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词汇 pulls
释义 pull·s 英pʊl美pʊl COCA³²⁹⁹BNC⁹⁵⁹⁸Economist¹²²⁵⁷
vt. & vi. 拉; 抛; 扯; 拔

move sth especially towards oneself by using force

vt. & vi. 拉过来,拉动; 抽出,拔

use force on sth, especially with the hands, in order to move it towards oneself or in the direction of the force

vt. & vi. 划船

row boat

vt. 赢得,招来,吸引

win, gain, or attract


an act of pulling


a difficult steep climb


special influence

the act of pulling; applying force to move something toward or with you;

the pull up the hill had him breathing harder

his strenuous pulling strained his back

the force used in pulling;

the pull of the moon

the pull of the current

special advantage or influence;

the chairman's nephew has a lot of pull

a device used for pulling something;

he grabbed the pull and opened the drawer

a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments;

the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell

he was sidelined with a hamstring pull

a slow inhalation as of tobacco smoke;

he took a puff on his pipe

he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly

a sustained effort;

it was a long pull but we made it

cause to move by pulling;

draw a wagon

pull a sled

direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes;

Her good looks attract the stares of many men

The ad pulled in many potential customers

This pianist pulls huge crowds

The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers

move into a certain direction;

the car pulls to the right

apply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion;

Pull the rope

Pull the handle towards you

pull the string gently

pull the trigger of the gun

pull your knees towards your chin

perform an act, usually with a negative connotation;

perpetrate a crime

pull a bank robbery

bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover;

draw a weapon

pull out a gun

The mugger pulled a knife on his victim

steer into a certain direction;

pull one's horse to a stand

Pull the car over

strain abnormally;

I pulled a muscle in my leg when I jumped up

The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition

cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense;

A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter

operate when rowing a boat;

pull the oars

rein in to keep from winning a race;

pull a horse

tear or be torn violently;

The curtain ripped from top to bottom

pull the cooked chicken into strips

hit in the direction that the player is facing when carrying through the swing;

pull the ball

strip of feathers;

pull a chicken

pluck the capon

remove, usually with some force or effort; also used in an abstract sense;

pull weeds

extract a bad tooth

take out a splinter

extract information from the telegram

take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for;

We all rooted for the home team

I'm pulling for the underdog

Are you siding with the defender of the title?

take away;

pull the old soup cans from the supermarket shelf

pull, pull at


pull指拖了一大把东西; pull at指握住物体的一部分拉拉看。例如:

One man pulled the jinrikisha, and the other pulled at the rope.一个人拉人力车,另一个人拉缆绳。pull oneself together, pull together

这两个短语的区别是:前者的意思是“控制感情”“振作精神”; 后者的意思是“齐心协力”。

pull, hale, tow, tug


pull最通俗最常用,指向上下左右任何一个方向拖或拉; hale指强拉或强拖某人,强调不顾及对方的反抗或不愿意; tow专指用绳子或链子等拖或拉本身没有动力或无法使用自身动力的东西; tug常指一阵阵地用力拖。例如:

He was haled into court.他被拖进法庭。
If you park your car here the police may tow it away.你要是把汽车停在这里,警察会把它拖走。
We tugged so hard that the rope broke.我们一用力把绳子给拉断了。pull, drag, draw


首先, draw和pull都指拉向动作者,而drag则指拖向另一地; 其次, drag所拖之物一般较重, pull多为一时突然的动作,而draw则显得从容。例如:

He drew me to himself.他把我拉到他身边。
He dragged the piano to the corner of the room.他使劲地把钢琴拖向房间的角落。
He pulled the door open and rushed out.他把门拉开,冲了出去。下面两句意思相同:

Don't pull the cat's tail.

