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词汇 Puqi
释义 Puqi
Early Triassic Daye Group and Middle-late TriassicPuqiGroup are host rocks of Fe-Cu deposits in the eastern Hubai.侵入接触带构造,捕虏体接触带构造,断裂叠加接触带构造,断裂构造是矿床的容矿构造。
Huanggai Lake in southwestPuqiCity, 16 km, with the County of Hunan Province at the junction of the Linxiang.黄盖湖位于蒲圻市西南16公里,与湖南省临湘县交界。
It is 3 km away fromPuqiexit section of Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Expressway and 300 m away from Nantang exit of 104 National Highway.距甬台温高速公路浦岐出口段3公里,距104国道南塘出口300米。
It is carriedPuqiCourt in 2007 the first batch of selected yueqing Intangible Cultural Heritage List, the town is now held once or twice every year.据悉,蒲岐抬阁于2007年入选乐清市第一批非物质文化遗产代表作名录,如今该镇每年都举办一两次。
PuqiBranch Company, Changjiang Civil Engineering General Company. Engineering Geology Investigation Report of 3-rd, 4-th,5-th Bridge of East Road along River in Fengjie County.长江岩土工程公司蒲圻分公司。奉节县沿江大道东段3号、4号、5号桥位工程地质勘察报告。
The planned capacity ofPuqiPower Plant is 1 200 MW. Because of the high capacitor current of the auxiliary transformer,the high-voltage auxiliary power system must be grounded.蒲圻电厂规划容量1200MW,在选择高压厂用电系统接地方式时,计算容量最大的厂用变所连接供电网络的单相接地电容电流,电流偏高,不能采取不接地方式。




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