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词汇 purged
释义 purge·d 英pɜːdʒ美pɜːrdʒ 高COCA³⁷⁷¹⁷BNC³⁵⁸³³Economist¹⁰⁴⁵⁰
vt. 清除政敌等;清洗

get rid of unwanted people in a state,political,etc. by removal from office,driving out of the country,killing,etc.

vt. 涤除罪恶等

make clean and free from sth evil


an act or set of actions intended to get rid of unwanted members of a group suddenly,often unjustly,and often by force


a medicine that clears the bowels of waste matter

the act of clearing yourself or another from some stigma or chargean act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elementsan abrupt or sudden removal of a person or group from an organization or place;

he died in a purge by Stalin

oust politically;

Deng Xiao Ping was purged several times throughout his lifetime

clear of a chargemake pure or free from sin or guilt;

he left the monastery purified

rid of impurities;

purge the water

purge your mind

rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid;

flush the wound with antibiotics

purge the old gas tank

eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth;

After drinking too much, the students vomited

He purged continuously

The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night

excrete or evacuate someone's bowels or body;

The doctor decided that the patient must be purged

purge pipe排气管purge unit净气设备purge gas吹扫用的气体…purge flow清洗流purge system清洗系统, 净化系统…air purge空气净化purge stream清除气流purge data删除日期gas purge气体清洗,气体净化…purge tank化 清洗室; 清…vacuum purge真空驱气purge valve放气阀blood purge血腥的清洗
近义词 cat猫cast掷puke呕吐barf呕吐spew喷出vomit吐出retch作呕spue 吐出chuck抛掷scour擦洗flush冲洗remove消除sick有病的removal移动clean干净的purging清洗upchuck呕吐regorge倒流be sick呕吐laxative泻药emetic催吐剂wash out洗掉censor检查员throw up呕吐vomit up呕吐disgorge吐出purgative泻药cathartic泻药expulsion驱逐eliminate除去purgation净化get rid of摆脱sanctify使神圣honk汽车喇叭声elimination除去eradication根除regurgitate反刍purify使)净化cleanse使 … 清洁exonerate确定无罪housecleaning清扫房屋pardon原谅,宽恕,饶恕…反义词 rehabilitate使恢复
S+ ~+n./pron.The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department.市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。
Try to purge the hatred from your spirit, my son.孩子,把仇恨从头脑中清除吧。用作名词n.The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.新总统对不忠诚的军官进行了清洗。
Be careful about the purge.服用泻药要当心。
用作名词The new president carried out apurgeof disloyal army officers.新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
The Red Guards carried out thepurgetoo enthusiastically, often acting without close direction from Peking.红卫兵非常狂热地贯彻执行了清除,横扫了北京的各个方面。
The medicine was an effectivepurge.这是疗效很好的泻药。
We maypurgewater by distillation.我们可以用蒸馏法使水净化。
Based on overall analysis and delicate engineering calculation, an exhaust gaspurgedevice for EPC casting was designed.在此基础上,通过全面的分析和详细的工程计算,设计了消失模铸造尾气净化装置。用作动词We maypurgewater by distillation.我们可以用蒸馏法使水净化。
They tried topurgemetal of dross.他们试图清除金属熔化时浮升表面的渣滓。
We need topurgeour sport of racism.我们必须消除体育界的种族主义。
The mayoral candidate has promised topurgethe police department.市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
按着律法,凡物差不多都是用血洁净的,若不流血,罪就不得赦免了。 ebigear

Novavax, another American start-up, has had similarly promising results using“ virus-like particles” made of non- infectious viral proteins purged of genetic material.
另外一家美国药商诺瓦瓦克斯Novavax利用“病毒样颗粒”利用去除了遗传物质的基因材料中没有传染性的的蛋白质也得出了同样振奋人心的结果。 ecocn

Public- opinion surveys released before the election show Mr. Musharraf's popularity has plummeted during the past year, after he purged the judiciary and imposed six weeks of emergency rule.
选举前公布的民意调查结果显示,在穆沙拉夫整肃司法部门并实行了六个星期的紧急状态之后,他的支持率在去年一年中大幅下跌。 ebigear

The hacker can steal sensitive information from residual data that has not been purged from re- allocated instance resources within a virtual machine.
黑客可以从虚拟机中重新分配的实例资源中获取还没有清除的残留数据,从中窃取敏感的信息。 ibm