Don't pull the cat by the tail.别扯猫的尾巴。drag,draw,pull,haul,tug,tow,jerk









用作动词 v.
~+名词pull gun on sb拔枪对准某人pull wool over eyes欺骗~+副词pull forcibly强有力地拖pull frantically狂乱地拉pull hard用力拉pull heartily亲切地拉pull irresistibly不可阻挡地拖pull laboriously吃力地拖pull rapidly很快地拉pull tremulously发抖地拉pull unconsciously无意识地拖pull viciously恶意地拉pull vigorously用力地拖pull violently猛烈地拉pull about把…拖来拖去pull apart拉开pull around病后恢复pull aside拉开pull away拉开pull away from把某物从…拉开pull back foot把脚缩回pull down a tree拉倒一棵树pull in向里拉pull in with跟…一致行动pull off驶离pull off coat脱下上衣pull on coat穿上上衣pull out拉开,驶出pull out a tooth拔出一颗牙pull over把车船开过来pull round使转向pull through使渡过难关,使恢复健康pull together同心协力pull oneself together振作起来pull under把…卷到水底下pull up car停汽车pull up to追上,赶上pull up with追上,赶上~+介词pull at handle使劲拉着把手pull at wire拉钢索pull sb by hand拉某人的手pull for努力达到,为…鼓劲pull for football team为足球队打气pull for goal努力达到目标pull in〔into〕 station火车开进站台pull into驶入pull into ball身体蜷缩成一团pull off road驶离马路pull on用力拉…pull on rope拉绳子pull out of把…从…拉出来,驶出pull out of dive潜水时从水中浮起pull to向…划去用作名词 n.动词+~give pull拉一下have a pull有吸引力resist the pull抗拒吸引力take a pull吸一口形容词+~certain pull一定的拉力dead pull用尽力气的一拳〔一拉〕dreadful pull精疲力竭effective pull有效拉力energetic pull有干劲的奋斗hard pull艰难的拉long pull长久的拉magnetic pull磁力necessary pull必要的吸吮plastic pull塑料把手political pull政治影响steady pull恒定拉力strong pull用力的拉动vigorous pull有力的拉动名词+~curtain pull窗帘拉绳drawbar pull牵引杆拉手drawer pulls抽屉拉手~+名词pull box引〔分〕线盒pull effect牵引效率pull grader拖式平地机pull socket插头,抽拉插座,拉线灯口pull switch拉线开关〔电门〕pull test拉伸〔力〕试验pull wire拉〔牵引〕线介词+~for pull划船of pull引力的through sb's pull通过某人的关系without pull没有门路
pull about v.+adv.

把…拖来拖去; 粗暴〔笨拙〕地对待某人或某物( take hold of sb/sth; handle sb/sth roughly or clumsily)

pull sb/sth aboutTheir new puppy has been pulling the toy about.他们那只新的小狗一直把玩具拖来拖去。
The baby doesn't like it when people start pulling him about.那个婴儿不喜欢别人笨手笨脚地把他拉来拉去。
pull apart v.+adv.

对某人的想法、计划或工作批评得体无完肤,百般挑剔 criticize sb or find serious faults in an idea, plan, piece of work, etc.

pull apartThis toy is made to pull apart.这件玩具能拆开。
These pieces of ice don't pull apart easily.这些冰块不易分开。pull sb/sth apartI helped her pull the two fighting boys apart .我帮她把两个打架的男孩拉开。
The table is so made that you can easily pull it apart.这张桌子这样制作是为了拆起来方便。
We pulled the wrapping paper apart to see what was in the parcel.我们把包裹外面的纸撕开,看看里面是什么东西。
As the curtains were pulled apart, we saw the actors on the stage.帷幕启开时,我们看到了台上的演员。pull sb/sth apartHe pulled my argument apart and made me feel very stupid.他把我的论点批驳得一无是处,使我感到自己非常愚蠢。
pull at v.+prep.

抽烟斗、香烟等( draw tobacco smoke from a pipe, cigarette, etc., into one's mouth)

pull away v.+adv.

尤指车辆开始移动 start to move

pull awayThe taxi had pulled away before I could signal to the driver.在我向司机举手示意之前,出租车已经开走了。
As the car pulled away,the woman in the wheelchair waved and clutched the lilacs to her heart.当汽车开动时,轮椅中的妇人挥起了手,把紫丁香花抱在胸口。
pull away from v.+adv.+prep.

