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pur·ga·to·ry 英ˈpɜːgəˌtɔːriː, -ˌtəʊriː美ˈpɝgəˌtɔri, -ˌtoriAHDpûrʹgə-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA²⁴⁷⁴⁰BNC²⁴⁹⁴⁴iWeb¹⁸⁰⁴⁸Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺⁸ 基本英英词源记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.灵魂的净化³;涤罪⁹;炼狱⁸¹adj.涤罪的⁷名词复数purgatories 困境困难地区宗教建筑神话神话故事痛苦,折磨
Noun: a temporary condition of torment or suffering;a purgatory of drug abuse theology in Roman Catholic theology the place where those who have died in a state of grace undergo limited torment to expiate their sins单词purgatory炼狱原本是一个基督教的术语,指的是人死后,灵魂被“锤炼”、“净化”的地方。单词purgatory来自pure纯净,字面意思就是“净化的场所”。 按照基督教的说话,人信仰基督后即可灵魂得救,死后升入天堂。但是,如果生前尚有罪恶没有赎罪,或没有充分地悔罪,死后灵魂并不能马上升天,而是先要在炼狱中进行净化。但丁在《神曲》中提到,炼狱共有9层,生前犯有罪过,但可以得到宽恕的灵魂,按人类的七大罪过,分别在那里忏悔罪过,洗涤灵魂。 现在,purgatory不仅表示“炼狱”,常常用来比喻磨炼、暂时的苦难。 purgatory:'pɜːgətərɪ n.炼狱;涤罪;暂时的苦难adj.涤罪的钱博士purg净化,清洗+at拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed+ory形容词和名词后缀→净化灵魂的地方,涤罪的地方→炼狱⇒比喻痛苦,苦难 词根purg-净化,清洗来自拉丁语,由词根pur-纯净的和ag-做,驱使组合而成,字面意思就是“使变得纯净”。purg净化,清洗+at拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed+ory形容词和名词后缀→净化灵魂的地方,涤罪的地方→炼狱⇒比喻痛苦,苦难。GRE红宝书pur源于pure纯化, gatory: 纯化灵魂的地方-炼狱 purge 净化 + gate 在地狱的门内清洗罪过词根记忆purge清洗+ atory → 清洗灵魂 ⇒炼狱词根记忆purge净化,清除,炼狱是人们净化灵魂之地近义词 hell地狱anguish苦闷despair绝望torment苦痛torture拷问suffering痛苦agony极度的痛苦limbo林波舞西印度群岛的一种…
名词100% 用作名词As a matter of fact, the pope remits to souls inpurgatoryno penalty which, according to canon law, they should have paid in this life.如同事实上的事情,教宗赦免涤罪中的灵魂无罪,因根据教义上的法规,他们应已在生命中付出代价。 But a funny thing happened to the Lakers on their way topurgatory.但是在湖人炼狱的路上发生了一件有趣的事。 It functions as a sort of mid-lifepurgatoryfor hopeless souls on Earth.它的职能作为一种中年炼狱为无可救药的灵魂在地球上。用作形容词As a matter of fact, the pope remits to souls inpurgatoryno penalty which, according to canon law, they should have paid in this life.如同事实上的事情,教宗赦免涤罪中的灵魂无罪,因根据教义上的法规,他们应已在生命中付出代价。noun.(hell 同义词 limboGehenna,Hades,abyss,perdition,pit,suffering,underworldAbaddon,bottomless pit,everlasting fire,fire and brimstone,infernal regions,lower world,nether world,place of torment griefnoun mental suffering affliction,agony,anguish,bemoaning,bereavement,bewailing,care,dejection,deploring,depression,desolation,despair,despondency,discomfort,disquiet,distress,dole,dolor,gloom,grievance,harassment,heartache,heartbreak,infelicity,lamentation,lamenting,malaise,melancholy,misery,mortification,mournfulness,mourning,pain,regret,remorse,repining,rue,sadness,sorrow,torture,trial,tribulation,trouble,unhappiness,vexation,woe,worry,wretchedness hellnoun place of the condemned;bad situation Abaddon,Gehenna,Hades,abyss,affliction,agony,anguish,blazes,bottomless pit,difficulty,everlasting fire,fire and brimstone,grave,hellfire,infernal regions,inferno,limbo,lower world,misery,nether world,nightmare,ordeal,pandemonium,perdition,pit,place of torment,purgatory,suffering,torment,trial,underworld,wretchedness infernonoun hell Hades,blazes,bottomless pit,everlasting fire,fire and brimstone,hellfire,netherworld,purgatory,underworld living deathnoun fate worse than death death in life,hell,hell on earth,purgatory,suffering living hellnoun hell Abaddon,Gehenna,Hades,abyss,affliction,agony,anguish,blazes,bottomless pit,difficulty,everlasting fire,fire and brimstone,grave,hellfire,infernal regions,inferno,limbo,lower world,misery,nether world,nightmare,ordeal,pandemonium,perdition,persecution,pit,place of torment,purgatory,suffering,torment,torture,tortures of the damned,trial,underworld,wretchedness perditionnoun hell Abaddon,Gehenna,Hades,abyss,affliction,bottomless pit,condemnation,damnation,everlasting fire,fire and brimstone,infernal regions,inferno,loss of the soul,lower world,nether world,pit,place of torment,punishment,purgatory,ruin,suffering,underworld On the contrary, life here is for many closer to purgatory, the trees hacked down, the soil ravaged, and the spirit of many of the young men broken. 