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词汇 push
释义 push 英pʊʃ美pʊʃAHDp‹sh ★★★★☆中高研牛4COCA⁷⁷⁷BNC³⁹¹⁴iWeb¹⁰⁶⁴Economist⁹⁶²

vt. & vi. 推,推动

use sudden or steady pressure in order to move sb/sth forward, away from oneself, or to a different position

vt. 对…施加压力,按

exert pressure on sth

vt. 逼迫,驱策,敦促

try to make sb do sth


act of pushing; shove


large-scale attack made to break through enemy positions


determination to succeed; drive

the act of applying force in order to move something away;

he gave the door a hard push

the pushing is good exercise

the force used in pushing;

the push of the water on the walls of the tank

the thrust of the jet engines

enterprising or ambitious drive;

Europeans often laugh at American energy

an electrical switch operated by pressing;

the elevator was operated by push buttons

the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk

an effort to advance;

the army made a push toward the sea

move with force,

He pushed the table into a corner

press, drive, or impel someone to action or completion of an action;

He pushed her to finish her doctorate

make publicity for; try to sell a product;

The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model

The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops

strive and make an effort to reach a goal;

She tugged for years to make a decent living

We have to push a little to make the deadline!

She is driving away at her doctoral thesis

press against forcefully without moving;

she pushed against the wall with all her strength

approach a certain age or speed;

She is pushing fifty

exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;

The liberal party pushed for reforms

She is crusading for women's rights

The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate

sell or promote the sale of illegal goods such as drugs;

The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs

move strenuously and with effort;

The crowd pushed forward

make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby;

`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman


push him on 推动他做下去

push him over 把他推倒


give him a push 推他一下

give him the push 解雇他







用作动词 v.
~+名词push a matter办完一件事push business从事商业push button按按钮push car推车push cart推手推车push claims坚持要求push door推门push drawer推上抽屉push enemy对敌人发起进攻push friend推荐朋友push national economy推动国民经济发展push one's luck作轻率的冒险push one's way挤过去push person推人push plan推行计划push preparation推动准备工作push product推销产品push sb's nose干涉别人的事push scientific research推进科学研究push the panic button吓坏了push thirty快三十岁了push war把战争推进~+副词push actively积极推行push adroitly巧妙推行push cautiously谨慎推行push easily易推push instinctively自然地伸展push laboriously吃力地推动push mechanically机械地推push presumptuously专横地推行push rudely粗鲁地推push sententiously说教式地催促push superciliously不顾一切地推行push unceremoniously不太讲究地推动push uncompromisingly不妥协地推push vigorously强有力地推行push about驱使push across解释清楚,说明push oneself ahead努力向前push ahead with work推进工作push along继续前进push around摆布push aside推开push away推开push back推迟push down推倒某物push forward努力前进push in推入,塞入push way in挤进push off离开,动身,出发push off in boat乘小船离岸push on继续往前走,进行push on to推进到push out推出,发出芽push over推倒push through挤过push through reform完成改革push up推进push up against用力推push up against the door用力推门~+介词push against推push against the door推门push against fence推篱笆push at the doorbell按门铃push by crowd从人群中间挤过去push for争取,一再强烈要求push for better working conditions争取改善工作条件push for payment催付款push for reform力主改革push into使推入,奋力挤进…push out of way挤出来push through挤过push through crowd挤过人群push to〔toward〕逼到,向…移动push to last extremity推向极端push sb to wall把某人逼至绝境push with all might全力推进用作名词 n.动词+~bring to the push使陷入危机climax push到了紧要关头come to push临到紧急关头,陷入绝境,陷入危机get the push被解雇give sb hard push有力地推动某人have the push有劲头make push奋斗require push要求奋斗resist push努力抵制形容词+~big push大规模攻势desperate push令人绝望的时刻economic push经济攻势enough push劲头十足hard push用力一推slight push轻轻一推sudden push突然一推vigorous push有力的推进zealous push积极的促进名词+~advertising push广告大战~+名词push button按钮push filter填土机介词+~at push危机之际,在紧急时,不得已时at push for money因缺钱而面临危机at one push一堆,一气,一下子by push用力推to the push临到紧急关头with one push用力推~+介词push for在…关头push of有干劲的push on the western front在西线发动猛攻
push about〔around〕 v.+adv.