越来越领先于某人或某物( get further ahead of sb/sth)

pull away from sthShe was an extremely intelligent child, and soon pulled away from the rest of the class.她是个极聪明的孩子,不久就大大超过了班上其他的同学。
pull back v.+adv.

使某人,尤指一组士兵撤出阵地 (cause sb withdraw from a position)

pull backThe platoon pulled back to safety.这一排士兵撤回到了安全地带。
pull down v.+adv.

使虚弱; 拖垮 make sb feel weak and depressed

pull in v.+adv.

〈非正〉节省,节省开支 pull tight one's belt; spend less money

pull inThe train pulled in exactly on time.列车准时进站。
The express from Beijing pulled in on time.从北京开来的那列快车准时进站了。pull inHe pulls in quite a lot as a milkman.他卖牛奶赚了相当多的钱。pull sth ⇔ inHe pulls in a lot of overtime pay each month.他每月挣得不少加班费。pull in sb/sthThe Beatles always pulled in enormous crowds.披头士乐队总能吸引大批的人群。
The film pulled in large audience when it was shown in the city.那部影片在该市上映期间,吸引了大批观众。pull in sbThe police have pulled in a half dozen people whom they suspect.警方已逮捕六个他们怀疑的人。
Two strangers loitering near the army barracks were pulled in on suspicion.两个在部队营房附近游荡的陌生人因受嫌疑而遭拘留。pull inYou will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.如果你想避免破产,就必须节省开支。pull in one's beltIn those days of hardship, they managed to survive only by pulling in their belts.在那艰苦岁月里,他们是靠节衣缩食才勉强活了下来。
pull into v.+prep.

尤指即将停下来的车辆司机将把车停下开向路边,开进 move to or towards one side; move into

pull into sthThe lorry driver pulled into the side of the road and got out for a cup of tea.卡车司机把车子开到路边,然后从车上下来喝杯茶。
pull off v.+adv.

胜利完成,执行某事,尤指困难的或不同寻常的任务( complete or perform sth successfully)

pull on¹ v.+adv.

穿上; 戴上 wear in

pull sth ⇔ onShe pulled on her hat and coat.她戴好帽子,穿上外套。
It's so cold outside that she had to pull on her gloves.外面很冷,她不得不戴上手套。
He pulled on his heavy coat and went out.他披上厚外套出去了。
His clothes seemed to be just pulled on to keep him covered,like a blanket to keep one warm.他的衣服非常随便地套在身上,就像人们为了保暖,将毯子裹在身上一样。
pull on² v.+prep.

揭露某人的秘密活动 expose (sb's secret behaviour)

pull rank on sbThe captain was much hated because he was always pulling rank on his men.那个上尉很不受欢迎,因为他老是依仗权势,对部下乱发号施令。pull the plug on sbThe press pulled the plug on the Liberal candidate, and he lost the election.新闻界披露了那位自由党候选人的秘密活动,于是,他竞选失败了。pull oneself together

控制自己的感情等( get control of oneself, one's feelings, etc.)

pull out v.+adv.

使离开 leave or make sb leave a place or situation where there is trouble

pull outThe driver of the car pulled out from behind the lorry.那司机把轿车从货车后面转出。pull out of sthWhen all passengers were on board, the train pulled out of the station.所有乘客都上车后,火车开出了车站。pull out of sthThe invading troops are pulling out of the occupied area under international supervision.入侵部队正在国际监督下撤出占领区。pull outThe drawer won't pull out.这抽屉拉不出来。pull sth ⇔ outVargas pulled out his gun.瓦格斯掏出他的枪。
He pulled out the pistol and aimed at the enemy officer.他拔出手枪,瞄准敌军官。pull outShe's been very depressed recently, but I'm sure she'll soon pull out of it.她近来一直很抑郁,但我相信不久她就会振作起来的。pull outThe foreign firm decided to pull out because of strikes.由于工人不断罢工,这家外国公司决定撤走。pull sth ⇔ outWe must pull our company out of the financial crisis as soon as possible.我们必须使公司尽早摆脱财政危机的困境。pull out of sthI don't think they are going to pull out of the deal at the last minute.我认为他们不会在最后一分钟退出这笔交易。
pull over v.+adv.