恰恰相反,这里的生活更像是炼狱:砍倒的树木,荒废的土地,以及被摧毁的年轻一代的精神世界。 ecocn While consumers may flock to the new tablet, the thought of locking more developers into the purgatory of the Apple approval process is one that few will celebrate. 消费者可能会对 iPad趋之若鹜,但很少有人愿意看到越来越多的开发者进入苹果审核过程的炼狱中区。 yeeyan After waiting several weeks in career purgatory, you may or may not get an offer for a job that is closer to a nightmare than a dream and that pays just enough to foot the bills. 在“职业炼狱”煎熬数周后,你也许会得到一个更像噩梦而不是美梦的工作机会,而且薪水刚刚糊口;也许你连这样的机会都得不到。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Although it’s highly unlikely your results well be positive those two weeks are like purgatory. 尽管检测结果是阳性的可能性极小,这两周的时间也绝对像是炼狱。 yeeyan As late as1582, one map of the world went further, depicting the sites of Judgment, Purgatory and the outer and inner circles of Hell. 直到1582年,地图才进一步地将审判所——炼狱、地狱的外层和内层描绘出来。 yeeyan As night fell and All Souls' Day arrived, “ bells were rung for the souls in purgatory,” writes Rogers. 夜晚降临,万灵节到来,“铃声为受难的灵魂敲响”,罗杰斯写到。 yeeyan By the end an unknown cast has become a trio of indelible faces, a patch of land a glimpse of purgatory. 最终,不知名的演员们化作了3张不可磨灭的面孔,而这块土地成为了对炼狱的一瞥。 ebigear Catholics, he tells us, held that ghosts came from Purgatory and were actually souls of the departed. 他说,天主教认为,鬼魂来自炼狱,是亡者的真正灵魂。 iciba Each cake eaten would represent a soul being freed from Purgatory. 据说每吃掉一个“灵魂饼”,就会有一个灵魂被从炼狱中拯救出来。 hjenglish For the sinful but penitent middle, however, there is the option of purgatory— a bit of fiery cleansing before they are admitted to eternal bliss. 然而,对于负罪而有悔过之心的人,还有另外一种选择,即炼狱---在通往永久的天堂之乐前接受稍微激烈一点的净化。 ecocn It contains the handprints and fingerprints of lost souls in purgatory, left on prayer books and clothing of the living in order to request masses to release them from purgatory. 这些炼狱中的游魂将自己的手印和脚印留在祈祷书和人们的衣服上,祈求人们将他们从炼狱中释放出来。 yeeyan Lawless credits that, in part, to the rise in the belief of Purgatory, an interim space between heaven and hell where sins could be purged. 这种转变 Lawless在某种程度上把它归功于对炼狱信奉的开始。因为炼狱是个存在于天堂和地狱之间的中间地带,一个可以洗净罪恶的地方。 yeeyan Marriage, with peace, is this world's paradise; with strife, this world's purgatory. 和谐的婚姻,是尘世的乐园;不和谐的婚姻,则是人生的炼狱。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Now infamy is a stain, and if the punishments and fire of purgatory can take away all spiritual stains, why should not the pain of torture take away those of a civil nature? 既然罪恶的行为是一种道德的瑕疵,如果惩罚和赎罪之火可以洗去所有的恶,那么为什么严刑的痛苦不能带走善良者的灵魂呢? yeeyan Now, it is only natural that politicians are striving to make the post- free-stuff era sound like a happy opportunity rather than purgatory. 如今,政客们的任务自然是努力让这个后免费时代看起来更像是一个人人欢喜的际遇,而非残酷的地狱。 ecocn So every day that Goldman is in regulatory purgatory means more free money for Buffett. 因此高盛现在每天都处于监管的炼狱之中,同时意味着巴菲特每天都能白拿钱。 yeeyan there is the option of purgatory— a bit of fiery cleansing before they are admitted to eternal bliss. 炼狱还有另一个选择---在通往永久的天堂之乐前接受稍微激烈一点的净化。 ecocn They then parted ways: he straight to the seventh circle of Everlasting Hellfire; she to a purgatory to spend eternity reading Hello! Magazine and gossiping about celebrities. 之后,他们便分道扬镳了:他径直去了七层永恒的地狱之火;她去炼狱用无尽的时间去看 Hello杂志,谈论名人们那些八卦新闻。 yeeyan This develops into the notion of purgatory or some kind of Hades-type place, a place where you would either sleep or your soul will go someplace else, and you'd wait for the resurrection. 这个中途站就发展成后来的炼狱,或者说一个像阴府那样的地方,在那里,你要么睡着,要么你的灵魂就会去别的地方,你会等待复活。163 WHILE the Arab spring unfolds all round them, the mostly Persian citizens of Iran seem condemned to a lonely purgatory. 虽然阿拉伯之春来到了周边国家,但是伊朗人民大部分都是波斯人却独自身处炼狱。 ecocn Yet as she points out, it's far from obvious how such freedoms might be granted, for each species has its own requirements, and conditions that are paradise for one may be purgatory for another. 而正如她所指出的,问题远不是赋予多少自由就可以解决的,因为每一个物种都有自己的需求,某人的天堂,也许就是他人的炼狱。 yeeyan |