

单词 pulls off
释义 pulls off短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
With a grab bag of devices accumulated over the eons, the brain pulls off the ultimate conjuring act: the subjective sense of I.
经过无数个岁月的积累,人类认知事物的方式也越来越丰富,人脑最终完成了这个最终的魔术:即人对自我的认知和感觉。 yeeyan

A good friend pulls off a well-conceived practical joke that plays on one of your foibles and makes you look ridiculous. How would you react?

And if he pulls off that piece of magic, his days of anonymity are numbered.
而且如果他顺利完成魔术的那块,他的数天匿名被总计。 blog.sina.com.cn

Barclays is to shift its headquarters to Amsterdam but will remain a UK company listed in London if it pulls off its ambitious plans to merge with the Dutch bank ABN Amro, the company said last night.
巴克莱银行收购成功后总部将转移到荷兰。若收购荷兰银行成功,巴克莱银行将建立荷兰总部。同时将保留在伦敦上市的公司。 blog.sina.com.cn

Calligraphy and painting works frequently sounded the hammer of art market; it pulls off the art market.
书画作品频频敲响艺术市场的重锤,拉开艺术市场井喷的序幕 。 freehead

He turns on the light and pulls off my covers.
他说着,把灯打开,并掀去了我的被子。 zftrans

If he pulls off2-3 successful ganks early and has no problems in lane, it's very hard to stop him mid game.
如果他较早的实现了2-3次成功的 gank并且在线上也没有问题,那么在中期他就会变得难以阻止。 blog.sina.com.cn

Schumacher's tyre Blows and he pulls off track.
舒马赫的赛车轮胎爆裂,他在赛道上停下来。 tdict




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