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Pulandian 基本例句 普兰店¹⁰⁰ Description: The First Printing-office OfPulandianlocated in an elegant and pretty scene shore of the Huanghai and was set up in 1948.介绍:普兰店第一印刷厂始建于1948年,座落于风光秀丽的黄海之滨。 PULANDIAN has a hot springs resort with winter skiing. Pray forPulandians 835,000 people to be born again and find strength and joy in the Lord. Neh. 8:10普兰店有个温泉滑雪场。为普兰店的835,000居民祷告,愿他们获重生并在主里找到力量和喜乐。尼8:10 |