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词汇 purge
释义 purge 英pɜːdʒ美pɝdʒAHDpûrj ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA¹⁷⁷⁵⁶BNC²⁴¹⁴⁵iWeb¹¹⁰³²Economist¹⁰⁴⁴⁹

vt. 清除政敌等;清洗

get rid of unwanted people in a state,political,etc. by removal from office,driving out of the country,killing,etc.

vt. 涤除罪恶等

make clean and free from sth evil


an act or set of actions intended to get rid of unwanted members of a group suddenly,often unjustly,and often by force


a medicine that clears the bowels of waste matter

the act of clearing yourself or another from some stigma or chargean act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elementsan abrupt or sudden removal of a person or group from an organization or place;

he died in a purge by Stalin

oust politically;

Deng Xiao Ping was purged several times throughout his lifetime

clear of a chargemake pure or free from sin or guilt;

he left the monastery purified

rid of impurities;

purge the water

purge your mind

rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid;

flush the wound with antibiotics

purge the old gas tank

eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth;

After drinking too much, the students vomited

He purged continuously

The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night

excrete or evacuate someone's bowels or body;

The doctor decided that the patient must be purged

来自拉丁语purgare,纯化,清洗,使干净,来自purigare,使纯化,来自purus,纯的,词源同pure,-ig,驱动,使,做,词源同agent,litigate.purge pipe排气管purge unit净气设备purge gas吹扫用的气体…purge flow清洗流purge system清洗系统, 净化系统…air purge空气净化purge stream清除气流purge data删除日期gas purge气体清洗,气体净化…purge tank化 清洗室; 清…vacuum purge真空驱气purge valve放气阀blood purge血腥的清洗
GRE难词记忆purge→ pure a.纯净的,洁净的+ge=tomake 使→使洁净GRE红宝书pure纯+ge→弄干净
联想记忆认错赎purge罪使心灵纯洁pure词根记忆pur=pure纯洁+ ge ⇒弄干净近义词 cat猫cast掷puke呕吐barf呕吐spew喷出vomit吐出retch作呕spue 吐出chuck抛掷scour擦洗flush冲洗remove消除sick有病的removal移动clean干净的purging清洗upchuck呕吐regorge倒流be sick呕吐laxative泻药emetic催吐剂wash out洗掉censor检查员throw up呕吐vomit up呕吐disgorge吐出purgative泻药cathartic泻药expulsion驱逐eliminate除去purgation净化get rid of摆脱sanctify使神圣honk汽车喇叭声elimination除去eradication根除regurgitate反刍purify使)净化cleanse使 … 清洁exonerate确定无罪housecleaning清扫房屋pardon原谅,宽恕,饶恕…反义词 rehabilitate使恢复
S+ ~+n./pron.The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department.市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。
Try to purge the hatred from your spirit, my son.孩子,把仇恨从头脑中清除吧。用作名词n.The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.新总统对不忠诚的军官进行了清洗。
Be careful about thepurge.服用泻药要当心。Ppurgeen.被清除者Ppurgern.使清净的人清洗用品泻药

用作名词The new president carried out apurgeof disloyal army officers.新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
The Red Guards carried out thepurgetoo enthusiastically, often acting without close direction from Peking.红卫兵非常狂热地贯彻执行了清除,横扫了北京的各个方面。
The medicine was an effectivepurge.这是疗效很好的泻药。
We maypurgewater by distillation.我们可以用蒸馏法使水净化。
Based on overall analysis and delicate engineering calculation, an exhaust gaspurgedevice for EPC casting was designed.在此基础上,通过全面的分析和详细的工程计算,设计了消失模铸造尾气净化装置。用作动词We maypurgewater by distillation.我们可以用蒸馏法使水净化。
They tried topurgemetal of dross.他们试图清除金属熔化时浮升表面的渣滓。
We need topurgeour sport of racism.我们必须消除体育界的种族主义。
The mayoral candidate has promised topurgethe police department.市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。noun.elimination, removal
同义词 coup,evacuation,expulsion,extermination,liquidation,suppressionabolition,catharsis,clarification,cleaning,cleanup,crushing,disposal,disposition,ejection,eradication,excretion,expurgation,extirpation,murder,purificationabstersion,reign of terror,witch hunt
反义词 dirtyingholding,keeping,maintenanceverb.rid of;clean out
同义词 abolish,absolve,cleanse,dismiss,eradicate,erase,exonerate,expel,expunge,exterminate,forgive,liquidate,oust,prevent,remove,wipe outclarify,clear,disabuse,eject,excrete,expiate,kill,pardon,purify,unload,washdepurate,dispose of,do away with,rout out,shake out,sweep out,wipe off map
反义词 accuse,aid,allow,assist,bear,blame,build,charge,condemn,construct,create,establish,fix,help,hold,incriminate,institute,keep,plant,punish,sentence,welcome,dirtymaintain
apologizeverb express remorse, regret
admit guilt,ask forgiveness,ask pardon,atone,beg pardon,bow to,clear oneself,confess,cop a plea,cop out,crawl,excuse oneself,get down on knees,give satisfaction,make amends,make reparations,make up for,make up with,offer compensation,offer excuse,retract,say one is sorry,square,withdraw
baptismnoun church rite;initiation
ablution,baptismal,christening,debut,dedicationdunkingimmersion,introduction,launching,lustration,purgation,purge,purification,rite of passage,ritual,sanctification,sprinkling
bloodbathnoun massacre
censorverb forbid;ban;selectively remove
abridge,black out,blacklist,bleach,bleep,bowdlerize,clean up,conceal,control,cork,criticize,cut,decontaminate,delete,drop the iron curtain,edit,examine,excise,expurgate,exscind,inspect,launder,narrow,oversee,prevent publication,purge,purify,put the lid on,refuse transmission,repress,restrain,restrict,review,revile,sanitize,scissor out,squelch,sterilize,strike out,supervise communications,suppress,withhold
cleanverb to free of dirt and clutter
absterge,bath,bathe,blot,brush,cauterize,clarify,cleanse,clear the decks,clear up,deodorize,depurate,deterge,disinfect,do up,dredge,dust,edulcorate,elutriate,erase,expunge,expurgate,flush,hackle,launder,lave,mop,neaten,pick,pick up,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,rinse,rout out,sanitize,scald,scour,scrape,scrub,shake out,shampoo,soak,soap,sponge,spruce up,sterilize,straighten up,swab,sweep,tidy up,vacuum,wash,whisk,winnow,wipe
cleaningnoun cleansing
ablution,antisepsis,brushing,catharsis,deodorizing,disinfection,dusting,prophylaxis,purgation,purge,purification,sanitation,scouring,scrubbing,shampooing,sterilization,sweepingtidyingwashing A purge last year of the customs service, now run by better- trained staff, is part of the reason.
去年的海关净化就是税收增长的部分原因,目前海关由受到更好训练的职员管理。 ecocn