〈非正〉驱使; 摆布 order sb about

push sb about〔around〕There are some people who consider that their task in life is to push others about.有些人认为他们毕生的任务就是驱策他人。
I don't let anyone push me around.我不能听任别人来摆布我。
Stop pushing everybody around!别到处指使别人!
I'm not going to be pushed about by you or anybody!我将不受你或任何人的摆布。
I'm leaving this job because I'm tired of being pushed around.我打算辞去这份工作,因为我厌倦了被人随意使唤。
push against v.+prep.

使推,顶或按某人或某物( cause to be forced against sth/sb)

push against sb/sthI felt something hard, like a gun, pushing against my side.我觉得有像枪一样的什么硬家伙正顶着我的腰。
He pushed hard against the door with his shoulder.他用肩膀用力顶那扇门。
Push against temptation and you get muscle in your character.如果你抵制诱惑,你的性格就会坚强起来。push sth against sb/sthPush your hand against the door as hard as you can, to make it shut.用手使劲推门,把它关上。
push ahead v.+adv.

急速前进 move forward with haste or determination

push sb/sth ⇔ aheadI didn't want to be first to speak, so I pushed the others ahead.我不想先说,所以我把其他人推在前面。
The old man was walking along the street, pushing a small cart ahead of him.老人推着一辆小车,沿街走着。push ahead with sthDespite opposition, they are pushing ahead with their scheme for a new airport.尽管有人反对,他们仍在大力推进修建新机场的计划。push aheadIf we push ahead, we can get home before dark.如果我们快点,天黑前我们还能赶到家。
push along v.+adv.

〈口〉离开 leave

push alongI'm afraid it's time I was pushing along.恐怕是我该走的时候了。
push aside v.+adv.

不管,不顾 ignore; disregard

push at v.+prep.

把…推向… push sth towards sb as to attract his/her attention

push at sthYou have to push at the window to make it open; it sometimes sticks.你必须使劲推那扇窗户才能打开,有时它很紧。push sth at sbHe pushed the letter at me so that I could read the signature for myself.他把那封信推到我眼前让我亲眼看到了签名。
push away v.+adv.

推开 make sth/sb move away by pushing

push awayPush away, men; we'll soon move this rock.继续推呀,伙计们,这块石头很快就要推动了。push sb/sth ⇔ awayJane pushed her plate away, unable to face her dinner again.简把盘子推开,她看见饭就受不了。
push back v.+adv.

使撤退,使回到原处 force to withdraw; cause to replace

push sb/sth ⇔ backOur forces have succeeded in pushing the enemy back on all fronts.我们的部队已成功地迫使所有战线的敌人往后撤退。
We had to push back the deadline because of lack of financial support.由于资金不足,我们只好推迟完成的期限。
The demonstrators were pushed back behind the barriers.游行示威的人们被迫退至路障后面。
Children tend to get pushed back in crowds.在人群中,孩子们容易被往后推。
push down¹ v.+adv.

向下按,推倒,压倒 force sb/sth in a downward direction, using weight or strength

push sb/sth ⇔ downIt wasn't very kind of you to push your little brother's sandcastle down after he had spent so long building it.你把弟弟花费那么长时间用沙子建成的城堡压倒了,这可太不好了。
The grass had been pushed down in places where people had been lying.人们躺过的那些地方,草都被压倒了。
push down² v.+prep.

迫使某人接受某种观点 force sb to accept sth such as an idea

push for v.+prep.

急切、强烈地要求,为…奋力争取 demand urgently and forcefully

push for sthThe workers are pushing for higher wages.工人在争取增加工资。push sb for sthThe newspaper reporters have been pushing the government for details.新闻记者硬让政府说出详情。
He pushed me for an answer.他催我作出答复。
Don't push him too hard for a settlement.别催他解决催得太紧。
We shall have to push them for a quick decision.我们须敦促他们迅速决断。
We were pushed for time and had to quit some place to visit.由于时间紧迫,我们只好放弃一些地方不去参观了。
push forward v.+adv.

