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词汇 public law
释义 public law ˈpʌbliklɔ: 短语⁷⁰⁶⁸⁰

a law affecting the public at large用作名词Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes.公法和私法被分卷收编。
Public law includes laws that affect the public generally.公法一般包括影响公众的法律。
The International Law Division advises the Government on issues relating to public international law.国际法律科负责向政府提供有关国际〈公法〉的法律意见。 affecting the public
同义词 government law,public policy The introduction of this rule further clarifies the debt in public law meaning attribute of tax and plays an important role in theory.
这一制度的引进,在我国税法上进一步明确了税收的公法之债的属性,具有重大的理论价值。 cnki

The legal system structure in modern society has from the system consisting of public law and private law developed into the system of public law, private law and social law.

The procedure theory of private law discloses that procedures exist prevalently and play important roles in private law, and proves that procedures are not just the “ patent” of the public law.
私法程序理论揭示了程序在私法中的普遍存在及其重要功能,证明了程序不仅仅是公法的“专利”。 cnki

Administrative contract is inevitable product of the transformation from traditional administration to modern administration. It is also the perfect combination of the public law and private law.
行政合同是传统行政向现代行政转变的必然产物,也是公法和私法相互渗透的完美结合。 cnki

As for the detailed conditions of causing invalidation of administrative contract, it can be scrutinized from three aspects: nature of public law, character of private law and its own characteristics.
至于导致行政契约无效的具体情形,则可从行政契约的公法属性、私法特性及自身特点三个方面来考察。 iciba

As for the modes, the civil law mode which is based on spontaneous order and civil law is a dream, but the public law mode based on governmental influence and public law can be put into practice.
就实现模式而言,以自发秩序和私法为基石的私法模式是理想主义的,而以政府的制度导向和公法为基石的公法模式却是现实主义的。 cnki

It was not only a private law on commodity production but also a public law on religion.
它不仅是一部规范商品生产的私法,而且也包含了有关宗教内容的公法。 cnki

Its subject position in public law is being revealed by the force of cases.
其在公法上的主体地位只是在实践案例的推动下才初露端倪,纷争不断。 cnki

Only through the mutual integration and complementation of private law mode and public law mode can it effectively respond to the complexity and diversity of modern society.
只有“公法模式”和“私法模式”的互相融合,互相补充,才能有效应对现代社会的高度复杂性、多元性。 dictall

Principle of proportion is an important principle in the field of public law of modern world nations.
比例原则是近现代世界各国公法领域的一项重要原则。 cnki

Secondly, the way of liability assumption based onthe theory of social responsibility and moral obligations shall be deemed to be different from those traditional ways of public law or private law.
其次,建立在社会责任论和道义责任论完美组合基础上的责任承担方式,自然不同于传统公法或私法上的责任承担方式。 cnki

The Congress has adopted Public Law480 to give provision aid to other countries because of its great productivity.
强大的粮食生产能力促使美国国会通过了480公法,向其它国家提供粮食援助,援助政策往往带有种种政治条件。 cnki

The main differences between administrative contract and civil contract are whether the objective of the contract is public interest and whether the content is regulated by public law.
行政合同与民事合同的区别主要体现在合同目的是否具有公益性、合同内容是否受公法调整。 cnki

The theory that legal nexus of tax is the nexus between the obligee and debtor in public law has been received gradually, which indicates the nature of administrative contract.

There is a close relationship between the Confucian forgiveness and ancient Chinese legal culture, which makes the latter a unique feature of the Public Law.
儒家恕道与中国古代法律文化传统有着内在的不可分割的密切联系,使中国传统法律文化表现出鲜明独特的公法化的个性特征。 cnki

Therefore, at the present stage, searching the special form of environment public/span> law adjoining relation relief in public law is of great theoretical significance and practical value.
所以,在公法领域寻求此类相邻关系救济的特殊形态,在现阶段具有较大的理论意义和实践价值。 douban

Why and how to build a unified public/span> law, what kind of unified public law to construct is based on the constitutionalism.
因此,明确宪政主义对于统一公法学理论建构的统领作用,具有重要的理论和实践意义。 dictall




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