

单词 puri
释义 pu·ri 英ˈpʊəriː美ˈpʊriAHDp‹rʹē 高COCA¹⁰⁷²⁶²BNC⁵¹⁰⁴³iWeb⁴⁸²¹³
n. = puree²⁵n.宫; 宫殿⁷⁵
A vendor walks past a sand sculpture of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden created by Indian sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik on a beach in Puri in the eastern Indian state of Orissa.
在印度东部奥里萨邦普里的海滩上,一个小贩走过印度艺术家苏达温•帕特纳伊克制作的基地组织头目本·拉登头像沙雕作品。 newssgo.com

The practical operation shows that this unit enjoys wide application range, high efficiency and super quality of the puri-fied oil in comparison with other types of purifying equipment.
实际运行情况表明该装置与其他净化装置相比具有适应性广、效率高、油品净化质量好的特点。 cnki

This was not a full- blown crisis; indeed, Aditya Puri, chief executive of HDFC Bank, the second-biggest and perkiest private firm, says to describe it that way would be an“ appalling misconception”.
印度住宅开发金融银行 HDFC是全印度第二大私有银行,目前发展状况最为强劲,其首席执行官阿迪亚•普瑞 Aditya Puri称“‘全面爆发的危机’这种描述是一个‘骇人听闻的错误认识’”。 ecocn

“ We have identified a new rationale for treating muscular dystrophy, aimed at correcting the devastating effects of a single flawed gene, ” said Puri.
我们已经鉴定出可以治疗肌肉萎缩的一种新的原理,目标是纠正单个受累基因的破坏性影响。 dxy

Aditya Puri, the boss of HDFC Bank, which remains the darling of investors thanks to its metronomic performance, plans to keep expanding quickly, too.
HDFC银行——鉴于其节拍器般的表现,该行已经成为投资者的宠儿——的老板 Aditya Puri也正在计划迅速扩大其业务。 ecocn

Anuj Puri from Jones Lang LaSalle questioned whether there is enough demand to fill the buildings.
琼斯浪拉塞尔公司的安鲁.普瑞质疑这些房子是否有足够的需求。 yeeyan

But Lakshmi Puri, assistant U. N. secretary-general for gender equality and empowerment, says passing domestic violence legislation can be a good catalyst for changing public mindsets.
负责促进性别平等和赋予权利的联合国助理秘书长拉克什米.普里说,通过禁止家庭暴力的立法是改变公众心态的有效催化剂。 tingvoa

But Puri says thosewaysarenotapproachesaren't selective enough.
但是普利认为这些方法的选择性不够。 hjenglish

Desalination mechanism of electrodialysis is explained in this paper. Influential factors for desalination used by electrodialysis are discussed. Automatic water puri-fier is developed.
本文论证了电渗析脱盐机理,探讨了影响电渗析脱盐的诸多因素,自行开发出全自动纯水器。 chemyq

HDFC Bank is still a tiddler by assets but its market value has shot up, reflecting confidence in its domestic strategy and its combative chief executive, Aditya Puri.
HDFC银行按资产只能算是条小鱼,但其市值快速增长,反映了市场对其国内战略和好斗的老总Aditya Puri的信心。 ecocn

If successful, Puri says the treatment would be most appropriate for certain types of accessible tumors, such as brain, breast and prostate cancer.
普瑞称,如果研究获得成功,癌症治疗将最尤其适用于某些常见。 ycool

India's permanent representative to the United Nations Hardeep Singh Puri addressed the organization's General Assembly Friday after Pakistan accepted the pledge.
印度常驻联合国代表哈迪普·辛格·普里在巴基斯坦接受印方援助承诺之后星期五在联合国大会上发表讲话。 tingroom

Indian sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik gives finishing touches to a sand sculpture to mark the killing of Osama bin Laden at the golden sea beach at Puri, Orissa, India, Monday, May2,2011.
印度沙艺术家苏达 Pattnaik使收尾沙雕塑,以纪念星期一2011年5月2日杀害,印度,乌萨马本拉丹在金色的海洋,沙滩普里,奥里萨邦。163

It was proved that the dipeptides could be synthesized through the two- liquid-phase enzyme membrane reaction with high yield and puri.
研究证明,由于反应和纯化的同步进行,二肽可以在双液相酶膜反应器中达到高纯度和高收率合成。 dictall

Mr Puri, the boss of rival HDFC Bank, says that on a “ five- year horizon it can absolutely move the needle”.
普瑞先生是ICICI银行竞争对手 HDFC银行的老板,他说,“五年后,这样一定会挣钱。” ecocn

People walk past a sand sculpture of Michael Jackson at the Bay of Bengal coast, in Puri, India created to mark the first anniversary of his death.
在孟加拉湾人们走过迈克杰克逊的沙雕旁,普里。印度纪念迈克杰克逊逝世一周年。 thehlc.cn

Photographers gather on the beach at Puri, a pilgrimage town famous for its12th- century Jagannath Temple.
摄影师聚集在布里的海滩之上,布里这座圣城以12世纪的贾格纳特寺庙而闻名于世。 yeeyan

Professor Ishwar Puri of Virginia Tech uses this kitchen analogy.
佛吉尼亚理工大学教授伊什瓦·皮瑞采用类似烹饪的方法。 hjenglish

Taking resource power plant of Zaozhuang city as an example, the paper introduces the applications of spray drying process in tail gas puri?cation of refuse incineration.
以枣庄市资源电厂为例,介绍了喷雾干燥法在垃圾焚烧尾气净化中的应用。 chemyq

This paper introduced the specialty and problem of the application of mother Liquid continuum puri-ty on the process of salt and sodium sulfate and advanced improve scheme for it.
介绍母液连续净化在盐硝联产中的应用特点及存在的不足,并对存在的不足提出了改进方案。 chemyq

Visitors look at a sand sculpture created by sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik on the eve of World AIDS Day at Puri, Orissa, India.
印度奥里萨邦普里,在世界艾滋病日前夜,游客们在观看由沙艺术家苏达山派特耐克创作的沙雕。 yeeyan

Puri's team includes researchers in India and a graduate student from Thailand.
普瑞德团队包括来自印度的数名专家,其中一名来自泰国的应届毕业生。 ycool




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