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词汇 punches
释义 punch·es 英pʌntʃ美pʌntʃ COCA¹⁷⁸⁰¹BNC¹⁸⁷⁰²Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
vt. & vi. 用拳猛击

strike sb/sth with the fist

vt. & vi. 打孔

make a hole in sth


a quick strong blow made with the closed hand


a steel tool for cutting holes in or pressing a pattern onto, paper, leather, metal, etc.


forcefulness; effective power

boxing a blow with the fist;

I gave him a clout on his nose

an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowla tool for making holes or indentations
deliver a quick blow to;

he punched me in the stomach

drive forcibly as if by a punch;

the nail punched through the wall

make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation;

perforate the sheets of paper

punch, slap

这组词都可表示“用手猛击”。它们的区别是:slap通常指用手掌或纸状物击打,即“扇”; punch则指用拳头快速、短促地击打,并且有明确的目标,是拳击用语。

用作动词 v.
~+副词punch out打卡punch up徒手同…打斗~+介词punch in在…上打孔punch on击打在…上用作名词 n.动词+~deliver〔give, land〕 a punch打出一拳pack a punch有力地抨击put more punch into加强roll with a punch左右摇晃形容词+~calculating punch谨慎的打孔solid punch结实的一拳名词+~conductor's punch剪票夹one-two punch两拳急速连续出击rabbit punch打在颈后部的一拳Sunday punch最后的一击,致命的一击~+名词punch operator穿孔员介词+~beat sb to the punch在被对手出拳击中前先击中对方~+介词punch in〔on, to〕对准…的一拳
punch in¹ v.+adv.

用自动计时钟在考勤卡上打出上班时间 record the time of one's arrival at work by putting one's card into a machine with a clock

punch sth ⇔ inMake sure that all the nails are punched in so that the floor is smooth.务必把所有的钉子都钉进去,这样地板才光滑。punch inHave all the workers punched in yet?所有的工人都打卡上班了吗?
What time do you punch in this morning?你今天上午几点打卡上班?
punch in² v.+prep.

用拳击某人鼻、眼、脸或腹等部位( give sb a blow with one's fist a certain part of the body such as nose, face, stomach, or eye)

punch in sthThis school paper comes provided with holes already punched in it, to fit into the binders.这所学校的试卷来时都打好了孔,以便于装订。punch sb in sthIf you say that again,I'll punch you in the nose!如果你再那样说,我就在你鼻子上捣一拳。
punch out v.+adv.

在考勤卡上打出下班时间 record the time of finishing work

punch sth ⇔ outThis machine can punch out 2000 coins a day.这台机器一天能冲压出2000枚硬币。
The places where the holes are punched out mark the right answers.打孔的地方表示正确答案。punch sth ⇔ outIf you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board.如果你不能把钉子从钉子头这边取出来,你可以从木板的另一面把它们敲出来。punch outHughes punched out at five o'clock every afternoon.休斯每天下午5点下班。
What time do you punch out on Fridays?星期五你什么时间下班?
punch up v.+adv.

徒手同某人打斗 fight (sb with bare hands)

近义词 cut切beat打lick舔poke戳press按rap轻敲pound磅blow打击flog鞭打bang巨响hammer锤biff击打slug蛞蝓plug塞子thump重击drive开车power力量stamp邮票smite重击whack敲击clout猛击strike罢工pummel猛击energy精力vigour精力pierce刺穿wallop重击batter猛击hit打(击thrash打谷puncher穿孔器perforate穿孔于
S+~+ n./pron.The two friends punched each other while boxing.拳击比赛时两个朋友以拳相击。
He punched the man on the head.他一拳狠狠打在那个男人的头上。
The boy punched holes in the paper so it would fit in his notebook.那男孩在纸上打洞以便装在笔记本上。
The train conductor punched my ticket.火车检票员在我的车票上轧洞。用作名词n.The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.这个拳击手朝他对手的鼻子上猛击一拳。
This kind of punch is easily operated.这种冲床易于操作。
He made a speech with plenty of punch.他作了一次有力的发言。



punch in〔out〕的意思是“打卡以示上〔下〕班”。

用作及物动词If youpunchin the wrong code, the alarm sounds.如果你按错了代码,警示器就会响起来。
Hepunchedthe policeman on the nose and was arrested.他猛击那个警察的鼻子,结果被逮捕了。
The conductorpunchedhis bus ticket.售票员用剪票夹在他的汽车票上打孔。用作名词Thepunchstunned me for a moment.那一拳把我打得昏了一阵。用作名词Many British movies lack emotionalpunch.很多英国电影缺乏感染力。用作名词Sometimes even a bowl of fruitpunchcould make people drunk.有时候即使一碗水果鸡尾酒,人们也可能会喝醉。 His best round tonight may have been the eighth when he landed34 punches.
今晚,马加里托打的最好的可能是第八回合,共出了34拳。 yeeyan

“The Tijuana Tornado” had a badly swollen welt under his right eye by the end of the fourth and routinely ate over 60 percent of Pacquiao's power punches the rest of way.
第四回合结束时,“提瓦纳龙卷风”马加里托的绰号右眼下方就被打肿,在比赛的剩余回合里,受伤部位无可避免得遭到了帕奎奥60%的重击。 yeeyan

A girl quickly punches a number into her phone and waits until she hears the other line pick up.
一个女孩迅速的用她的电话拨打了一串号码然后等待,直到她听到电话那头的话筒被拿起。 yeeyan

As police dragged him away, she pummeled him with punches, then turned to comfort her husband, tenderly hugging him and wiping foam from his jacket.
当警察拖走他时,她连续狠命地击打他,然后转过身子安慰自己的丈夫,温柔地拥抱他,为他擦去夹克上的泡沫。 yeeyan