靠向路边 drive to the side of the road

pull overThe bus pulled over and picked up some passengers.公共汽车停靠在路边上,让一些乘客上车。pull sth ⇔ overPull your car over and let the visitors pass!把你的汽车开到一边让游客过去。
The policeman signalled the driver to pull over his car so that he could check his license.警察招呼司机把车开过来,以检查他的执照。
When the police car came rushing down the street, all the cars pulled over to let it pass.当警车冲过街道时,所有的汽车都驶到路边给它让路。
pull round v.+adv.

使某人恢复健康; (使)脱离险境 (cause to recover from illness, weakness, a faint)

pull roundIt was quite some time before the firm pulled round after the economic crisis.那场经济危机过去好长时间之后,公司才恢复元气。pull sb ⇔ roundYou need a long rest to pull you round after that operation.手术后你需要很长一段时间才能复原。
The doctor's meticulous treatment soon pulled him round.医生们的精心治疗使他很快就恢复了健康。
pull through¹ v.+adv.

〈非正〉恢复健康; 精神状况转好,情绪转好 recover (from an illness or trouble)

pull throughHer family wondered if she could pull through after the operation.她的家人怀疑她手术后是否能够康复。
He'll soon pull through in the hospital.他在医院会很快康复的。pull sb/sth ⇔ throughIt was doctor Lin that pulled my sick child through.正是林大夫把我孩子的病治好了。
He succeeded in pulling through the difficulty.他平安地渡过了困难。
He pulled through his illness after the doctor had almost given him up.在医生对他几乎绝望以后,他平安地渡过了危机。
We must pull the business through.我们必须使公司渡过难关。
The new manager introduced some drastic measures to try to pull the business through.新上任的经理采取断然措施,以振兴企业。
pull through² v.+prep.

〈非正〉使健康; 使转好 make to recover; help to recover or improve

pull sb through sthIt was a miracle that they were able to pull her through the operation.他们居然能使她手术后活了下来,真是个奇迹。
A generous loan from the bank pulled him through the business trouble.银行的一笔慷慨贷款使他渡过了难关。
The new manager of our company has pulled us through lots of difficulties.我们公司的新经理已使我们渡过了种种难关。
pull together v.+adv.

使齐心协力 (cause to work in harmony; get on together)

pull togetherWe must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。pull sth ⇔ togetherAfter studying the lessons drawn from previous failures, the coach pulled his team together for the forthcoming tournament.教练研究了前几次失败的教训之后,要队员们齐心协力,投入到即将到来的锦标赛。
Let's pull together for the early realization of the four modernizations.为了早日实现四个现代化,让我们齐心协力地干吧。
pull up v.+adv.

把…拉过〔起〕来 get sth upwards

pull upThe driver pulled up at the gate of our school.司机把车停在我们校门口了。pull sb/sth ⇔ upIf you drive too fast, the police will pull you up.如果你开得太快,警察就要把你拦住。
The police pulled up the motorist and asked to see his licence.警察叫司机停车,要检查他的驾驶证。
You must learn how to pull up your horse when he is going too fast.你的马跑得太快时,你应该知道怎样让它停下来。
A schoolboy was pulled up, because he rode his bike too fast in the crowded street.一个男学生被截住了,因为他在交通拥挤的街上骑快车。pull sb ⇔ upJim talked rudely to Mother and Father pulled him up.吉姆粗鲁地对母亲说话,父亲责备了他。
She was pulled up by the teacher for running down the corridor.她因为在走廊上奔跑而受到老师的责备。pull upHe's pulled up from the seventh to the second place.他已从第七名跃升到第二名。
She's going to pull up alongside us.她即将赶上我们了。pull sb/sth ⇔ upYou'll have to pull your English up for the interview.为了面试,你必须提高你的英语水平。
If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.只要你用功,你的法语水平就会很快提高的。pull sth ⇔ upThe pupils are pulling up the weeds.学生们在拔草。pull sth ⇔ upI pulled up a chair and sat down to read the newspaper.我拉过一把椅子坐下来看报纸。
Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.请拿过把椅子来一起聊天。用作名词n.pull on

