

单词 pulau
释义 pulauCOCA¹⁷²⁶²⁸
The tour enables tourists to admire the beautiful scenery and the fishing village. Our agency will bring the tourists around the many interesting places in Pulau Ketam.
希望能让游客们享受螃蟹岛的风光与了解乡村生活,我们也将带领游客们观光本岛的旅游景点与吉胆养鱼场。 pulauketam

Local attractions include the stone- carved Hindu temples in the Batu Caves, the aboriginal communities at Pulau Carey and international sporting events like Formula One and yacht races.
内地景点包括黑风洞里用石头雕刻的印度教寺庙,加里岛的土著社区,和国际体育赛事如一级方程式赛车和帆船比赛。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Penang, a beautiful island when the British merchant ships came to seek shelter from storms, was called George Town, which is called Penang Pulau by local Chinese.
槟城,当英国商船来此躲避风浪的时候,他们给这个美丽的海岛起名为乔治市,华人则称之为槟榔屿。 vision998.com

The map at the left shows the route from Pulau Ketam jetty to our operation and service office.
以上的路线图是从吉胆岛码头至本公司资讯处的路。 greenway2u.com

They are depending on rivers and hill water, and for Pulau Gaya which is just a few kilometers across the sea from KK, until now there is still no water supply.
他们是依靠河流和山水的水源,此外距离亚庇市隔海几公里不远的加雅岛,到现在为止仍然没有水供。 dapsabah.org

Pulau Hantu is a popular spot near Singapore, but the best dives are sought overseas in locations like Pulau Sipadan in Sabah.
汉图岛是新加坡附近一个热门潜水点,但是最好的潜水地点还是在像沙巴的西巴丹岛这样的岛屿。 www.transinex.com.sg




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