At Senate hearings this week, the question was whether it pulls its punches when investigating the great and good.
本周的参议院听证会主要讨论的问题是,在委员会调查大公司时是否有渎职之嫌。 ecocn

Before the Georgetown coach pulled his men off the floor and called the game quits, Chinese players and spectators threw punches, folding chairs and full bottles of water.
中国球员和观众继续拳脚相加,并往场地里丢折椅和水瓶,随后乔治城的主教练把队员从地板上拉起,叫停了比赛。 yeeyan

But US officials insist that, in private, Mr Obama had “ pulled no punches”.
但美国官员坚称,奥巴马在非公开会谈中“毫无保留”。 tingclass

But Zuckerberg doesn't pull any punches, describing Google as“ a top- down way” of organizing the Web that results in an impersonal experience that stifles online activity.
但扎克伯格毫不嘴软,他说谷歌采用“从上到下”的方式组织网络,这样丝毫没有个性化的体验,并会抑制网络活动。 yeeyan

Depending on where you are when you’re feeling stressed, and on your personality, throwing a few punches at a pillow might help.
这取决于当你感受压力的时候在哪,就你个人来说,给枕头捶上几拳应该会有帮助。 yeeyan

Experiment with a variety of nails and screwdrivers to create different shape and size punches.

Germany rolls up its sleeves, looks at France, and punches Belgium.
德国卷起袖子,看了法国一眼,给了比利时一拳。 ecocn

Happy people roll with the punches. They know from experience that everything changes.
幸福的人不役于时,他们从经验得知,万物皆变。 ebigear

He has an excellent array of moves you can use to defeat your enemies: from kicks and punches to using weapons such as knives and swords.
你可以用他那一系列华丽的招式痛扁你的敌人:不仅能踢能打,还能使用小刀和长剑这类武器。 yeeyan

He cradles the phone on his shoulder and punches the keyboard with his fingers.
他把电话搁在肩膀和耳朵之间,手指在键盘上快速敲击着。 yeeyan

He turns and gives a signal nod to another inmate. The inmate moves towards a C.O. overseeing the line-up and punches him in the face.
他转过脸来,对另一个囚犯点头示意了一下,那个囚犯扑向了监督排队的狱警,当头给他一拳。 yeeyan

Hurricane Dean is lost some of its punches as it crosses the Yucatan Peninsula, but it expects to gain strength as it sweeps the lower gulf of Mexico.
飓风迪安在穿越尤可坦半岛后威力减弱,但是可能在下游的墨西哥海湾再次发威。 putclub

IN A schoolyard in a village on the dusty north China plain, martial artists drill children in the stylised kicks and punches of Plum Flower Boxing.
在华北平原上一座校园里,空气中弥漫着灰尘。武术教师正一拳一脚地向孩子们传授梅花拳招式。 yeeyan

In boxing, to clinch means to hold the opponent's body with one or both arms in order to prevent or hinder punches.
在拳击中,扭抱意味着用一只或两只手臂抓住对手的身体,以阻止或阻碍击打。 yeeyan

It therefore throws punches at the flabby middle training judges, say, or fixing procurement procedures where the bruises do not show.
因此,他只能对软弱的中部比如说,培训法官,或者安排获取程序挥拳猛击,那里的伤也看不出来。 ecocn

It came a day after China and Vietnam traded diplomatic punches, with each demanding that the other stay out of waters they claim.
此事发生在中越两国互换外交意见之后,两国均要求对方退出己方所声称拥有主权的水域之外。 yeeyan

Learning a foreign language often involves a lot of boring memorization and verb conjugation, except in South Korea where flying punches and killer kicks are part of the curriculum.
学外语常常需要进行大量枯燥的记忆以及掌握动词的各种变位,但在韩国,拳打脚踢也成了外语课程的一部分。 ebigear

On their boat on one occasion, two women threw punches over an argument concerning the arrangement of stuffed peppers on a tray.
有一次在他们船上,两个女人因争论胡椒粉怎么装盘而扭打起来。 ecocn

Once we were asked to watch a video on how to operate the punches, all of us seemed to fall into sleep by the end of the video.
有一次我们被叫去看一个关于如何操作机床的视频,视频结束的时候我们所有人好像要睡着了。 hxen

Prof Lovelock does not pull his punches on the politicians and scientists who are set to gain from the idea that we can predict climate change and save the planet ourselves.
拉弗洛克教授严厉抨击了某些政治家和科学家,他们宣扬‘我们可以预测气候的变化也可以靠我们自己拯救地球’,因为他们是有自己的动机的。 yeeyan

Saudi Arabia, the biggest and richest of Iran’s Arab opponents, already out- punches the Islamic Republic in the air.
沙特阿拉伯,这个伊朗最大的和最富的阿拉伯对手,已经在空中出拳猛击伊朗这个伊斯兰共和国。 ecocn

We pull to the curb near a dead end and he punches letters into a portable GPS monitor on his dashboard.
我们几乎是走到了尽头之后才停了下来,他在仪表盘上的一只携带式 GPS上打下字母。 yeeyan

Young drinkers are likeliest to be restrained by higher prices on cheap booze, and they are also likeliest to throw punches and get pregnant.
年轻饮酒者最有可能被低价酒的更高的价格所限制,而他们也是最有可能出拳打假和意外怀孕的。 ecocn

Your baby’s flips kicks and punches should all be familiar by now.
宝宝轻轻的击打、踢、拳击现在对你来说应该很熟悉了。 yeeyan




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