

单词 punctures
释义 punc·ture·s 英'pʌŋktʃəʳ美'pʌŋktʃər COCA⁶²²¹⁷BNC⁵³⁸⁸⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp objecta small hole made by a sharp objectthe act of puncturing or perforating
pierce with a pointed object; make a hole into;

puncture a tire

make by piercing;

puncture a hole

reduce or lessen the size or importance of;

The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence

cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing;

puncture an air balloon

be pierced or punctured;

The tire punctured

lumbar puncture〈医〉腰椎穿刺…puncture fluid穿刺液puncture wound刺伤puncture outfit穿刺器shell puncture外壳击穿heart puncture心穿刺术triple puncture齐刺puncture needle穿刺针,穿剌针,采血…puncture core通气芯sclerotic puncture巩膜穿刺术cisternal puncture小脑延髓池穿刺…puncture diabetes穿刺性糖尿病,穿刺糖…shallow puncture浅刺puncture strength击穿强度puncture tester耐压试验器puncture resistance抗穿刺性diagnostic puncture诊断性穿刺puncture headache腰椎穿刺后头痛…puncture test电击穿试验,哗试验,…
近义词 cut切stab刺hole洞prick刺spear矛ruin毁灭erode腐蚀break打碎stick手杖lance枪矛spike长钉pierce刺穿lesion损害bore使厌烦impale刺穿deflate放气pinhole针眼rupture破裂stick in放入perforation孔penetrate渗透perforate穿孔于undermine逐渐削弱

用作名词Some cyclists carry repair outfits in case they have apuncture.有些骑自行车的人带修理工具,以防车胎被刺破。
He demonstrated how to mend apuncture.他示范如何修补车胎刺孔。用作动词Our tires do notpunctureeasily.我们的轮胎不易爆破。
I wish something would happen topunctureher ego.我希望让她碰个钉子。
Failure did notpuncturemy confidence.失败并没有挫伤我的信心。 As you rotate the tire toward you, use your crayon to mark any cuts, punctures, embedded objects, or suspicious marks in the tread area.
将轮胎面向你转动,用轮胎笔将所有的割伤、撞击痕迹、夹住的物体和所有胎面可以的痕迹。 wenkuwu

The Libyan crisis also punctures some inflated hopes about other European countries.
利比亚的危机也揭穿了关于其他欧洲国家膨胀的希望。 yeeyan

Based on the basic hypothesis, the shock wave pressure emerging in the medium after the jet punctures the armor unit is estimated, while deformation of the armor unit plate and the jet are calculated.
并在基本假设的基础上,对射流击中装甲单元后在介质中产生的冲击波进行了压力估算,及装甲单元的壁板变形和射流变形的计算。 cnki

Before the relief well punctures Macondo, engineers may also—if the government allows them—pump some heavy mud down from the now- capped wellhead.
如果政府允许,工程师们在减压井减弱macondo漏油状况之前,将从已经封闭的井口注入部分水泥。 ecocn

ConclusionIt is the best method for collecting blood by the heart punctures in mice.
结论心脏采血是最佳的小鼠采血方法。 cnki

Dear you fly slowly, the careful front belt punctures rose.
亲爱的你慢慢飞,小心前面带刺的玫瑰。 dota123

During surgery, such perforations allow passage of bacteria from the surgical site through the punctures.
在手术中,这种微小穿孔可使手术部位的细菌通过穿刺孔。 www.icchina.org.cn

Even a brain- dead liberal should appreciate the surgical finesse with which Mr Mamet punctures the pomposities of Gloria Steinem and Susan Sontag.
即使是脑残的自由主义者也能欣赏出马梅先生针对格洛丽亚•斯泰纳姆和苏珊•索恩塔格的夸大其词所用的讽刺艺术。 ecocn

Lysozyme is a protein that is part of the human immune system; when functioning properly, it punctures the cell wall of an invading bacterium and destroys it.
溶解酵素是一种蛋白质,它是人类免疫系统的一部分;由于功能正常,它可以刺破入侵细菌的细胞壁并毁灭它。 ibm

