

单词 Public Security Bureau
释义 Public Security Bureau
Reached by telephone, a sales executive at Hysci refused to comment on the case. The Tianjin Public Security Bureau hung up before answering questions about Mr. Hu.
在电话采访中,海赛的一位销售拒绝对此案表态,天津公安局则在听到此问题时立即挂断电话。 yeeyan

The Shanghai public security bureau recently asked local banks to install rearview mirrors on their cash machines as a bid to ensure ATM users' safety.
上海公安局日前建议金融单位年内在所有自助服务设备上安装后视镜,并在自助设备服务区域安装防尾随、防袭击的实体防护装置,保证市民取款安全。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The writers' association in Chongqing has set up a group and the city's public security bureau will provide declassified documents and related materials.
重庆市作家协会已成立了写作组,由重庆市公安局全力支持提供已解密的案件文字和其它相关资料。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

“We're still investigating the case, ” Wang Haifeng, a spokesman for Luoyang city's public security bureau, told local media on Friday.
“此案还在调查当中。”周五洛阳市公安局发言人,王海峰音,对当地媒体说。 yeeyan

But the academic said the company told him that because net censors are part of the Public Security Bureau, their jurisdiction was not restricted by region.
但是胡教授说,服务商告诉知他,由于网络监管是公安局份内的事,他们的管辖权不受地域限制。 yeeyan

The group, citing relatives of the girl, said that she had disappeared after being called away by three young men, two of whom were related to officials in the county's public security bureau.
这个团体引用受害女子亲属的话,声称该女被散名年轻男子叫走后遭到杀害,其中两人是该县公安局官员的亲属。 yeeyan

The Public Security Bureau there and the F.B.I. found a warehouse where workers assembled disks, authentication materials and manuals and prepared them for shipping.
当地公安局和联邦调查局发现了一个仓库,在那里,工人在组装光盘、验证材料以及手册等并为运输做准备。 yeeyan

Those who, for proper reasons, need to travel to areas beyond the port city or who cannot leave China on the original vessel shall apply to the local public security bureau for appropriate visas.
有正当理由需前往港口城市以外的地区,或者不能随原船出境的,须向当地公安局申请办理相应的签证。 putclub




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