

单词 pulling at
释义 pulling at短语³²²⁵⁵
But the twist factor of low count yam should be greater, moderate tension& adopt the technics of big-distance& little pulling at the same time.
粗纱捻系数偏大掌握,张力适中,同时采用大隔距、小牵伸的工艺; cnki

Soon you'll come down this road, chill winds snatching and pulling at you, and you'll behold a naked oak, its ragged spires clawing at a big white sky.
你向这条路上走来,冷风攫曳着你,你将看见一棵光秃的橡树,它粗糙的巨爪系抓住一片苍穹。 blog.sina.com.cn

The sash was stuck, however, and would not yield, so he sat down dejectedly and began pulling at his collar.
可是窗框给黏住了,怎么也推不开,他只好沮丧地坐下,拉扯起衣领来。 yeeyan

Anna is almost blinded by the pain, but she manages to free her head and resume pulling at Jack's spine.
安娜痛得几乎失去知觉,但是她设法移开了她的头并且再次用力拉杰克的脊柱。 xici

As his head entered the box more small clawing hands grabbed at it, pulling at his hair and ears, he felt the sharp talons enter his nostrils, dig into his neck and shoulders.
当他的头先进到箱子里后,更多的小爪子开始抓他,揪他的头发和耳朵,他感觉到有锋利的爪子伸到自己的鼻孔里,插进脖子和肩膀里。 eol

He's pulling at his pipe.

If one starts pulling at a single thread, the whole cloth is in danger of unraveling.
若有人拉起其中的一条线,整件衣服就会落入解体的危险里。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is like a habit of biting the nails, perhaps, or scratching, pulling at the hair, or whatever one may do when one is nervous.
它像是一个咬指甲,或是抓痒,拉头发的习惯,或是当一个人紧张时,不论可能做出什麽的行为。 mingxing

Nicholas Sparks has a way of pulling at your heartstrings.

One hour: sitting in the car, pulling at the handle, the precious minutes winding away, thinking about how they'll flay him and raise his hide up a pole, like a flag, over the plains of Gehenna.
一个小时就坐在车内,不停地拉手柄,宝贵的时间就这么溜走了,不由地要想着他们会怎样痛斥他,然后把他高高地吊到竖立在地狱平地上的一根柱子上,就像一面旗子那样。 yeeyan

She's pulling at my heartstrings… Perhaps, I'm not too late!
她在拉我的心弦…也许,我不是太迟了! zh.lyricside.altervista.org

When the Moon, Earth, and Sun are aligned, the Sun and Moon are pulling at the earth's water with greater force causing an unusually high tide.
当月亮、地球和太阳处于同一直线时,太阳与月亮对地球海水的引力比平常更为强大,于是产生了罕见的高潮。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn




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