极力表现 ambitiously draw attention to sb/oneself

push forwardThe infantry pushed forward until they came within range of the enemy guns.步兵部队奋力向前推进,直到进入敌人枪炮的有效射程之内才停了下来。
Our army has pushed forward to new positions.我军已推进到新的阵地。push sth ⇔ forwardThe soldiers pushed their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.士兵们冒着敌人猛烈的炮火向前推进。push sth forwardI think the Minister's speech has pushed the case forward to the attention of the public.我认为部长的讲话已使这个事件引起公众的注意。push sb/oneself forwardI do dislike the mothers who push their daughters forward as the best girls for any part.我实在不喜欢那些母亲,她们把自己的女儿吹捧成各方面都是最好的女孩子。
Professional acting is highly competitive work, and you really have to push yourself forward if you want to be successful.职业表演是个竞争极其激烈的工作,如果你想获得成功,你不得不极力表现自己。
push from v.+prep.

把…从…推开 make sb/sth move away by pushing, often with dislike

push sb/sth from sb/sthWhy do you push me from you?你为什么冷酷无情地把我推开?
Jane pushed her dinner from her.简把她的饭推开。
push in¹ v.+adv.

粗暴地打断 interrupt rudely

push sb/sth ⇔ inWe cannot push any more people in; the bus is full!不能再上人了,这辆公共汽车满员了。
A tall young man was pushed in by several agents.一个大个子青年被几个特务推了进来。push inDon't push in, wait in line like everyone else.别挤进来,要像大家一样排队。push inWe were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbour pushed in without being asked.我们正安静地谈话时,我们的邻居硬插进来打断了我们的谈话。
push in²〔into〕 v.+prep.

塞入…之中 force sth or people to enter sth such as a container

push sb/sth in〔into〕 sthThe fighters pushed a bandit in the room.战士们把一个土匪推进了屋里。
It's impossible to push any more people in this train!这辆火车不可能再上人了。
Her friend pushed money in her hand.她的朋友硬把钱塞在她手里。
He tried to push more clothes into the case, but there was not enough room.他竭力把更多的衣服往箱子里塞,但是塞不下了。
push off v.+adv.

离岸 set sail in a small boat

push offTell that rude fellow to push off.叫那个无礼的家伙走开。
Push off! We don't want you here.走开!我们这儿用不着你。push offBefore I could reach the boat,Jim had pushed off.我还来不及上船,吉姆已把船撑离了岸。
We push off in the boat.我们乘船离岸。
When I give the command, everybody pushes off together.我一声令下,大家就一起用桨把船撑离河岸。push sb ⇔ offBill pushed us off and we went skimming away from the shore.比尔把我们的船撑开,我们就滑离了海岸。
push on¹ v.+adv.

继续向前,坚决进行下去 go ahead with determination or effort

push onThey pushed on until darkness fell.他们向前推进,直到暮色降临。
I don't want to stop yet. Let's push on to the next town.我还不想停止,咱们继续向下一个镇子前进。
It's getting dark; we must push on to our destination.天渐渐黑了,我们必须抓紧赶到目的地。
We must push on with our work.我们必须努力把工作做下去。
push on²〔upon〕 v.+prep.

把…强加于… force sth unwanted onto sb

push on〔upon〕 sb/sthYou have to push on the handle to turn it; it's very stiff.手柄很不灵活,你必须用力推才能转动它。
The weight of the sleeping child's body was pushing on my arm and making it uncomfortable.熟睡的孩子的身体压在我胳膊上,使我很不舒服。push sth on〔upon〕 sbThey've been trying to push all the unpleasant jobs on me again.他们一直想把所有讨厌的工作再次往我身上推。
They're pushing all the unpleasant, tiresome jobs upon the new junior clerk.他们把所有不愉快、令人生厌的工作推给新来的低级职员去做。
push out v.+adv.

