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词汇 Punjabi
释义 Pan·ja·bi 英pʌnˈdʒɑːbiː, -ˈdʒæbiː美pʌnˈdʒɑbi, -ˈdʒæbiAHDpŭn-jäʹbē, -jăbʹē ★☆☆☆☆高iWeb²⁶⁷⁴¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
a member of the majority people of Punjab in northwestern Indiathe Indic language spoken by most people in Punjab in northwestern India来自印度语Panjab,印度西北部邦。来自pan-,五,词源同five, punch, -ab,水,河流,词源同aquatic。因该邦五条奔流而得名。 pan来自古英语panne,锅,盘,可能来自原始印欧语*pete,展开,词源同feather, patella。后引申动词词义淘金,即用锅洗砂子淘金,并用于俚语严厉批评。字母t脱落,比较fain。来自古英语fagen。pan-全,泛,亲,来自希腊语pan-。来自原始印欧语pant,全部的,所有的,词源同Pan。 five来自原始印欧语*penkwe,五,词源同pentangle, quintet。 punch来自拉丁语pungere,刺,击。来自原始印欧语*pung,刺,击,打,词源同pungent, puncture, point。引申诸相关词义。来自印度语panch,五,词源同five, Pentecost。因这种酒需五种原料酒,水,柠檬汁,糖,香料调制而得名。Punjab +-iS.形+名某地|国(语言|人)⇒n.旁遮普人²⁸近义词 PanjabiPunjab 语
用作名词She is bilingual in English andPunjabi.她会说英语和旁遮普语。 Apparently, earlier today Facebook users in India were greeted with a new message upon logging in: Facebook is now available in Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam.
而今天早上 Facebook印度用户登录时会收到一条问候信息: Facebook现在提供印地语,旁遮普语,孟加拉语,泰卢固语,泰米尔语,马拉雅拉姆语的支持。 yeeyan

Delhi’s Hindi is riddled with Urdu, Punjabi and Bengali.
德里的印地语混杂有乌尔都语,旁遮普语和孟加拉语。 ecocn

In a typical ploy, the nazim of the southern Punjabi city of Multan, Faisal Mukhtar, promised property rights to slum- dwellers in the city.
举一个典型的例子,巴基斯坦南部旁遮普人的木尔坦的警察总长费萨尔•穆卡塔尔曾做出一个承诺,即要为城市的贫民区的居民提供房产权。 ecocn

On top of the years of grudges, there’s a persistent strain of ethnic animosity between the Taliban’s overwhelmingly Pashtun membership and its mostly Punjabi patrons from Pakistan’s security forces.
除了多年的积怨,塔利班的主要力量帕斯图族 Pashtun和其主要来自巴基斯坦安全部队的篷加伯 Punjabi)资助人之间长期关系紧张。 yeeyan

Others recognise the Punjabi Taliban as a Pakistani phenomenon—one of the consequences of a rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism which manifests itself in increasingly violent ways.
旁遮普塔利班在巴基斯坦已经成为一种现象——这也得力于伊斯兰原教旨主义不断增多且持续升级的暴力事件。 ecocn

The Punjabi chief minister's unprecedented threat came just ahead of the start of an annual kite-flying festival in the provincial capital, Lahore, Sunday.
就在旁遮普省首府拉尔市准备在周日召开一年一度的风筝节前,旁遮普省省长发出了这个史无前例的警告。 ebigear

A masked interpreter shares checkpoint duty in a Pashtu-speaking region where the Punjabi- dominated army is not always welcome.
一名戴着面具的翻译在普什图语地区分担检查的工作,因为以旁遮普语为主的部队在这里并不总是受欢迎。 yeeyan

Among the big losers was Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, leader of the party and godfather to the entrepreneurial Punjabi clan that controls it.
现在出现了一些大的输家,其中一位就是科德里•苏贾特•胡赛因,他是该党派的领导人与控制该党的旁遮普企业家宗族的教父。 ecocn

Besides the Uzbeks, al-Qaeda and a ragbag of Punjabi jihadist groups are present.
除此之外,目前这里还聚集这一些乌兹别克、基地组织和各类旁遮普( Punjabi激进组织。 ecocn