Although its practices vary widely, it generally advocates self-discipline and good living as a way to attain immortality, as well as elaborate rituals to purge individuals or communities of evil.
虽然其做法千差万别,但一般主张通过自律和良好的生活来达到永生,以及通过精心的仪式来清除个人或者组织的罪恶。 yeeyan

Because the RM Destination assigns the Sequence identifier, once the Sequence has been terminated, the RM Destination can purge all state associated with the terminated Sequence.
因为 RM目的地端分配序列号标志符,一旦序列被终止, RM的目的地端能够清除所有与终止的序列相关的资源。 ibm

Governments should purge banks that are big enough to hold the system to ransom.
各国政府应该清洗那些规模大到绑票了整个金融体系的银行。 ecocn

I am also going to go through another wardrobe purge, because I do think I have too many things still.
我还得对我的衣橱再进行一次大清洗,因为我确实认为我东西太多了——仍然。 yeeyan

I suggest Maggie and George immediately use“ Rule Your Stuff” to purge all the unwanted things they have in their home.
我建议 M和乔治立即采用“管理你的物品”把他们房子里一切不想要的东西都清除。 yeeyan

I will do my best to document these purge trips every week, whether the stuff goes to the landfill, the recycling bin, the consignment shop or Goodwill.
每个星期,我都会尽力去记录这些净化的行程,不管这些物品最终是被送到了垃圾堆、回收站、托运站或是低价回收站。 yeeyan

If they want to purge their data, they can do so at any time.
如果他们想要清除他们的数据任何时候都可以操作。 yeeyan

If yes, purge the data and tune the index if needed.
如果是,清除数据并在需要的情况下优化索引。 ibm

If you see a high purge count, increase the size of the ARP table.
如果您发现较高的清除计数,那么可以增大 ARP表的大小。 ibm

It is hard not to conclude that the mayor wants to purge the city of Uzbeks.
谁都能看得出来,市长想把乌兹别克人从这座城市清洗出去。 ecocn

Its origins were from a time before1307, but its hiding place after the Purge was a way to deprive Philip IV of the Templars’ wealth and knowledge.
它的起源在1307年之前,但它在大清洗之后的隐藏地方却是逃避菲利普四世对于圣殿财富和知识的搜刮。 yeeyan

Last year Mexico’s migration authority had a purge of corrupt officers, and now runs a humanitarian wing which offers help to migrants, whether legal or not.
去年, 墨西哥移民局进行了腐败官员的清洗,现在采取人道主义的态度,并帮助移民者,不管他们是否合法. ecocn

Nor should Poland's new leaders purge competent people in top jobs solely because they were appointed by the old government.
波兰的新任领导人也不应仅仅是因为上届政府任命的而清除那些有能力的高官。 ecocn

One is to purge data; the other is to recover costs.
一个是清除数据;另一个就是收回成本。 ecocn

Part of the trouble is that these forums have to purge a lot of bad blood.
部分难题是这些论坛得先净化那些不干净的血液。 yeeyan

The only chance is to completely remove them, and all other dictatorial regimes, and purge their governments of their accomplices and allies.
唯一的机会是完全捣毁独裁政权,将罪恶政权的帮凶和走狗清洗出政府。 yeeyan

Therefore, it is best to purge the pool manually to avoid this situation.
所以,最好手动清除连接池,以避免发生这种情况。 ibm

Unfortunately, there was an unintended consequence of the successful purge of cockroaches.
不幸的是,清除蟑螂带来了意想不到的后果。 fortunechina

You would purge the planet of industrial civilisation, at the cost of billions of lives, only to discover that you have not invoked “ a saner world” but just another phase of destruction.
你会以数十亿生命的代价来清除地球的工业文明,却只能发现你并没有带来“一个更理智的世界”,结果只是另一个阶段的破坏。 yeeyan

Your task is to build a tightly defended base and then purge the planet of all infested buildings.
你的任务是建造一个严密防守的基地并净化行星上所有的被感染建筑。 yeeyan

Purge the language of rotten thinking, they believed, and truth and reason would prevail at last.
他们相信,通过对语言的清洗, 扫除腐朽的思想,真理和理性就会最终取得胜利。 ecocn




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