对…有吸引力 special influence for sb

近义词 towdrawhalehauljerkwrenchweightv. draginfluencetugn. haul反义词 push推
S+~+AHe pulled as hard as he could.他尽力地拉。
The horse on the left side isn't pulling.左边的那匹马没有用力拉车。
The tractor pulls well.这台拖拉机牵引力大。
Now, all pull together, please.现在,让我们一齐拉。
The old man pulled the boy by the ear.那个老头扯着男孩子的耳朵。
Pull for shore.划啊,孩子们!划向岸。
The boat pulled for the shore.船向岸边划。
Help me move the piano over here; you push and I'll pull.帮我把钢琴搬过来,你用力推,我来拉。
S+~+ n./pron.The horse was pulling a heavy cart.马在拉沉重的车。
How many coaches can that locomotive pull?那个机车能拉多少节客车?
This boat pulls four oars.这条船是由四只桨划的。
The baby was pulling its father's beard.那个婴儿在拽他父亲的胡子。
The child pulled its mother by the coat.那孩子扯他母亲的衣服。
The seam of his coat is pulled.他外套上的线被撕开了。
The train is pulled by a powerful engine.火车是由大功率的机车拖动的。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.I can't pull it open.我不能把它拉开。
He pulled the drawer open, and found the news bulletin still hidden in the crack.他拉开抽屉,发现那张新闻简报还藏在夹缝里。用作名词n.Would you mind giving the bell a pull?不介意的话,请拉一下铃好吗?
He gave the tablecloth a pull, and all the dishes went flying.他拉了一下桌布,所有的盘子都飞起来了。
He gave a strong pull at the rope.他用力拉了一下绳子。
I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round.我感觉到有人拉了一下我的袖子,于是就转过身去。
He took a pull at the bottle, drank from it.他从瓶中喝了一口。
She took a long pull at her cigarette.她深深地吸了一口香烟。
It was a long pull to the top of the mountain.爬上山顶是漫长而费力的事。
It was a hard pull to get up the hill.爬山很费劲。
We went for a short pull on the lake.我们去湖上稍稍划了一会儿船。
He couldn't resist the pull of her charm.他无法抗拒她的魅力。








pull还可表示“影响力,吸引力”,但有时也可加不定冠词。常与介词with, of搭配。

用作动词The tractorpullswell.这台拖拉机拉力大。
Don'tpullmy hair!别扯我的头发!
Do notpullthe chairs about, boys!不要把椅子拖来拖去,孩子们!
They call it zugunruhe , thepullof the soul to a far-off place.人们称之曰迁移兴奋,灵魂被牵往远方。
Frog may be called even louder than cattle, but they can notpullplows in the fields, it will notpullin the wineshop grinding, they are also unable to do anything leather shoes.青蛙也许会叫得比牛更响,但是它们不能在田里拉犁,也不会在酒坊里牵磨,它们的皮也做不出鞋来。
He will give me a shot andpullout my tooth.他会帮我打针,然后拔我的牙齿。
The football matchpulledin great crowds.足球赛吸引了大批观众。用作名词Apullon the rope will make the bell ring.一拉绳子钟就响。
I felt apullat my sleeve and turned round.我觉得有人扯我的袖子,便转过身来。
The tides depend on thepullof the moon.潮汐是月亮引力作用的结果。
Some advertisements have nopullat all.有些广告毫无〈吸引力〉。
Let's have apullafter dinner.咱们饭后去划船吧。
He has a lot ofpullwith the managing director.他对总经理有很大的影响力。 After all, how many different zipper pulls does the market demand?
比如,市场难道需要很多款不同种类的拉链吗? yeeyan

