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词汇 Purnell
释义 Purnell ˈpɝːnəl 
And James Purnell, tipped as a future Labour leader when he was work and pensions secretary under Gordon Brown, has quit aged40.
有可能成为下一任工党领袖的前内政就业及养恤金大臣詹姆斯•普奈尔选择在其40岁时离开议会。 ecocn

Enter PURNELL, a young man with extravagant sideburns
一个有着浓密络腮胡的年轻人——珀内尔入场 ecocn

James Purnell An impetuous young minister
詹姆斯•珀内尔年轻浮躁的大臣 ecocn

Mr. Purnell's surprising move increases the risks for Gordon Brown although another Minister Caroline Flint has come out and backed the Prime Minister despite rumors suggesting she too might resign.
詹姆斯-波内尔令人惊讶的举动增加了戈登·布朗的风险,尽管另外一名部长站出来支持布朗首相,虽然舆论要求她也辞职。 topsage

Specifically, paleontologist Mark Purnell of the University of Leicester in England and his colleagues found four sets of striations oriented in different directions on the teeth of Edmontosaurus.
英格兰莱切斯特大学的古生物学家 Mark Purnell和同事们在埃德蒙顿龙的牙齿上发现了四组不同方向的纹路。 yeeyan

The enthusiasts for wider reform include Harriet Harman, leader of the Commons, James Purnell, the work and pensions secretary, and David Miliband, the foreign secretary.
赞成大改的狂热支持者包括下议员首脑哈里特·哈曼,工作及养恤金大臣詹姆斯·波耐以及外交部长戴维·米利班。 yeeyan

“ For millions of years, until their extinction at the end of the Cretaceous, duck-billed dinosaurs, or hadrosaurs, were the world's dominant herbivores, ” Purnell said.
在几百万年间,直到他们在白垩纪结束时消失之前,鸭嘴龙是地球上最主要的食草动物。 yeeyan

But the only cabinet member who has resigned in explicit opposition to his leadership is James Purnell, who stood down as work and pensions secretary as the polls closed.
但是詹姆斯·珀内尔 James Purnell是唯一明确持反对立场辞职的内阁成员,投票结束以后,他辞掉了就业和救济大臣的职位。 ecocn

He reputedly bound in some colleagues after James Purnell spectacularly quit as work and pensions secretary.
据说,就业及养老金事务大臣詹姆斯•佩奈尔以极为引人注目的方式辞职后,布朗进行了内阁重组。 ecocn

His budget targeted things that trouble the likes of Mr Purnell and Mr Duncan Smith less.
他调整财政预算所针对的目标,对 Purnell先生和 Duncan Smith先生等福利改革家们而言却没有那么麻烦。 ecocn

James Purnell made his announcement in a letter to the Times newspaper.
詹姆斯-波内尔在写给纽约时报的信件中宣部辞职。 topsage

James Purnell, the work and pensions secretary, thinks that it is vital to prevent short-term claimants from turning into long-term jobless.
劳动养老部长 James Purnell认为现在的关键是避免短期救济金申请者变成长期失业者。 ecocn

MANDELSON throws PURNELL from the battlements.
曼德尔森把珀内尔从城垛扔下去。 ecocn

Mr Purnell says that bids for welfare contracts have not dried up because of the recession, but that may change as the economy deteriorates.
波奈尔先生说,竞标订立福利合同并未因经济衰退而消失,但有可能随经济的恶化有所改变。 topsage

Some in the cabinet are thought to share Mr Purnell’s doubts about Mr Brown, including David Miliband, who keeps his job as foreign secretary.
内阁中某些成员和珀内尔一样怀疑布朗,包括外交大臣戴维·米利班德 David Miliband。 ecocn

Some in the cabinet are thought to share Mr Purnell’s doubts about Mr Brown, including David Miliband, who keeps his job as foreign secretary. None is keen to act.
内阁中还有一些人被认为和珀内尔一样对布朗疑虑重重,这其中就有戴维·米利班德 David Miliband——他也保住了外交大臣的职位,但是他们没有一个敢于行动。 ecocn

The Open Left project run by the Demos think-tank under the guidance of James Purnella former cabinet member is one to watch.
那个由在詹姆斯•帕内尔领导下的迪莫斯智囊团所运作的公开左向工程就是可以看到的一个。 ecocn

Up North, his grandson, a painter named Purnell Shields, Mrs. Obama’s grandfather, was positioning his family to seize the widening opportunities in Chicago.
在北方,道尔菲斯-谢尔兹的孙子,一位叫普内尔-谢尔兹的画家,奥巴马夫人的祖父,把家安置到芝加哥,以图抓住发展的机会。 yeeyan

Mr Purnell says the left’s future lies in pursuing equality of“ capabilities” rather than outcomes or opportunities.
Purnell表示左派的前途在于追求“能力”的平等而不是产出或是机遇的平等。 ecocn

PURNELL: With Gordon, we are lost!
珀内尔:戈登国王,我们输了! ecocn




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