降低拍头并向前挥击这三个动作同时进行完成挥拍击球动作。 www.tennis.com.cn

They can glide past eddies that would slow them down and then gain extra thrust by “ pushing off” the eddies.
他们可以滑过那些使他们减速的漩涡,并且能排开漩涡来获得额外的推动力。 xiaoma

Use your toes. For optimal walking technique, end each step you take by pushing off with your toes.
利用脚趾:最佳的走路方法是通过蹬动脚趾来迈步。 blog.sina.com.cn

You should feel distinct pressure on the inside of your right foot, as though you are actually pushing off that foot.
当然你会自然地感觉到加载于右脚内侧的压力,感觉上就像你的右脚要向右侧蹬出去一样。 blog.sina.com.cn




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