开除,除掉某人 dismiss or get rid of sb

push sb/sth ⇔ outShe sat for hours pushing out endless letters.她一连几个小时地坐着,写了一封又一封的信。
The cat wouldn't leave my kitchen, so I had to push it out.这只猫不愿离开我的厨房,我不得不把它赶出去。
Jack was pushed out of the room by his companions.杰克被伙伴们推出房间。push sb ⇔ outThe schoolmaster pushed out the teacher.校长开除了这位老师。
The boss doesn't want to push out the worker.老板不想开除这个工人。
He was pushed out only because he had had a quarrel with the boss.他仅仅因为和老板吵了架就被开除了。
push over v.+adv.

推翻,推倒 make sb/sth fall over by pushing

push sb/sth ⇔ overThat boy, running round the corner, nearly pushed the old lady over.那个男孩绕过街角跑时差点撞倒这位老太太。
The wall is leaning at such a dangerous angle that it wouldn't take much effort to push it over.这墙已经倾斜成这样危险的角度,不要费多大力气就可以把它推倒了。
The old man was pushed over by a crowd.那位老人被一群人撞倒了。
I was nearly pushed over by a crowd of children suddenly pouring out of the school gate.我几乎被突然从学校里冲出来的孩子们撞倒。
push through¹ v.+adv.

努力完成 bring sth to the final stage by special efforts

push throughThe crowd in the station is so thick that I had to push through to reach my friend.车站人群太拥挤,我不得不使劲挤,才能挤到朋友跟前。push sth ⇔ throughThe hole is too small; I cannot push my arm through.这个洞太小了,我的胳膊伸不过去。push sth ⇔ throughWe are trying to push legislation through before the Christmas recess.我们力争在圣诞节休会前通过这些法令。
We are making efforts to push through the formation of an editorial staff.我们正努力建立一个编辑班子。
push through² v.+prep.

促使成功 enable sb/sth to succeed by special efforts

push through sb/sthShe tried in vain to push through the crowd.她怎么也无法从人群中挤过去。push one's way through sb/sthHe pushed his way through the crowd to try to get a better view of the parade.他挤过人群,想好好看看游行队伍。push sb/sth through sthThe tutor pushed Jim through the examination.家庭教师尽力帮助吉姆通过考试。
We are pushing the proposal through the finance committee.我们正努力使这项提议在财经委员会里通过。
push towards v.+prep.

向…挺进,朝…奋进 try to reach a place in spite of opposition; aim in a determined way towards a result

push sth towards sb/sthHe pushed the money towards me across the table.他从桌子那边把钱朝我推过来。
He pushed the letter towards me, forcing me to read the address.他把信推给我,硬让我看地址。push towards sb/sthOur army is still pushing towards the next village, under heavy enemy gunfire.我们的部队冒着敌人猛烈的炮火,仍然朝前面的村庄挺进。push one's way towards sb/sthAn old man pushed his way towards the front of the crowd.一个老人朝人群的前面挤过来。
push up v.+adv.

推上去; 增高,提高 push sth to a upper position; make sth increase at a steady rate

push sth ⇔ upWhat's pushing up the price of oil?什么促使油价上涨?
A shortage of building land will push property sales up.建筑用地缺乏将造成房地产价格逐渐上升。用作名词 a push

