

单词 puffins
释义 puffins ˈpʌfinz COCA⁷⁵⁹⁰¹BNC³⁸⁶⁰⁸
n.角嘴海雀puffin的名词复数原型puffin的复数 Also, puffins tend to live in solitude, only ever coming together on land to mate, and ours is a one-person vehicle.
最后,海鹦性喜独居,只有在交配季节才会成群出现,而我们的飞机则也是单人设计。 cnbeta.com

Atlantic puffins land on North Atlantic seacoasts and islands to form breeding colonies each spring and summer.
大西洋海鹦每年春夏会着陆在北大西洋海岸或岛上进行交配。 www.mancity.com.cn

Each spring nearly a million puffins arrive at the cliffs of Scotland's west coast to lay their eggs.
每年春天有近100万只角嘴海雀会来到苏格兰西海岸的悬崖峭壁去产卵。 yeeyan

In the air, puffins are surprisingly fleet flyers.
在空中,海鹦也是惊人的飞行健将。 www.mancity.com.cn

In Scotland, there has been a fall in the breeding success of seabirds such as guillemots, puffins and kittiwakes, as warming sea temperatures affect the food chain.
在苏格兰地区,海洋温度上升影响了食物链,部分海鸟如海鸠、角嘴海雀、三趾鸥等的繁殖存活率呈现下降态势。 yeeyan

Less anxious puffins fly like wind-up toys, with little black whirring wings.
那些更消停的海鹦像风中的玩具般起飞,拍打着小小的黑色翅膀发出沙沙声。 yeeyan

Nearly8,000 razorbills and more than 200,000 puffins are estimated to use these islands as their breeding grounds each year.

The largest and most ancient colony of the birds inhabiting Komandorskie Islands is called the island of Tufted Puffins.
这些鸟类栖息最大最古老的科曼多尔群岛被称为簇羽海鹦岛。 yeeyan

Tufted Puffins Lunda Cirrhata inhabit the Northern Pacific regions including Far Eastern seas of Russia and separate equatorial areas of the Arctic ocean.
簇羽海鹦拉丁学名 Lunda Cirrhata分布在北太平洋地区,包括俄罗斯在远东的海域以及北冰洋近赤道部分。 yeeyan

Puffins and penguins are both birds.
海鹦鹉和企鹅都是鸟。 blog.sina.com.cn

Puffins and penguins are great swimmers.
海鹦鹉和企鹅擅长游泳。 blog.sina.com.cn

Puffins can fly, but not very far.
海鹦鹉能飞,但飞不远。 blog.sina.com.cn

Puffins fly upwards, ranging from the wind.
海雀向上飞,有风不等黑。 nuu1093.chinaw3.com

Puffins typically hunt small fish like herring or sand eels.
海鹦通常捕食小鱼如青鱼和沙滩鳗鱼。 www.mancity.com.cn




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