But the tour of three sodden Punjabi districts highlighted huge worries.
但是到旁遮普三个洪水泛滥的地区慰问却突出了巨大的焦虑。 ecocn

But the police say the “ Punjabi Taliban” were behind the assault on the Ahmadis.
但是警方认为“旁遮普塔利班”是突然袭击艾哈迈迪亚教徒的幕后指使。 ecocn

Culturally more in tune with nearby Balochistan, they speak their own dialect and do not consider themselves Punjabi.
这里的文化与附近的俾路支更接近,他们说自己的方言,不认为自己的旁遮普人。 yeeyan

English, Mandarin and Chinese dialects, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Punjabi and Thai are widely used in the country.
英语、华话和各方言,泰米尔语、泰卢固语, Malayalam,旁遮普语和泰语也被广泛使用。 ebigear

For example, people from the state of Punjab, who speak the Punjabi language are called Punjabi’s, while those from the state of West Bengal, who speak the Bengali language are called Bengali’s.
例如,来自旁遮普邦,说旁遮普语的人被称为旁遮普人,而来自西孟加拉邦,说孟加拉语的人被称为孟加拉人。 yeeyan

He also noted that Punjabi militant groups, such as Lashkar-e- Jhangvi, and others, such as al-Qaida and the Tehrik-e- Taliban, are one and the same.
他说,在旁遮普省的激进集团,例如虔诚军、基地组织和巴基斯坦塔利班运动之类,都是一丘之貉。 voanews

He also noted that Punjabi militant groups, such as Lashkar-e- Jhangvi, and others, such.
他说,在旁遮普省的激进集团,例如虔诚军、基地组织和巴基斯坦塔利班运动之类,一丘之貉。 enfamily

Many suspect that Punjabi groups are still accorded some kind of protection by the ISI, though the agency denies it.
然而很多人怀疑 ISI仍然庇护着旁遮普的各类恐怖组织,尽管情报局对此矢口否认。 ecocn

On the day of the crash, General Zia had been attending a demonstration of American- made M1A1 main battle tanks near Bahawalpur in the Punjabi desert.
在空难的那一天,吉阿将军在旁遮普大沙漠的巴哈瓦普尔音附近参加一次美国造 M1A1主战坦克的军事演习。 ecocn

The federal government says Punjabi groups have been responsible for most of the big terrorist attacks in the province.
联邦政府声明旁遮普省的这些组织已经对该省的大多数大型恐怖袭击表示负责。 ecocn

The federal interior minister, Rehman Malik, declared that an “operation” was needed to clear out the Punjabi groups.
联邦内政部长 Rehman Malik宣布需要采取某种手段清除旁遮普省的这些组织。 ecocn

The scheme also provides assessment for community languages spoken at home, such as Chinese, Urdu and Punjabi.
这个计划还为家庭中常用的一些社群语言提供考试评估,如汉语、乌尔都语和旁遮普语。 xinhuanet

The Punjabi Taliban grew out of a combination of ISI support for anti- Indian militants, anti- Shia feeling in central Punjab and Gulf money in south Punjab.
旁遮普塔利班最初依靠 ISI对反印武装力量的支持,借助旁省中部反什叶派舆论以及由海湾流入旁省南部的资金逐渐发展。 ecocn

The Punjabi Taliban poses a greater threat to the Pakistani state than does the Pushtun Taliban.
和普什图塔利班比起来,旁遮普塔利班对巴基斯坦构成更大的威胁。 ecocn

This kind of contract farming began with Punjabi farmers growing tomatoes for Pepsi’s food business in the 1980s.
此类订单式农业始于20世纪80年代,那时, Punjabi的农民们为百事食品公司从事番茄的耕种。 ecocn

This may help the PMLN, Pakistan’s second- biggest party, whose central and urban Punjabi strongholds have largely escaped the drenching, back to power.
但可能帮了巴第二大党 PML的忙,重新夺得大权,其控制的旁遮普中部城市地区这次幸免于难。 ecocn

Punjabi boys and girls want to move abroad to any country through any channel, legal or illegal.
旁遮普邦的男孩女孩们试图通过一切途径移民到任何非印度的国家,不管那途径是合法还是非法。 yeeyan




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