不得已时 if one is forced to do so

get the push

被解雇,被开除 be dismissed from one's job; get the sack

give the push

与某人断绝关系 bring to an end one's relationship with sb

if〔when〕 it comes to the push

如需作出特别努力〔需要〕时 if a special effort is necessary or a special need arises

小学英语速记音律记忆:使劲push推,误入bush灌木丛非常记忆pu扑+sh上海⇒扑过来的上海人被推倒了近义词 shovepropelthrust
反义词 pull拉
S+~+AThe door pushes easily.这门一推就开。
You push while I pull.你推我拽。
Don't push. Wait your turn to get on the bus.不要推,依次上车。
He pushed with all his strength.他使出浑身劲来推。
Someone at the front was pulling and someone at the back was pushing.一些人在前面拖,另一些人在后面推。
Push hard and the lever will go down.用力按就能把控制杆按下去。
She blamed the tourists pushing like mad things, always in a hurry.她责怪旅客们乱挤乱推,总是急匆匆的。
S+~+ n./pron.He pushed me and I fell into the water.他把我推落水中。
If you push the car,I'll steer it.如果你来推车,我就来驾车。
I pushed the car but it didn't move.我推了推车,但它一动也不动。
Push the door; don't pull.请推门,不要拉。
Push the door and it will open.门一推就开。
You can pull a rope, but you can't push it!绳子能拉不能推!
He ran to the door and pushed the bolt.他跑到门口把门闩上。
Push the button if you want the elevator.如果你要乘电梯,就按电钮。
You stop the machine by pushing this button.你按这个按钮停机。
One has to push the child or she will do no work at all.这孩子要有人督促,否则她什么也不做。
You need to push your business or your rivals will beat you.你需要奋力从事你的事业,不然你的对手们就要超过你了。
Haven't you a friend who can push you?你难道没有一个能帮助你的朋友吗?
Unless you push your claims you'll get no satisfaction.如果你不努力争取,你就得不到赔偿。
I am not pushing you; if you don't want this job, don't take it.我不是在强迫你,如果你不愿意要这个工作就不必接受。
He used the sales conference to push his latest ideas.他利用销售工作会议兜售自己的最新设想。
She was arrested for pushing heroin.她因贩卖海洛因而被捕。
You wouldn't think so to look at her, but she's pushing 60.她已经快60了,但从外貌上你绝不会想到她有这个岁数。
John thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button.约翰以为自己看见了鬼,吓坏了。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj./adv./v -edShe pushed the door open.她把门推开。
Please push the door shut.请把门推严。
Don't push yourself too hard or you'll get ill.别太玩命工作了,不然你会病倒的。
If you always push him too hard, he may make mistakes.要是你老是逼他太紧,他可能会出错。
The door of the hut was pushed open.小屋的门被推开了。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHe pushed me to get everything ready before Friday.他催促我在周五前把一切准备好。
We always have to push him to do his homework.我们总是不得不督促他做作业。
She always pushed her son to become a doctor.她老是催促儿子当医生。
He pushed his son to pursue a musical career.他督促儿子去追求音乐生涯。
Tony had to push himself to go on doing such dull work.托尼不得不驱策自己继续做这种单调无趣的事。
You will have to push the new product to win sales—there's lots of competition.你要努力打开新产品的销路——市场上竞争很激烈。
We'll be pushed to get there in time.我们很难及时赶到那儿。用作名词n.The door opened at a slight push.门轻轻一推就开了。
He opened the gate with a push.他一下就把大门推开了。
The window is stick. He opened it with one push.窗户贴住了,他用力一推把它推开了。
Would you mind giving me a push?请你帮我推一推好吗?
The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天。
The army's push into enemy territory was successful.军队向敌人领土的推进很成功。
She has plenty of push.她很有进取心。
She is not very clever but she has plenty of push and has got herself a good job.她不很聪明,但她的进取心很强,因而为自己争取到了一份好工作。
He is a man of push and goes in his career.他对自己的事业劲头十足。
You've got to have someone big behind you to give a push.你背后得有个大人物保举你。
One more push, and out came the first baby.再一使劲,她的第一个婴儿便出生了。~+to- vThey gave the car a push to start it.为了使汽车启动,他们推了它一下。
Let's make a push to get it done tonight.加把劲,今夜把工作做完。Ppushpinn.图钉Ppushballn.推球Ppush-upn.俯伏撑Ppush-fit推入配合Ppushbuttonn.按钮Ppushcartn.手推车Ppush-biken.脚踏车Ppushern.推者推销员Ppush-in推入推进接通Poctopushn.水中曲棍球Ppush-out推出排出顶出Ppushbackn.飞机推迟起飞Ppush-buttona.按钮操作的Ppush-pulln.推挽式的连接Ppushchairn.折叠式婴儿车Pwage-push增加工资引起的Ppen-pushern.用笔工作的人Ppush-downn.推下迭式存储器Pprofit-push追求利润扩大利润Ppusheda.拮据的紧张的没空的忙Ppushfula.有精力的富有进取心的Ppushinga.有精力的富有进取心的莽撞的Ppushya.粗鲁的固执己见的好胜而爱出风头的Ppushovern.容易做的工作易被劝服的人易被击败的人






