

单词 pull ahead
释义 pull ahead puləˈhed 短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
赶过; 超过

obtain advantages, such as points, etc.;

The home team was gaining ground

After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference

近义词 win赢gain获得advance前进get ahead取得进步make headway取得进展gain ground前进 占优势 取得进展…
He will be ahead of others in English.他在英语方面将超过别人。
Don't break your neck trying to get ahead.别勉强自己非得超过别人不可。 This delay can give the competition the leg up it needs to pull ahead of your organization in the marketplace.
拖延的话会让竞争者抢先起步,因为竞争者需要在市场中和你的组织拉开距离。 yeeyan

“Sometime around2020, ” Mr. Yergin suggests, China“ could pull ahead of the United States as the world’s largest oil consumer.”
尤金称:“大约在2020年前后,中国将超越美国成为全球最大的石油消费国。” yeeyan

China looks set to pull ahead in the Asian space race to the moon, putting a spacecraft into lunar orbit Oct.6 in a preparatory mission for an unmanned moon landing in two or three years.
中国似乎已确定在亚洲国家的登月竞赛中取得领先。10月6日,作为一项为在2-3年内实现无人登月计划而实施的预备任务,中国将一个太空飞行器送入了月球轨道。 yeeyan

In an economy that increasingly rewards intelligence, you'd expect college grads to pull ahead of the pack even if their diplomas signified nothing but their smarts.
在一个日益奖赏才智的经济体制下,你总会期望大学毕业生成为同龄人中的佼佼者,即使他们的文凭除了意味着其聪明外别无其他。 cri

In that respect, as in so many others, the states are starting to pull ahead of Washington.
在那些方面,也在其他许多方面,华盛顿的状况开始改善。 yeeyan

' Other countries are now beginning to pull ahead in the pursuit of this generation's great discoveries, ' Mr. Obama said.
奥巴马说,其他国家如今开始在追求这一代的伟大发现上抢到了前头。 ebigear




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