

单词 pure alcohol
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All this sounds like good news for Russian livers, which must process on average18 litres of pure alcohol a year, twice the average in the European Union.
这个消息对俄国佬来说听起来很不错,这些俄国佬平均每年要喝掉18升烈酒,这个数字是欧盟平均数字的两倍。 ecocn

Among the patients,8 cases cured and3 cases kept control by pure alcohol injection directly.
治疗后8例痊愈,3例病变反复者经多次局部注射无水酒精,临床缓解症状良好。 cnki

Materials and Methods: Under ultrasound supervision and guidance,18 hydatid cysts were punctured and fluid aspirated, then medicine and pure alcohol was injected combining with general medical care.
材料和方法:对18例患者在超声监视、引导下经皮穿刺抽吸囊液,注入药物及无水乙醇,结合全身用药进行治疗。 cnki

Methods: All of the mice were divided into three groups and induced by water immersion, pure alcohol damage and chronic acetic acid damage respectively.
方法:观察药物对小鼠水浸应激性溃疡、无水乙醇性溃疡、慢性乙酸烧灼性溃疡模型和大鼠胃蛋白酶、胃酸活性的影响。 chemyq

Russia may ban shop sales of spirits containing more than15% pure alcohol in2010, Interfax news agency reported.
据国际文传电讯社报道,俄罗斯拟于今年全面禁止各商铺出售酒精浓度在15度以上的酒精饮料。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

They found the caffeine in coffee and the anti- inflammatory ingredients of aspirin and other painkillers reacted against the chemical compounds of ethanol, or pure alcohol.
科学家发现咖啡里面的咖啡因和阿司匹林类的解热镇痛抗炎药成分能够对抗酒精或酒类饮料产生的化学物质。 yeeyan




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