

单词 pulverized
释义 pul·ver·ized 英'pʌlvəraɪzd美'pʌlvəraɪzd 高COCA⁵⁷¹⁶¹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb⁴³¹⁰⁹
consisting of fine particles;

powdered cellulose

powdery snow

pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding

近义词 powdery粉的pulverised粉状的small-grained小粒度的powdered弄成粉末状的…fine-grained有细密纹理的…

A fine powder, such aspulverizedcharcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface.印花粉撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉
Hepulverizedthe opposition with the force of his oratory.他能言善辩把对方驳得体无完肤。 Investigations on air staging combustion have been carried out using different coals and different fineness with a one dimensional furnace burning pulverized coal.
在一维煤粉燃烧炉上进行了不同煤种、不同细度的分级燃烧试验。 cnki

A power plant pulverized boiler used swirling combustor and happened combustion regulation worse during the operation.
某电站煤粉锅炉采用旋流燃烧器,在运行中燃烧器出现调节能力差的问题。 cnki

Any combination of these might be pulverized, capsulated and sold as“ natural Viagra.”
这三种草药任意搭配、研磨成粉、制成胶囊,被作为“天然伟哥”销售。 yeeyan

Around a bend in the river, the glacier's snout finally comes into view: It's a deathly shade of black, permeated with pulverized rock and dirt.
走到一处河湾,我们终于看到明永冰川这条巨龙的鼻尖:然而此处冰层的颜色死暗,其中混杂着石粉和灰土。 yeeyan

Even where soybeans have been planted into corn stalk residue, the residue has been chopped up and pulverized with cultivation ahead of planting and erosion occurs there too, but not as bad.
甚至留有玉米秸秆的豌豆地也不例外,那些残留的秸秆由于种植前的耕作而切断粉碎了,不过那儿被侵蚀的没那么严重。 yeeyan

HOMETREE hits the ground like the end of the world, raising a great cloud of dust and pulverized debris.
家园树轰然坠地,场景如同世界末日一般——到处都是尘埃,碎片和残骸。 yeeyan

In the control mode of steam water side, circulating fluid bed boiler is basically the same as pulverized coal boiler.
循环流化床锅炉与煤粉相比,在汽水侧的控制方式上基本相同。 www.1x1y.com.cn

It's the particular type of material, which also included grains of ice and organic chemicals— just what you'd expect from a pulverized comet.
那是一类包含冰和机化合物的特殊物质,而这些物质只有被粉碎的彗星才能产生。 yeeyan

Next we venture back outside to the ruins of a mud- brick house, pulverized by bombs. I find fragments of an artillery shell, a prayer cap.
接下来,我们又冒险回到外面一处被炸弹炸得支离破碎的泥砖房废墟中,我发现一些炮弹壳,和一顶祈祷帽。 yeeyan

Normally, they would be pulverized or even evaporate when encountering a solid object in their way.
通常,它们撞上途中的固体物质时会被粉碎或蒸发掉。 iciba

Shanghai was so pulverized that Japanese witnesses said it was “ just like our earthquake.”
上海也不能幸免,正如日本目击者所言,“就像遭遇了地震”。 yeeyan

The following requirements are added as per the features of CFB boiler besides the automatic or interlock protection device of normal pulverized coal boiler.
除常规煤粉锅炉的自动或联锁保护装置外,根据循环流化床锅炉的特点,增加以下要求。 www.1x1y.com.cn

This paper presents a model on heating up analysis of pulverized- coal cloud heated by the smoke convection and radiation correlated in the boilers.
本文建立了在锅炉炉内烟气对流加热和辐射加热状态下的煤粉颗粒群非稳态着火模型。 dictall

This method uses thermistor insert measurement to measure the primary air temperature, pulverized coal temperature and gas-solid mixture temperature.
该方法采用热敏元件插入法测量一次风风温、煤粉温度和风粉混合物温度。 cnki

Through analyzing the combustion process of pulverized coalPC and source of unburned PC, the combustion characteristics of PC is studied by means of coal petrography.
从分析煤粉的燃烧过程和未燃尽煤粉的来源出发,采用煤岩学方法研究了煤粉的燃烧特性。 cnki

Thus they have changed the world, making it far more peaceful than the pulverized survivors of1945 expected.
因此,它们改变了世界,让世界变得比1945年的那些幸存者们所想象的要和平得多。 yeeyan

Pulverized coal fineness has significant effects on pulverized coal ignition, combustion and burnout.
煤粉细度对煤粉气流的着火、燃烧以及燃尽均有较大影响。 cnki




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