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pu·ri·fy 英ˈpjʊərəˌfaɪ美ˈpjʊrəˌfaɪAHDpy‹rʹə-fī' ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA²⁰⁹⁸⁸BNC³²⁵⁶⁸iWeb¹⁰²⁰¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴ 基本双解英英词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 v.使)净化;使精炼;涤罪¹⁰⁰形容词purificatory名词purifier过去分词purified现在分词purifying三单purifies 属性液体清洗物理环境
v.(动词 vt. 使纯净; 净化make pure; clean Verb: remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation;purify the water make pure or free from sin or guilt;he left the monastery purified become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin;The hippies came to the ashram in order to purify 来自pure,纯的,-fy,使。 用作动词 v. ~+名词purify air净化空气purify salt提纯盐purify spirit净化心灵purify water净化水~+副词purify completely彻底地净化purify specially特别净化~+介词purify of净化… 用作动词v. purify of v.+prep.
净化… make sth clear or clean sth purify sth of sthThey open the windows to purify the air of the room.他们打开窗户来净化室内空气。 The music seems to purify one's spirit of evil thoughts.这种音乐似乎能够荡涤人们心灵中的邪念。 Water in this area has been purified of undesirable chemicals.这个地区水中的不良化学物质已经清除了。钱博士pur纯净+i连接字母+fy=fic=fac,make,做,使变得⇒使变得纯净,净化 词根pur-纯净来自拉丁语。词根fac-make,做,制造,驱使,放置来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为fact-。它和希腊词根the-摆放以及日耳曼单词do做最终都源自原始印欧语词根*dhe-摆放、做、制造。方振宇词汇奥秘pur纯净+i连接字母+fy使→使纯净,使洁净 比较记忆purifiern.清洗装置,净化器非常记忆pur仆人〖拼音〗+i蜡烛〖编码〗+fy风衣〖拼音〗⇒仆人用蜡烛净化风衣上的霉pur纯净+i连接字母+fy=fic=fac,make,做,使变得⇒使变得纯净,净化。GRE红宝书pur源于pure纯化 pure + fy使 pur纯洁+ify化 →纯洁化蒋争熟词记忆pure纯净的-i-,-fy使…⇒使纯净;使洁净词根记忆pur干净的+ify使…→使洁净,净化;提纯联想记忆puri看作pure,纯+fy使…→使纯净pure纯净的+ i+ fy使…⇒使纯净词根记忆pur+ify化=纯洁化)]近义词 air空气purge整肃refine精炼distil蒸馏clean干净的distill蒸馏clarify澄清clear清楚的filter过滤器disinfect消毒sanctify使神圣sterilize使不育cleanse使 … 清洁decontaminate净化sanitize采取卫生措施使其安全…sublimate使心灵或物质升华… 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.You should purify the water before drinking it.水在喝之前要净化。 Water cannot purify the air.水是不能用来净化空气的。 Mother is purifying this salt.妈妈正在提纯这些盐。 The drinking water in the classroom has been purified by the teacher.教室饮用水是被老师净化过的。 This salt has been purified for use in medicine.这种盐已被提纯供医药上使用。 v.动词
purify意思是“净化”,指将原本不纯或不干净的东西通过某种手段将其变得干净起来。 purify是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 动词93%,名词7% 用作动词The endless lea willpurifyyour thought.一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。 Let'spurifyair with a negative ion generator.我们用负离子发生器净化一下空气吧。 We have forgotten that Water can cleanse,and Firepurify,and that the Earth is mother to us all.我们已经忘了,水可以洗濯洁净,火可以精炼提纯,大地是每个人的母亲。 Hinduspurifythemselves by bathing in the river Ganges.印度教徒在恒河中浸泡借以涤罪。verb.free;make clean 同义词 absolve,aerate,aerify,atone,chasten,clarify,clean,cleanse,clear,decontaminate,deodorize,deterge,disinfect,edulcorate,exculpate,exonerate,expiate,filter,fumigate,lustrate,oxygenate,purge,rarify,redeem,refine,remit,sanctify,sanitize,shrive,sublimate,washdepurate,elutriate 反义词 blame,charge,condemn,dirty,encourage,hold,incriminate,keep,pollute,sentence,soiladulterate,corrupt airverb put into the atmosphere;freshen aerate,aerify,air-condition,circulate,cool,expose,fan,open,oxygenate,refresh,ventilate baptizeverb initiate in church rite admit,asperse,besprinkle,call,christen,cleanse,denominate,dip,dub,entitle,immerse,name,purify,regenerate,sprinkle,term,title censorverb forbid;ban;selectively remove abridge,black out,blacklist,bleach,bleep,bowdlerize,clean up,conceal,control,cork,criticize,cut,decontaminate,delete,drop the iron curtain,edit,examine,excise,expurgate,exscind,inspect,launder,narrow,oversee,prevent publication,purge,purify,put the lid on,refuse transmission,repress,restrain,restrict,review,revile,sanitize,scissor out,squelch,sterilize,strike out,supervise communications,suppress,withhold cleanverb to free of dirt and clutter absterge,bath,bathe,blot,brush,cauterize,clarify,cleanse,clear the decks,clear up,deodorize,depurate,deterge,disinfect,do up,dredge,dust,edulcorate,elutriate,erase,expunge,expurgate,flush,hackle,launder,lave,mop,neaten,pick,pick up,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,rinse,rout