Methods— We included patients with hydrocephalus treated with external ventricular drainage or lumbar punctures with in4 days after the hemorrhage and before aneurysm occlusion.
方法:我们选择出血在4天内和动脉瘤闭塞前并发脑积水的患者行脑室引流或者腰椎穿刺引流。 essaystar

Mr Davies is well known as an iconoclast who punctures the comforting myths of countries like England or Russia that history has blessed with conquest, expansion and linguistic dominance.
戴维斯被人们称颂为摒弃陋习的人而闻名四方,他打破帝国拥有得天独厚的征服力,扩张力,语言主导优势的美丽神话。 ecocn

Objective To explore the effect and prognosis of serial lumbar puncturesLP in treating newborns with intraventricular hemorrhage IVH.
目的探讨连续腰椎穿刺治疗新生儿脑室内出血 IVH的疗效及预后。 cnki

Objective To observe the efficacy of pleural punctures and atresia of pleural in the treatment of the recurrent pleural effusion.
结论胸腔穿刺联合胸腔闭锁术是对反复发作的胸腔积液治疗的有效手段之一。 dictall

Objective:To explore the method, the indication and value of Twain punctures and ex titaniumnip laparoscopic appendectomyTELA.
目的:探讨二戳孔无钛夹腹腔镜阑尾切除术的方法,适应证和应用价值。 dictall

Only use Hydrogen Peroxide to flush deep wounds or punctures.
只能使用双氧水冲洗深度创伤和穿刺。 chinahorse

Results. Needle punctures with full or half penetration caused significant disc space narrowing and progressive histologic changes of degeneration as early as1 and2 weeks after injury, respectively.
结果早在1和2周后,全或半穿刺分别造成了明显的椎间盘间隙狭窄和进行的组织学变性。 degree-distance

Results:The patients without any puncture had more chances to suffer hydrocephalus than those getting punctures with severe craniocerebral trauma.
结果不行腰椎穿刺引流的重型脑伤患者创伤后脑积水的发生率显著增高。 chemyq

Results In two lots and4 orientations punctures, glue tampon debris forming rate of left orientation was the lowest one.
结果各批号4种朝向穿刺胶塞均以左向法穿刺胶塞碎屑形成率最低。 cnki

Sharks would have left thin slashes in the bone, whereas a devastating Kronosaurus bite would be evidenced by deep punctures around a huge, missing chunk in the victim's skeleton.
鲨鱼会在骨头留下狭长的划伤,而毁灭性的长头龙的撕咬会将猎物刺穿并常常伴随着大块的骨架缺失。 yeeyan

Such assertiveness punctures happy Euro- dreams of a multipolar world.
如此的笃定刺破了欧洲的多级世界幸福幻想。 baozhi.ru

The photographic documentation shows the artist dressed in white, her face hidden behind a bunch of roses, her outstretched arm bleeding from punctures inflicted by tacks see Lippard,1976.
该文件显示摄影艺术家身着白色,她的脸隐藏在一束玫瑰花,她伸出的手臂出血穿刺造成大头针见利帕德,1976年 。 xici

This event has no precedent: a British company drilling a mile beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico punctures the earth’s skin, unleashing a plume of oil that nobody seems able to stop.
这次事故史无前例:一家英国公司在墨西哥湾水域一英里下弄出了个漏洞,这个洞刺穿了地球表面,一股油柱从洞中喷发出来,看起来没有人能堵得住。 ecocn

This event has no precedent: a British company drilling a mile beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico punctures the earth's skin, unleashing a plume of oil that nobody seems able to stop.
这个事件是史无前例的:英国一家公司在墨西哥湾水面以下1英里处刺破了地球母亲的皮肤,致使其释放出了一股似乎无人能抵挡的冲天油柱。 ecocn

Punctures the blood therapy is a Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion study constituent. It can treat each kind of disease, and widely spreads in the folk.
刺血疗法是中医针灸学的一个组成部分,它能治疗各类疾病,在民间广为流传。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Punctures were performed on pelvic masses of124 gynecological patients.
本文报告124例妇科盆腔肿块行超声引导下穿刺术。 cnki




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