用作动词The little boypushedthe door open.小男孩把门推开了。
They jeep is too heavy for him topush.吉普车太重,他推不动。
You maypushthis button to call the elevator.你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。
We had topushour way through the crowd.我们得从人群中挤过去。
Don'tpushhim hard for a settlement.别太逼他给你解决的办法
You'd better notpushme for an answer to your request.你最好不要催促我答复你的请求。用作名词He opened the door with onepush.他一推门就开了。
It only needed apushand the whole building will come tumble down.只要稍稍一推,那整幢房子就会倒塌下来。
Let's make apushto get it done tonight.让我们加把劲今晚把它干完。
She has thepushto get to the top.她有名列前茅的决心。noun.physical force
同义词 advance,assault,attack,drive,effort,offensive,thrustbearing,blow,butt,charge,driving,energy,exerting,exertion,forcing,impact,jolt,lean,mass,nudge,onset,poke,prod,propulsion,shoveshovingstraining,thrusting,weight
反义词 hesitation,idleness,lazinessdiscouragement,disinterest,pullnoun.mental determination
同义词 drive,initiativeambition,dynamism,energy,enterprise,get-up-and-go,go,gumption,guts,pep,punch,snap,spunk,starch,vigor,vitality
反义词 apathy,cowardice,idleness,inactivity,laziness,lethargydiscouragement,disinterest,pullverb.thrust, press with force
同义词 accelerate,bump,depress,drive,force,launch,move,nudge,pressure,propel,shift,shovebudge,bulldoze,butt,crowd,dig,elbow,exert,gore,hustle,impel,jam,jostle,muscle,poke,railroad,ram,shoulder,squash,squeeze,squish,steamroll,stir,strain,strong-armbear down,crush against,high-pressure,lie on,make one's way,pour it on,put the arm on,rest on
反义词 discourage,dissuade,hinder,hold,keep,remain,retard,stop,calm,delay,laze,leave alone,rest,slow,uncompress,waitconceal,hide,pull,repress,suppressverb.incite, urge
同义词 encourage,press,pressure,speed,spurbrowbeat,bulldoze,coerce,constrain,dragoon,expedite,goad,goose,hurry,impel,influence,inspire,jolly,kid,motivate,oblige,persuade,prod,railroad,squeeze,steamroll,strong-armbear down,egg on,exert influence,fire up,go to town on,key up,lean on,overpress,pour it on,push around,put the screws to,put up to,sell on,speed up,turn on
反义词 discourage,dissuade,leave alone,delay,hinder,repress,slow,stop,suppressconceal,hide,pullverb.advertise, promote
同义词 advance,boosthype,plug,propagandize,publicize,puffcry up,make known
反义词 decrease,halt,conceal,hide,secretdiscourage,dissuade,pull,repress,suppress
acclaimverb give approval
applaud,approve,blow horn,boost,celebrate,cheer,clap,commend,compliment,eulogize,exalt,extol,give a bouquet,give a posy,give kudos,hail,hand it to,hear it for,honor,laud,praise,puff up,rave,recommend,root,salute,stroke
advanceverb promote or propose an idea
adduce,allege,ballyhoo,beat the drum for,benefit,boost,cite,encourage,foster,further,get ink for,hype,introduce,lay forward,make a pitch for,offer,plug,present,proffer,puff,push,put forward,put on the map,serve,set forth,splash,spot,submit,suggest,throw spotlight on,urge
advancesverb promote or propose an idea
accelerates,achieves,brings forward,comes forward,conquers,continues ahead,continues on,dispatches,drives,elevates,forges ahead,gains ground,gets ahead,gets green light,gets there,gets with it,goes ahead,goes forth,goes forward,goes great guns,goes places,goes to town,hastens,launches,makes headway,makes the scene,marches,moves on,moves onward,moves up,press on,proceeds,progresses,promotes,propels,pushes ahead,pushes on,quickens,sends forward,skyrockets,speeds,steps forward,storms
advertiseverb publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
acquaint,advance,advise,announce,apprise,ballyhoo,beat the drum for,bill,blazon,boost,build up,circularize,communicate,declare,disclose,display,divulge,drum,endorse,exhibit,expose,flaunt,get on soapbox for,hard sell,herald,hype,inform,make a pitch,make known,notify,pitch,plug,press agent,proclaim,promote,promulgate,puff,push,put on the map,reveal,show,soft sell,splash,sponsor,spot,tout,uncover,unmask
advertisesverb publicize for the purpose of selling or causing one to want
acquaints,advances,advises,announces,apprises,ballyhoos,beats the drum for,bills,blazons,boosts,builds up,circularizes,communicates,declares,discloses,displays,divulges,drums,endorses,exhibits,exposes,flaunts,gets on soapbox for,hard sell,heralds,hypes,informs,makes a pitch,makes known,notifies,pitches,plugs,press agent,proclaims,promotes,promulgates,puffs,pushes,puts on the map,reveals,shows,soft sell,splashes,sponsors,spots,touts,uncovers,unmasks
advocateverb support idea or cause publicly
advance,advise,argue for,back,be in corner,bless,bolster,boost,brace up,build up,campaign for,champion,countenance,defend,encourage,favor,further,get on bandwagon,give a leg up,give a lift,go for,go to bat for,go with,hold with,justify,plead for,plug,plump for,press for,promote,propose,push,recommend,ride shotgun for,root for,run interference for,say so,side,speak for,spread around,stump for,support,tout,uphold,urge,vindicate For each step we push our machines toward the collective, we move them toward life.
我们每将机器向集群推进一步,都是将它们向生命推进了一步。 yeeyan

