

单词 pulls down
释义 pulls down短语⁷⁴¹³⁹
A wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust.
智慧人爬上勇士的城墙,倾覆他所倚靠的坚垒。 ebigear

By way of de-structuring from various aspects, deconstruction pulls down the traditional metaphysical buildings and opens up a door toward freedom and new life;
解构主义以层层拆解的方式将传统之牢固建构一一摧毁,从而开启自由思想和新的生命之门; journal.ctbu.edu.cn

The computer makes possible a marvelous leap in human proficiency; it pulls down the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence.
计算机将可能使人类熟练掌握技术产生惊人的飞跃,他推倒了理论和实践之间的隔墙。 kuenglish

The computer makes possible a marvellous leap in human proficiency; it pulls down the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence.
计算机使人类能力上的巨大飞跃成为可能;它打破了束缚实践智能和理论智能的藩篱。 kekenet

If so, the program pulls down the person's picture and whatever information he or she is willing to reveal from the firm's website.
如果有的话,软件就会获得他她的一张照片,与其它任何此人愿意在公司网站透露的信息。 ecocn




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