

单词 punitively
释义 pu·ni·tive·ly 英'pjuːnətɪv美'pjuːnətɪv 高COCA¹¹⁷⁰²⁶BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb⁵⁹⁹⁹⁹
inflicting punishment;

punitive justice

punitive damages

punitive damage惩罚性损害
近义词 penal刑罚的corrective纠正的castigatory申斥的retaliatory报复的retributive报应的retributory报应的disciplinary训练的punishing艰难持久的vindictive有报仇心的revengeful燃起复仇念头…punitory给予惩罚的(惩罚性的…反义词 rehabilitative使复权的

用作形容词In these cases, the Buddha says that refraining from such behaviour will free one from the anxiety and embarrassment caused by social disapproval or the fear of punitive action.对于这样的情况,佛教教导说杜绝此类行为会使人们从焦虑和尴尬中摆脱出来,这些都是由社会的抵触情绪和担心被惩罚的想法造成的。 The concept of taxing illegal drugs punitively dates back to the Marijuana Tax Act of1937.
对违禁药品进行惩罚性征税的概念可以追溯至1937年的《大麻税法》。 ecocn

Certainly we know what happened once he was assassinated: Reconstruction was administered punitively and then abandoned, leaving the issue of racial equality to dangle for another century.
一旦他被暗杀,我们无疑地是知道会发生什么的:南方各州的重建会被惩罚性地执行,然后重建被抛弃,使得创建种族平等的问题被推到另一个世纪。 ecocn

The ECB’s earlier bond- buying hasn’t saved smaller countries from punitively high government-bond yields; the Fed’s previous interventions haven’t spurred a robust recovery.
欧洲中央银行 ECB早前购买债券并没有将较小的国家从极度高收益国债中解救出来。 美联储较早的干预并没有激起经济强劲恢复。 ecocn

The Senate delayed consideration of its proposal to tax such bonuses punitively after the White House gave the plan a cool reception.
由于白宫方面并不欢迎这一计划,参议院推迟审议一项关于对这些奖金进行大幅度征税的动议。 ecocn




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