

单词 pulls into
释义 pulls into短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹
Firstly, this thesis introduces the office automation and its development, and then pulls into the necessity of WFMS.
文章首先介绍了办公自动化系统及其发展,以及引入工作流技术的必要性; degree.fzu.edu.cn

A beat up van pulls into a Washington, D.C. parking garage.
在华盛顿,一辆破旧的小货车开进了一个停车场里。 yeeyan

Having fired the imagination of a generation, a ship like no other, its place in history secured, the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time, its voyage at an end.
激起过一代人畅想的,独一无二的,永载青史的这架航天飞机最后一次驶入航空站,为旅程画上句号。 yeshj

Just like an electric screwdriver pulls into a piece of wood, so these treads would cruise along the ground, regardless of terrain.
就像电动螺丝刀钻木一样,这些踏板可以在地面巡航,不必担心地形。 yeeyan

Then, an hour later, the garage door rolls back up, car full of family pulls into the garage and the garage door rolls back down.
然后,一小时之后,车库门打开,汽车开进车库内,车库门关上。 yeeyan

Youth Edition pulls into serious contention for some kind of Urban Song of the Year.
青春版拉一些城市的年度歌曲那种认真争夺。 cfzn

Another bus pulls into a station at New Glarus.
另一辆巴士停在 New Glarus汽车站。 yeeyan




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