The put them on a long rope and a machine pulls them to where they are needed.
他们用很长的绳子拴住石头,然后用机器把他们拉到所需的地方。 yeeyan

Then he pulls out a gun— he's going back to kill her not save her.
接着,他拔出了一把枪——他准备回到那里去杀了她,而非救她。 yeeyan

“ All right,” she says. She pulls the black bag onto her lap, reaches into it and draws out a wallet.
“好吧,”她说着,将她那只黑包拉到膝盖上,手伸进去,掏出了一只皮夹。 kekenet

“the strong horse that pulls the whole cart”, as Churchill put it.
丘吉尔曾经将商业比作“一匹拉着整个马车的悍马”。 ecocn

As an example, you might create a widget that pulls data from the server and displays the contents on the browser.
比方说,您可能会创建一个能从服务器拉出数据并在浏览器上显示内容的小部件。 ibm

As it contracts, it pulls on these tissues.
睫状肌一收缩,就拉动这些组织。 yeeyan

Businesses are the generators of the wealth on which incomes, taxation and all else depends; “the strong horse that pulls the whole cart”, as Churchill put it.
商业是工资、税收和其他一切都依靠的财富的制造者;丘吉尔曾经将商业比作“一匹拉着整个马车的悍马”。 ecocn

Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and relation pulls you close and holds you to her?
你留下来,是因为一种盲目,无以名状的痛苦和关系交织在一起,将你紧紧地拉向她身边吗? yeeyan

Each car pulls up to a measuring station where technicians in lab coats use pipettes and thermometers to measure the amount of fuel used.
每一辆车都需要被拉进测量站,在那里身着实验室大褂的技术人员用移液器和温度计测量燃料使用情况。 yeeyan

Eli grabs Teri and pulls out his own gun.
伊菜一把抓过泰瑞,拔出了他自己的枪。 yeeyan

He pulls his hand out of her mouth.
他将手从她的嘴里抽出来。 yeeyan

He takes roses, or carnations, pulls out a twig, but only when they’re fresh.
他拿玫瑰,或是康乃馨,拔掉一个嫩枝,仅仅是它们新鲜的时候。 yeeyan

If your colorist pulls out a crochet hook and a plastic cap, reschedule with someone else.
如果你的用色师抽离一个编织夹子和塑料瓶盖,其他人要重定时间表。 yeeyan

In a pull model, the enterprise model manager pulls the changes from the project stream into the enterprise stream.
在“拉动”模型中,企业模型管理员即那个变更从项目流中,拉动到企业流中。 ibm

It does exactly what it looks like it does: the rack pulls your body from end to end until your limbs are slowly plucked from their joints.
这个拷问台的用法跟你看到的图一模一样:它把你的身体向反方向拉扯,直到你的四肢慢慢地从关节连接处脱出来。 yeeyan

It pulls you in the direction of positive growth.
它将你吸引向积极性成长的方向。 yeeyan

Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat.
爱情是魔法师,把人从自己的帽子中拉出来。 yeeyan

Now, being the Lady, she pulls her socks up.

Reaches out and pulls him in.

She grabs the kids and pulls them away, leaving Grace’s avatar helpless in the path of the flames.
她抓起孩子,拉着他们离开,将格蕾丝的阿凡达无助地留在大火的行进道路上。 yeeyan

She pulls him upright.
她把他拉了起来。 yeeyan

Then she opens the wardrobe and triumphantly pulls out her toy.
然后女儿打开衣橱,得意洋洋的把玩具拉出来。 ecocn

This has revived the idea that fiscal policy must be the engine that pulls us out.
这又一次唤起了财政政策是将我们拉出泥沼的动力的想法。 yeeyan

When the user posts a message, another page pulls the name and displays it next to each message posted by the user, as shown in Listing3.
当用户发布一个消息时,另一个页面就会拉出这个名称将它显示在这个用户发布的每个消息中,如列表3所示。 ibm




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