

单词 pumps out
释义 pumps out短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
Every year this country pumps out more and more college graduates for fewer and fewer good jobs.
这个国家每年的大学生毕业越来越多,而好工作却越来越少。 yeeyan

The endorphins are associated with mood changes, and the more endorphins a runner’s body pumps out, the greater the effect.
内啡肽与情绪改变有关系,跑步者体内产生的内啡肽越多,改变情绪的效果越强。 yeeyan

The Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier27, pumps out infrared light in this image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
哑铃星云,也称梅西耶27,在美国宇航局斯必泽空间望远镜拍摄的这张图片中,发出红外光。 yeeyan

The spleen pumps out white blood cells in case there is an injury.
脾脏产生更多白细胞抵抗受伤。 blog.sina.com.cn

And when you’re happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel- good endorphins.
当你快乐时,你的身体会产生大量各种让你感觉良好的脑内啡。 yeeyan

As it pumps out many more gadgets, the consumer-electronics industry is starting to attract the kind of scrutiny typically reserved for oil companies and mining firms.
由于越来越多的小设备层出不穷,消费类电子产业正招来严密的审查,这种审查通常针对石油公司和采矿公司。 ecocn

In Franklin Township, N. J., Susan Blew pumps out a steady supply of dark green Sugar Babies— icebox melons, no more than12 pounds.
在新泽西州法兰克林市,苏珊.布鲁稳定供应着一种深绿色的名叫“甜心宝贝”的冰箱瓜,这种高瓜最多只有12磅重。 yeeyan

The company's carbon footprint is known to be substantial; it pumps out four million tonnes of carbon annually, half in the UK and half from its stores in other countries.
人们知道,该公司的碳足迹是巨大的,每年排放四百万吨碳,一半在英国,一半来自乐购在其他国家的分店。 blog.sina.com.cn

This second system pumps out an endless variety of immune cells on the hope that one or more will be the right shape to link up with, and become activated by, any invader encountered.
第二种系统产生大量的各种各样的免疫细胞,希望一种或更多的免疫细胞可以与它们遇到的入侵者相结合,并且被活化。 dxy

When you have an orgasm, your brain pumps out oxytocin, heightening feelings of closeness. Which is why one-night stands often last past one night.
当人类高潮时,大脑会产生催产素,进一步加强亲密感,这也是一夜情会延续更长时间的原因。 yeeyan

When you eat a meal that really bumps up your blood sugar, your body pumps out lots of insulin to bring it down, as you've just learned.
当你饭后血糖猛增时,你的身体就会释放很多胰岛素来降低血糖,就像你刚了解的一样。 yeeyan

When your stomach’s empty, it pumps out the hormone ghrelin, to whet your appetite and get your juices flowing.
当你的胃是空的时候,它会产生大量的饥饿激素来刺激食欲,让你感到饥肠辘辘。 yeeyan




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