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词汇 Puerto Rico
释义 Puer·to Ri·co 英ˌpwertə ˈriːkəʊ, ˌpɔːtə, ˌpəʊrtə, ˈpwertəʊ美ˌpwɛrtə ˈriko, ˌpɔrtə, ˌportə, ˈpwɛrtoAHDpwĕr'tə rēʹkō, pôrt'ə, pōrt'ə, pwĕrʹtō 短语¹¹¹⁷⁴
a self-governing commonwealth associated with the United States occupying the island of Puerto Ricothe smallest and easternmost of the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean波多黎各是拉丁美洲加勒比海中的一座岛国。1493年,当哥伦布首次抵达该岛北部的 巨大港湾时,他将该港湾命名为Puerto Rico,由Puerto port,港口)和Rico (rich,富裕 的)组成,字面意思就是“富裕的海港”。对于整座岛,哥伦布将其称为San Juan (圣胡安)。 后来,人们将围绕港口所建的城镇称为San Juan,后来发展成为了波多黎各的首都,而原本 表示这一港湾的Puerto Rico反而成为了整个国家的名称。近义词 PR(=public rel…Porto Rico波多黎各
An island of the West Indies east ofPuerto Rico. It is the largest of the British Virgin Islands.托托拉岛西印度群岛中一岛屿,位于波多黎各以东,它是英属维尔金群岛中最大的一个岛屿 And they replicated the magnetic fields of Puerto Rico and the Cape Verde Islands, two points along the turtles' migration, with equal latitudes but different longitudes.
模拟波多黎各和佛得角之间的磁场,这两地是海龟迁徙路线途经的两点,拥有同样的纬度但经度不同。 yeeyan

On the average the water is a little more than two miles(3.2 km deep, but in places it is much deeper. The deepest spot is near Puerto Rico.
大西洋平均水深稍微超过两英里合3.2公里,不过有些地方却更深得多,最深的地方是在波多黎各附近。 hjenglish

The federal government in Washington, DC, returns$13.25 of every$13.50 it collects per proof- gallon of rum to Puerto Rico and the USVI.
目前,华盛顿特区的联邦政府从每标准加仑征收的13.50美元中返回13.25美元给波多黎各和美属维京。 ecocn

The initial act spared eight rivers and narrow buffer zones around them from dams and development. Today the list has grown to more than 200 rivers in39 states and Puerto Rico.
法案最初仅保护八条河流及其周围狭窄的缓冲带不得筑坝和开发,如今这一保护名单已经增加到39个州的200多条河,还包括波多黎各。 yeeyan

“ When I was working in Puerto Rico, I watched all these criminals use traditional lottery games to clean their money,” he remembers.
“当我还在波多黎各工作的时候,我看着所有这些罪犯们用传统的乐透游戏来洗钱,”他回忆说。 yeeyan

Although she was born in Puerto Rico, my grandmother's family was originally from Corsica.
尽管我祖母出生在波多黎各,但她的家人却来自科西嘉岛。 yeeyan

During his2008 presidential bid, President Barack Obama and wife Michelle stayed at The Gallery Inn while campaigning in Puerto Rico.
在2008年总统竞选期间,奥巴马和他的妻子米歇尔曾住在画廊酒店参加波多黎各的活动宣传。 yeeyan

Each bartender in Puerto Rico concocts his or her own favorite rum drink, but other island cocktails are made with fresh fruit juices.
波多黎各的每一个酒保,都有他或她自己最钟爱的朗姆酒,而其他品种的鸡尾酒则是用新鲜果汁调制的。 kekenet

Hispanic- American come from places such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central American, and South American.
西班牙裔的美国人多来自墨西哥、波多黎各、古巴等中美和南美一些国家。 hjenglish

Irene, still gathering force, brought torrential rain and strong winds to the Dominican Republic, and cut power supplies in Puerto Rico.
“艾琳”仍在继续加强,已经为多米尼加共和国带来暴雨和强风,导致波多黎各电力供应中断。 hxen

It already has operations in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.
它在波多黎各和多米尼加共和国都设有分公司。 ecocn

Jenny Craig also now operates in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, the UK and France.
珍妮•克雷格在美国、加拿大、波多黎各、英国和法国也有业务。 yeeyan

Storm clouds cover part of the Dominican Republic, and all of Puerto Rico.
风暴云覆盖了多米尼加共和国的一部分,和全部的波多黎各。 yeeyan

The researchers, from the University of Puerto Rico, will now look into the possibility of creating such a pill.
这些来自波多黎各大学的研究人员称,将继续深入研究开发此种药物的可能性。 cri

There are persistent reports of underground bases in the US, the UK, Puerto Rico, France, Germany, Norway, Canada, Australia, South America and Antarctica.

Vieques, Puerto Rico is one of the most unspoiled islands of the Caribbean.
波多黎各的别克斯岛是加勒比地区最原始的岛屿之一。 yeeyan

Yet with the US mainland now in recession as well, the prospects for a turnaround in Puerto Rico any time soon are bleak.
然而,由于美国本土也正处于经济衰退之中,波多黎各能够尽早扭转局面的希望十分渺茫。 ecocn

Puerto Rico, which is a territory, rather than a full state, has an even bigger debt ratio.
曾经是一个殖民地的波多黎各岛,现在时一个有个更高债务比率的州。 ecocn

Puerto Rico votes on Sunday, while Montana and South Dakota close out the primary calendar with contests on Tuesday.
波多黎各星期天投票,下星期二是蒙大拿与南达科塔州,从而结束民主党内初选。 kekenet




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