out,sanitize,scald,scour,scrape,scrub,shake out,shampoo,soak,soap,sponge,spruce up,sterilize,straighten up,swab,sweep,tidy up,vacuum,wash,whisk,winnow,wipe cleanseverb make undirty;wash absolve,clarify,clean,clear,depurgate,disinfect,expurgate,launder,lustrate,purge,purify,refine,restore,rinse,sanitize,scour,scrub,sterilize clearverb clean, clear away ameliorate,break up,brighten,burn off,clarify,cleanse,disencumber,disengage,disentangle,eliminate,empty,erase,extricate,free,lighten,loosen,lose,meliorate,open,purify,refine,rid,rule out,shake off,sweep,throw off,tidy,unblock,unburden,unclog,unload,unloose,unpack,untie,vacate,void,wipe Spreading wastewater over fields, and allowing it to leach back through the soil into local waterways, turns out to be a reasonable way to purify it. 将废水浇灌到田里,这些水经过土壤的过滤后又重新流回当地的水系,这已经被证明是非常合理的污水净化方法。 yeeyan The building is designed as an ingenious habitable machine that would collect garbage, purify water, and provide housing to thousands of people that live in the slums along the river. 建筑巧妙地被设计成一个居住的机器,它能够收集垃圾,净化水源,并为河流沿岸数以千计的贫民窟居民提供新的居所。 yeeyan With deeds of Loving-kindness, I purify my body. 我用善意的行动净化我的行为。 yeeyan Adroit humans learn to purify self through realization. Clear and luminescent fields are fostered through internal alchemy of spiritual practice in which intention of mindset is focused upon. 一些精明的人类通过觉知去净化真我,其实清明和发亮的能量场是需要通过内在的灵性觉知这种实际操练的魔法培育的。 blog.sina.com.cn An unnamed official with the administration said that the regulation was aimed to purify the Chinese language. 一位未透露姓名的政府官员说,新的规则目的在于净化中国语言。 yeeyan Are you ready to confess your sinfulness before your loving God so that He can forgive and purify your life? 你准备好在仁慈的主前坦诚你的罪恶所以他能够原谅你的罪恶,净化你的生命吗? yeeyan Besides the air, the farms would also recycle and purify gray water, which is wastewater from sinks, bathtubs and drinking fountains. 除了空气,昆虫型农场还能回收和净化来自水池、浴缸和饮水机的生活污水。 yeeyan Dependency injection and aspect-oriented programming AOP are two key technologies that help to simplify and purify domain models and application layers in enterprise applications. 依赖项插入和面向方面编程 AOP是两个关键的技术,有助于在企业应用程序中简化和纯化域模型和应用程序分层。 ibm For example, at one point you decide whether to save an infested civilian population or to“ purify” the planet. 比如,您必须在“拯救被感染的民众”和“净化整个星球”这两个决定中选择其一。 yeeyan From this experiment, you can easily decide that storing water in an open container is a bad idea unless you have a plan to purify it when you need to drink it. 从这个实验,您可以轻松地得出结论,将水放在一个敞开的器具不是一个好主意,除非你能在要喝的时候能将水净化。 yeeyan He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify, himself. 他就这样不断地自省,其实只是在自我折磨,丝毫得不到自我净化。 ebigear In such situations, if you want to purify your program, you must recompile all C files that use the guard. 在这种情形下,如果您想要净化您的程序,您必须重新编译所有使用保护装置的 C文件。 ibm One such method was to purify the revolutionary capital of Pyongyang of disabled people. 其中一个办法就净化平壤这个革命之都的残疾人群。 yeeyan Potting up green plants in the house will purify the air inside. 在房内盆栽绿色植物可以净化室内空气。《21世纪大英汉词典》 She would purify first her native lands in northern Uganda, and then the world, through combat. 她应该首先通过战争净化北部乌干达的故土,然后拯救世界。 yeeyan The intense internal heat generated by his sort of yoga was meant to purify and cleanse the body. 这种瑜伽所产生的炽热体内高温,用意是进行肉体的净化和排毒。 yeeyan These projects use innovative technology to restore the natural processes that clean and purify our water. 这些项目采用创新技术还原自然过程中清洁和净化水的过程。 yeeyan This makes it easier to collect and purify compared with separating it out from a liquid. 这种收集和纯化产物的方式比起从液体中分离异戊二烯要更容易。 ecocn Wind turbines and solar cells will generate electricity and a rainwater collection system will harvest and purify rain. 风力发电机和太阳能电池可以产生电能,雨水收集系统能够收集并净化雨水。 yeeyan With Mindfulness clear and radiant, I purify my mind. 我用清晰的光芒四射的智慧净化我的思想。 yeeyan With open-handed Generosity, I purify my body. 我用大方的慷慨净化我的行为。 yeeyan With Stillness, Simplicity and Contentment, I purify my body. 我用平静、简单和满足净化我的行为。 yeeyan With Truthful Communication, I purify my speech. 我用真心交流净化我的言语。 yeeyan Purify every garment as well as everything made of leather, goat hair or wood. 也要因一切的衣服,皮物,山羊毛织的物和各样的木器,洁净自己。 ebigear |