The extension bridge is steep,so the tricyclist has to get off his tricycle and push it up.

But hopefully we’re pushing them with some of our innovations, and I’m sure they’ll push back with some of their own.
不过,我们希望能运用我们的一些创新来推动他们,我也确信他们也会凭借他们自己的技术来推动人网的发展。 yeeyan

But we still have a chance to push things there in the right direction, and a huge interest in doing so.
但是我们仍有机会去推动那里的事物,朝正确的方向发展,我们也有巨大的利益去这么做。 yeeyan

Consider setting this server option to push as much work as possible to the remote data source.
考虑设置这个服务器选项,以便将尽可能多的工作下推到远程数据源。 ibm

Democracy would take us where we wanted to go, not our own effort. Sometimes you have to get off and push.
民主会把我们带到我们想去的地方,但光靠我们的努力还不行,有时候要下车推一推。 yeeyan

Growth occurs because you feel a push, or pull, to move in a direction.

He“ reset” relations with Russia in part so that he could push new sanctions on Iran through the UN Security Council.
他重新设定了部分与俄罗斯的关系,以便可以通过联合国安全委员会推进对伊朗的新制裁。 ecocn

He is puzzled, rather than vengeful, when other children snatch things from him or push him around.
当其他孩子抢他的零食,或是推他的时候,他更多的是困惑,而不是报复。 yeeyan

If so, then the current entry must be a folder, and you push its name and recursion level onto an auxiliary stack as well as adding it to the tree.
如果具有子代,那么当前条目必须是一个文件夹,您要将其名称和递归级别推到辅助堆栈上并将它们添加到树中。 ibm

She was slid downstairs by his push.

Understanding the capabilities of the data source enables the federation server to push down more functionality to that data source, which generally improves performance.
理解数据源的能力之后,联邦服务器就可以将更多的功能下推到那个数据源,这通常可以提高性能。 ibm

We are not trying to push either of these models.
我们不是在试图推行这些模型中的任何一个。 ibm

When you see swimmers in the ocean together, you see them react intuitively to the tide’s push and pull.
当你看到人们在海里一同游起泳来,你会直观地感受到他们在回应着潮汐的推拉作用。 yeeyan

Where and when do we get time to push the boundary on these topics?
我们在什么时间、什么地点才能推动这些话题的发展呢? infoq

Yet as I said, there’s a push for a repeat of this disastrous performance.
然而,正如我前面所说的那样,有人推动要重演灾难性的这一幕。 yeeyan

Yet both allies and opponents alike believe he has neither the gumption nor the authority forcefully to push for these goals.
然而盟友和反对者都认为,福田既没有魄力也没有威信能强有力地推动目标的实现。 ecocn

You push and I'll pull.

Your task was to push and that you’ve done.
你的任务就只是推那块石头,而你已经做到了。 ebigear




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