

单词 purchase power
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The spread of financial crisis has seriously affected the purchase power of consumers around the world. As a result, overseas buyers become much choosier at the fair.
面对金融危机的蔓延,全球消费者购买力的下降,本届华交会的海外客商在选择产品时变得更为苛刻。 yduec

Analysis on the population, purchase power and purchase intention indicates that there is a great potential market for China's reproductive health industrial in short future.
通过对人口、购买力和购买欲望发展趋势的分析,提出中国生殖健康产业市场需求潜力巨大的预测。 cnki

As the presence of transactions costs, deviations from purchase power parity PPP may follow a nonlinear process that is mean reverting.
由于存在交易成本,偏离购买力平价可能呈非线性的均值回复特性。 cnki

Based on the concept of weighted purchase power parity proposed in this paper, we contrasted the economic power of the two countries and give a forecast on it.
在本文提出的加权购买力平价基础上对中日两国的经济实力也进行了对比和展望。 sinoss

Credit takes place can promote purchase power, can enlarge production and employment.
信用的发生可以促进消费购买力,扩大生产与就业。 cnki

Demands the purchase power for this reason the Yang great wild goose lawsuit to the court.
杨鸿为此诉讼到法院索要购买权。 blog.sina.com.cn

Nor is the impact of“ relative buying power” purchase power parity of less expensive Chinese produced goods and exchange rates factored into Chinese government figures.
而中国政府的数据也未将较为便宜的中国产品和汇率对“相对购买力”购买力平价造成的影响纳入计算。 yeeyan

Not the mature first purchase power theory already has bred many helpless for common people's economic life and people's court's judicial practice also the nonessential confusion.
不成熟的优先购买权理论已为百姓的经济生活及人民法院的司法实践酿成了诸多无奈且不必要的混乱。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn

The paper firstly analyses the appreciation and trend of RMB on the basis of purchase power parity, and points out short-term& long-term influences upon export enterprises.
本文依据购买力平价理论分析了人民币升值与新汇率的走势,指出人民币升值对我国出口企业造成的短期和长期影响。 cnki

The conditions in which farm animals live and die can be improved by our purchase power.
我们可以通过选择性的购买来改善农场动物的生活状况。 yeeyan

Once the demands are translated into real purchase power and import power, they can play a vital role in driving the global economy out of the shadow of crisis.
这种需求一旦变成现实购买力和进口能力,对拉动全球经济走 出危机影响,将会起到举足轻重的作用。 hjenglish




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