The HIV virus is kept at a low level but isn't ever entirely purged; it stays quietly hidden in some immune cells.
HIV不过是数量被控制在一个较低水平,而不是完全清除,它们仍然静静地潜伏在一些免疫细胞内部。 yeeyan

The toxic content has not been purged, not least because the stress tests were so feeble.
有毒资产并没有被净化,这很大程度上是因为压力测试本身就无比荒唐。 yeeyan

“ There were additional webcam pictures and screen shots taken of Blake Robbins which, to date, have not been recovered because the evidence was purged by the IT department, ” the court papers say.
“迄今为止,还有内容为 Blake Robbins的附加的摄像头图片和抓屏没有被复原,因为证据被 IT部门净化了。”文件提到。 yeeyan

Another of Park’s sources of high-level intelligence is the widow of a party official who she believes was unjustly purged.
朴仁浩的另一个高级情报来源是某党内领导的遗孀,她相信她的丈夫被不公正地清除掉了,非常痛苦。 yeeyan

But defectors, including the ex-North Korea coach, said poor play overseas has meant punishment at home, including being“ purged” and sent to coal mines.
但那些脱北者,包括朝鲜队前教练,都说在国外输了,回国就要受惩罚,包括被“整肃”和扔到煤矿去挖煤。 yeeyan

But the likelihood that it will actually be purged is very low.
但真正将数据清除的可能性是非常低的。 yeeyan

But there's something else that needs to be purged, and the poem recognizes that even more profoundly.

Do you think that the monarchical ingredients which are more prevalent in other governments, have purged them from all foul stains?
你是否认为在其它政府中占优势的君主成分已经使那些政府清除了所有的污点? putclub

Do you think that the monarchical ingredients which are more prevalent in other governments, have purged them from all foul stains? Their histories assert the contrary.

Events that cannot be resubmitted must be purged.
必须清除无法重新提交的事件。 ibm

He has purged the party of ultranationalist hardliners, who almost got the CHP booted out of the Socialist International.
他已经清洗了几乎让共和人民党逐出社会党国际的极端民族主义强硬派。 ecocn

I have seen some zealous WIP operators who purged successful editions from the WIP.
我曾看到一些热心的 WIP操作员将成功的版本从 WIP中清除。 ibm

If the violations are egregious, a site can be temporarily or even permanently purged from the index.
如果违规极其严重,该网站会被临时,甚至永久地从搜索结果中清除。 yeeyan

Occupation authorities purged the old, politically oriented heads of Japanese businesses, replacing them with well- trained technicians who had learned many lessons during the war.
占领当局整肃旧的、政治导向的日本经济头脑,取而代之的是受过良好训练的技术人员,他们在战争期间学习到了许多东西。 yeeyan

Once the sanctuary is purged, the offerer has settled his debt, he's repaired the damage he caused.

Other log files and dumps must be archived or purged on a regular basis manually.
对于其他的日志文件和转储,则必须定期手动地存档或者清除。 ibm

References to wealth and family background as desirable qualities were purged.
不再将财富和家庭背景作为可取品质的参照。 yeeyan

Residual data occurs when instance resources previously allocated are not purged completely of the data before they are re- allocated to the same or different user.
如果以前分配的实例资源在没有完全清除数据的情况下重新分配给相同或不同的用户,就会出现残留的数据。 ibm

So inadvertent sins can be purged, the sanctuary defilement that they cause can be purged by bringing a purification sacrifice.

Their source is not just the shakiness of both countries' interim governments, which have largely been purged of ministers associated with old ways and are now led by fresh, untainted prime ministers.
这些问题的来源不只是两国临时政府的不稳定,两国政府在很大程度上都清除了与旧有势力有关的各种人物,现在被新的总理领导着。 ecocn

We rejoice that their sufferings will soon be at an end and that these territories will soon be purged of the Japanese invader.
我们为他们的苦难即将走到尽头感到欣喜,日本侵略者很快就会被赶出这些土地。 yeeyan

When the packet has timed out and purged from the cache, change the error message from previously processed to token expired.
当包已经超时并从高速缓存中被清除时,将错误消息从先前已被处理更改为令牌失效。 ibm




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